
A Bootlegger’s Rise in a Pirate’s World

“WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED!!!” John yells with only his head sticking out of the sand. “Shishishishi, I thought you were dead, do you need any help old man. You look kinda stuck.” “I’m 20 you fuck, help me out and I’ll treat you to some meat when I can.” “MEAT!” (CONGRATULATIONS YOU PIECE OF SHIT YOU. YOU HAVE COME ITNO CONTACT WITH THE MAIN PROTAGONIST OF THIS WORLD. SO AS A REWORD YOU GET A SYSTEM CUSTOMIZED TO WHAT LITTLE TALENTS YOU HAVE, THUSLY DUBBED THE (“WANABE MAFIA SYSTEM.”) HOPEFULLY YOUR THIRD LIFE IS BETTER THEN YOU LAST WITH THIS, BECAUSE YOU OBVIOUSLY COULDN’T DO ANYTHING WITHOUT HELP ON YOUR SECOND. TRY NOT TO DIE LIKE A BITCH THIS TIME. AND HAVE FUN, OR NOT JUST MAKE IT INTERESTING.) ‘FUCK YOU TOO YOU &&@$&@&$@&$’ John thought and he tried not to spit blood. “Shishishi, you’re not hurt are you, your face is kinda funny.” “No, just aggravated at being stuck kid.” As John fallows the kid around, his head starts putting the pieces together short kid, stupid laugh, straw hat and he woke up on a beach. ‘Fuck I’m in One piece aren’t I.’ John thought to himself. ( Ding ) ( For figuring out where you are you get to open the starter pack. To open it you must take it out of your standard storage ring located on your right index finger.) ‘Well at least I have a golden finger this time.’ Includes ‘Smarter Crew,’ a single character gender bending, and a kinda op mc.

ShadyGames · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

This is my ship. There are many like it but this one is mine. (Alt title Nice sword bro!)

Last night was fun. Beer, liquor, and food, what else could you need. We had a good portion of the town there. I mean you can't really hide what happens when you have a fight in a house full of workers. The one who had the most fun was definitely Usopp. Che' lucky bastard.

When I woke up this morning, I like most who stayed the whole night, found myself laid against the mansion. Luffy was sprawled out to my right, surrounded by bones. What do you expect, it's Luffy, of course his definition of a party is meat. Nami had left early in the night, she had asked Kaya to use one of the spare rooms. Usopp was also in the mansion, again, lucky bastard.

Zorro was a few feet to my left, her head resting against a pillar. Her swords laying beside her. She herself was rapt in my overcoat. 'Heh good job drunk me.' And had a content smile, which contrasted nicely with her usual aloof nature.

"Shishishi, morning John. What ya staring at Zorro for." Dear god he scared the shit out of me. You don't pop up like that, you just don't.

"I'm not, Luffy" I lied smoothly. "I'm just thinking of a sword I have, it's supposed to be made to kill demons." I change that direction of conversation real quick.

"Really. That sounds so cool. What does it look like. Can I see it." You know what might as well pull it out, i still don't know what it will look like for me.

"Sure captain, let just wait wait for Zorro to get up. I plan on asking her for some help with it anyway, so she should see it as well." I mean I only know what the anime showed, and I'm not dweb enough to think that means I can learn how to use a sword on my own. At best I could probably try the breathing exercises.

Before Luffy starts to stand to wake up Zorro we both hear her call out behind us. "No need I'm already up." She said with a faint red hue on her face. I don't know if I should curse my captain or pat him on the back. Let's put a pin on that thought and come back to it later.

'Ok John play it cool. And definitely not like you spent the last ten minutes staring like a creep.' I think to myself while pulling out the unassuming Chokutō. "This is called a Nichirin sword, also known as a color changing sword. It's supposed to be able to absorb sunlight, which demons are week to." Taking a pause in my speech for dramatic effect. "The blade is meant to change to fit its first wielder best. And theoretically there can be any number of ways it can take form."as I finish speaking I draw the sword from it sheath.

(And yes I know that the blade shouldn't change until the user has a good understanding of the sword. But let's just stick it to system shenanigans. Or if you want an explanatory reason you can think of it as him already having the minimum amount of physical strength to change it.)

As I held my new sword in my hands it changed at a observable rate. Soon I held a gun blue sword with grey lightning running along the spine. It had no hand guard just the motif of an eastern dragon that fallowed through to the butt of the handle. I've got my name for it to, and as most names for swords it makes no sense. "Nuri Saar" shall be her name. For a translation it means "My fire storm" in Hebrew. Cool right, I think so too.

(Yea I googled it. I've tried to learn the language but had no luck, the closest I've gotten to learning another language is basic Canadian French and a bit of German. But can in no way hope to hold a conversation.)

"So cool. Shishishi, what can it do." My captain asks while hoping on his knees.

"Nothing Captain, it's just a really good quality sword. It should be at least a great blade, so in the top 100 swords in the world. And it's made of an exhausted material. So I'm not sure if I'll ever find one again." As I put my new baby in her crib (sheath, I'm still tipsy leave me be,) I get a drink of water. "Anyway it's not the sword that is special. It was the 'Demon slayers' who wielded them that did cool things. They had a special breathing technique that helped them focus their will into elements they could wield. Think of it like a older version of Haki."

