
A tired centaurette

Eldrian did not rush anywhere after using his points, instead he sat against one of the medical beds. Unlike modern ones, these ones were certainly not comfortable. They were also not on wheels, rather they were quickly constructed wooden structures. 

Resting his back against one of the sturdy legs, Eldrian slowly started meditating. Not wishing to leave Kydone alone. It was strange that no one else was here, stranger still how quiet the camp was. 

'What happened?' Eldrian wondered, making sure to never get lost in meditation. He made sure he could still take in his surroundings, something he found hard to do. Meditating tended to be all-encompassing, at the minimum he tried to limit each session to an hour. 

Checking on Kydone in his breaks, and making sure nothing changed for the worse. Eldrian was relieved every time he used his newfound ability and it confirmed that she was alright.