
First Day (2)

The annoyance that Jessica targeted Cain like a shark that smells blood. She was slightly taller than Alice with curly brow hair. She may be short, but you couldn't tell from how much she talked. "So, how do you like Forks? The weather isn't great, but the fresh air makes up for it, don't you think?" She had spent the last two periods asking questions, some repeated as she tried desperately to keep his attention.

Cain tried his best to ignore her while casually chatting with Bella, but the chatty girl couldn't seem to take a hint, at least she also pestered Bella, even though tho it was to a lesser extent. The two of them seemed to become at least partially friends.

Right now the three of them are on the way to the cafeteria to get lunch. 'Hehe, I can eat everyone's lunch.' Cain couldn't help but get excited as, despite his large breakfast he felt like he was starving now. Entering the cafeteria they were greeted by the sizeable half-filled room with the students getting their trays on one side.

At one of the tables sat Erick, Mike, and a few other people. The two boys seeing Bella waved for her to come over and sit with them. Jessica had already ditched them to get her food and Bella was wondering what she should do. Seeing her hesitation Cain spoke.

"Go ahead. I am going to wait for my family and sit with them." Bella forgot about what Charlie had told her and assumed he was just another transfer like herself. But although reluctant to part with her fellow in suffering, she went ahead to get her lunch.

Cain didn't have to wait long. Not long after Bella had sat down with Mike and the rest the double door to the cafeteria swung open dramatically. His family strutted in like the popular characters in a high school movie. Their perfect hair swayed beautifully in the nonexistent wind that flowed through the room.

Cain just watched them with a weird look on his face and head tilted. His tall and bright frame stood out in the dull colors around him causing him to be spotted quickly. Everyone watched as they walked towards him or bounced in Alice's case.

Arriving before Cain, Alice's arms shot around his neck as she dangled from him. "I missed you so much. I should see if I can get my classes transferred so I can be with you." Alice spoke with a cute pout on her face. Chuckling Cain's hands held her narrow waist as he kissed her forehead.

"We already talked about this Alice. Besides, this is our last year at this school. After that, you can glue yourself to me if you want." With one last kiss to the head, he sat her down, which she reluctantly let go, and he spoke to the others. "Now, can we get lunch? I'm starving and can't wait to snatch Emmett's lunch something tells me his would taste better."

Emmett walked up and put his arm over Cain's shoulder. "I might not eat this food, but I still won't make it easy for you, pup." His words earned him a shove from Cain as the others smiled. "Sounds like fun count us in." Jasper spoke as his arm held onto the excited Edythe, who was sporting a wide grin.


Bella's pov

So far today hasn't been as bad as I thought it would be. That's primarily thanks to Cain, the other new student. He was easy to get along with and seemed to understand when she felt uncomfortable, and he helped her out of awkward situations.

That was until he ended up in his own situation with a girl named Jessica. Despite my wish to help him in return, I was also targeted. After we arrived at the cafeteria, we parted much to my horror as I was to sit at a table with all my new 'friends.' Don't get me wrong, they are all nice but it just feels a but much.

Not long after I sat down I noticed a small group walking past the window. All of them stood on par with Cain, who up until this point was the most handsome I had met in person. They all moved in smooth almost calculated steps as they moved. "Who are they?" I couldn't help but subconsciously ask as I watched on entranced.

After looking around Jessica and another girl caught my gaze and started to speak. "The Cullens." The girl Angela answered. "They're the Doctor and Mrs. Cullen's foster kids. They moved down here from Alaska like, a few years ago." Jessica continued.

"They kinda keep to themselves." Angela spoke again only for Jessica to continue once more. "That's because they are all together, Like together, together." Jessica continued to introduce them as they walked towards Cain. Curious, I asked interrupting Jessica before she could finish talking about the first couple. "Why are they heading to Cain?"

Looking back at them, she frowned as Angela just looked surprised. "He is the newly supposedly adopted one amongst them. He was apparently found passed out on the side of the road covered in blood." My eyes widened as I looked at the cheerful boy being hugged tightly by the smallest of the group. As she hung from Cain the tall boy kissed her forehead before letting her down and heading to get food.

"So the rumor was true." Angela's surprised voice brought me from my stupor as I turned to her with a questioning look. My answer didn't come from her however. "Others saw them this together this morning. Do you know how we talked about them all being together? That small girl is Alice, one of the two singles in their family. But this morning she was seen with Cain who hasn't even been in forks for a month." Jessica's face was twisted with jealousy as she watched the group walk to a table and sit.

"I mean how long could they have possibly known each other and there she is all over him? And what's with that paring? He could do so much better than a weirdo like her. Like seriously, she is one of the strangest people in the school." Looking away from the obviously jealous girl, I turned back to look at the Cullens.

However, to my surprise my gaze was met by another. No… he wasn't looking at me he was glaring At Jessica beside me. His bright blue eyes no longer looked human as they narrowed into slits like a cat's. He stared at her momentarily before his eyes returned to normal after Alice held his hand and said something I obviously couldn't hear.

(Sorry for the short chapter I've been distracted all week and hadn't been able to sit down to work on it.)