
Lesson 1.0 - The Beauty Of Unrequited Love.

Today is The 15th of February.

My Love for Adrien may not seem as requited as it is portrayed to be. I don't think much of this mainly because, I don't stir up issues with other people, Especially people I care about dearly. Some people say, That's the universal force that keeps me and Adrien binded together. When something is wrong on either side of the playing field, We don't mention it, We either converse about it in the most calming and relaxing way possible, Or we forget about it and Don't mention it at all.

When problem's Arise inside the relationship, The storm doesn't attack our relationship, It attacks the outskirts of our relationship. This brings me to my next memento of Dis-loyalty.

When you don't receive love from your home environment you go to extreme and risky lengths to get it from where you can get it. Most people need some sense of reassurance, affection, or comfort. Especially when their life is full of disparity. I would always tell Adrien about this. But he never changed his ways. So what sparked these episodes of Dis-loyalty was the fact that the Affection was felt else where.

There was a guy... We are going to call him Demarcus for Story purposes... He was A Solid 8 on the Attractive-ness scale and me and Demarcus had been best friends for years... We'd always be there for each other... I even would sneak away from church to go to his house. The moment's we spent together were precious but the Disease of High school Popularity and Social status and Attention and Independence Dawned on him.

He soon became another Jedidiah. I Loved Demarcus... I always checked in on him but the attention I received was very little. Hours on end I'd be left on delivered. But his account would say he was Active. I was ignored and I Ignored it. Out of the (I don't want to lose you feeling) I spent $100 Dollars of my money on him so that he would be happier and have the things he wanted. But as my gifts to him arrived it soon dawned on me the gifts were all he cared about. When he got them... He was happy, Damn there ecstatic. He said he loved me and I expressed to him how much he meant to me. We went on to say to one another "I'm Yours Forever." I thought it was real. It sure used to be.

Little did I know... He had a girlfriend the entire time and said nothing about it. Out of rage and disappointment I Socially Evicted him from my life. but soon later found out he Finalized the Social Eviction by Turning what was just a temporary 'Un-add" into a Permanent Block. I Cloaked my Identity and Searched for answears among my best friends account and there lied the truth.

He Played the victim. Acted as if I just threw Myself upon him. And then admitted he had a girlfriend who he loved much much more than me. I knew this in my mind. But I needed to hear this for myself. He Claimed I Was a Disturbing Presence... so the entire time I was played the fool.

Now your probably asking yourself... Where is the Beauty in this Unrequited love... Well... Ill tell you. I neglected my relationship just because it wasn't giving me everything I wanted at the time.

In the End. Me and Adrien Are still together today. Are relationship continues to grow with every tear drop, Every disappointment, Every Heartache, And Every Smile... While Me and Adrien May not be perfect. The Continuous Downsides of my Failed attempts at finding perfection in love... showed me one thing.

I have a friend... For Story purposes We will call him Ken. He comes to me, he says, "I'm Deleting my social media's" And if you know anything about Emotional Teenagers... You know that when they delete or claim they are going to delete their social media's something is wrong. I confronted him and asked him. "What's wrong?" And Ken Says to me...

"There's this girl... I Like her a lot... She makes me happy and she makes me smile a lot. but... She has a boyfriend. and part of me is just so fed up with life I just want to meet a tree at 120"

That's a Suicidal comment my friend. I wasn't sure what I should say at first, but then it came to me. I then said to him... "You'll find someone, You have two options... You either can kill yourself chasing after this girl you love so much until you win her over... or... you can accept the fact that she's dating someone. And continue to move forward with the hope that eventually the universe will give you someone who is worth your time."

He was pleased with this response but it obviously wasn't enough. The reason why I told him this was because... I asked myself... "What would I do if I was in this situation." And then I realized that I'd never be in this situation... Because Obviously I'm in such a Perfectionate and Unbreakable relationship that I know as far as Love goes I'm in the clear... But the reason why I told him this was because I thought back to a moment where I was in this situation... and I wanted to tell him this...

"I've been through 36+ Failed Relationships, so trust me I know what its like to feel hopeless towards love, Towards my past two relationships I started to give up hope and decided I wouldn't love anyone anymore. But I prayed and Hoped for A Valuable Relationship, One that would be beneficial to me. When all was lost. There he was. Moments before I hit that Metaphorical Tree. He saved my life and now we've been dating for Over 11 Month's and we haven't had a single issue."

"My point is. I never knew me and Adrien had a chance together. But he appeared out of thin air when I needed someone. and Little did we know. We were soulmates."

You may believe that things are hopeless and that you may never find love. But... That my friends... Is The Beauty Of Unrequited Love. The Beauty of Having to Fight for the things you want just to fail only to find out when all seems lost that your answers have been in front of you the Entire time.

That Is... The Beauty of Unrequited Love.

You will Find love... You will find The One... You will be happy... It may be Today... It may be Tomorrow. It may be 20 years from now but my friend. Just you wait. Its Just...

A Matter Of Time.