(Man I've had a lot of authors notes this chapter huh. But anyway I think that is a plausible explanation. I mean look at Sanji with his fire feet. Or Luffy's red hawk. I'm sure that breathing techniques could work in this world, if not be better than in the demon slayer world.)

"Heh, that sounds interesting, tell me about those techniques when we start training. I want to see if I can get them to work." Zorro says as she got up, looks like my talk about ancient swordsman has her fired up.

"Shishishi, your really good at telling stories John. That was fun. But what is Haki, you said those cool sword things came before it right. So is it strong." Shit I did say something about Haki didn't I. Well no matter I was going to get them to help me with observation anyway.

Both of them looked at me for an answer as I got up. "Ehh I'll tell you more when we start training, for now think of it as a 'mystery' power that everyone can use if they are strong enough." Damn give me a minute, my throat is starting to hurt. I don't talk this much, I'm not used to it yet.

Soon after everyone started waking up and began cleaning our mess. By the time we are done the whole crew is waiting on Kaya to show us the boat she gave us. As we make our way to the cove she stumbles a bit here and there. Seeing this myself throw Usopp a thumbs up when nobody is looking. 'Can't hate the lucky bastard. Just have to make sure he gets her snail number before we leave.' I'm not gonna have him leave without that, it just ain't right.

"And this is the Going Merry. And as I'm sure you guessed Merry was the one who had it commissioned a few years back. If he wasn't in bed resting he would have been the one to show you around." She explained with a soft smile. But you can tell she was a bit upset.

Thinking a bit I pulled Usopp to the side while the others explored the ship. "Hey, before we leave make sure to talk to Kaya. Let her know everything she may need to know. And lastly make sure you get her snail number, I'm sure you may want to try and come back when our adventure is over. You don't want to come back with her having found someone else do you?" Patting him on the back and heading to the Merry I tell Kaya to go spend the rest of her time with Usopp while she can.

A couple hour later everyone is ready to set sail. Usopp had said his goodbyes and over half the town were seeing us off.

"Shishishi, that was so much fun, it seems like every time we stop we make new friends. I knew setting sail would be great." Luffy laughs out as the island shrinks from view.

"Of course captain, we're peace mains, they're rare in the sea but they are usually loved by the islands they visit. And I'm sure we'll be no different. Think about it, this is the third island we've been to so far and we have helped each one, in some shape or form." I give my own laugh as I say that. "Well except maybe Shells town but that was only because I got a little to rough with the marines." I grimace a bit not because I feel bad for them, I don't believe saying you were just fallowing orders absolves you of your wrongs. I just think if I would have handled it a bit better we could have helped the town a bit more.

"Heh, yea you did go a bit crazy there, especially with that frown of yours. I'm sure you gave those poor people nightmares." Zorro teasingly said to me with a slight smirk.

As I was going to change subjects the news coos landed on the railings in front of Nami. 'I- really that's just uncanny, if that's what I think it is, I'm gonna flip.'

"Ahhh. What the hell is this." I just had to open my mouth didn't I. I mean I knew we would get them. But this is a bit quick no. "Why the hell are the numbers so high." And now she's freaking out. Fun.

"Shishishi, what is it let me see to." Luffy happy as always, jumps towards Nami to see what she has. Which are the following.

"Straw Hat" Monkey D Luffy


Dead or alive

Straw hat is the captain of a small pirate crew in the east blue. His individual strength is high for this sea, him self being able to kill a marine captain in just under a minute, but what makes him so dangerous is his high charisma. In the few hour he and his crew were at Shell island they were able to deceive the townsfolk in believing the honorable Captain Morgan was a tyrant that needed to be took down.

"Pirate Hunter" Roronoa Zorro


A former pirate hunter turned traitor. After attacking and nearly killing a marine captain's son was sentenced to execution, but before her sentence was carried out the pirate crew she had joined intervened. Saving her in the process

"Gun Runner" John D Brewer


Vice captain, and suspected strategist of the "Straw Hat"pirates, is an unhinged mad man who seems to prefer to 'eliminate' any threat in his way. He seems to enjoy giving phonological damage to his downed victims before leaving them at the brink of death. Be highly aware, he cares not for affiliation, he has become know to attack pirates, marines' and civilians if they are between him and his end goal.

'Heh. Well duck me sideways and call me a chicken. They really spun that the worst way huh.' I can't help but think after seeing us portrayed is such a bad light.

"Shishishi, hey look we've got bounty's now. Wow we all look so cool." Luffy says with stars in his eyes.

"Ehh, not bad, could have taken a better picture though." Zorro chimed in. The picture was taken just after she got her swords back, two in her sheaths and wado resting on her shoulder.

"Yea your not wrong, I wish they would have got a better one of me to. And it's description of me, ok I'll agree at that moment in time made sense, but now? No not at all right." I complained. To which I received nothing but blank stares.

"Damn it, I don't care how cool you look, or if your a psychopath. 'Hey' what I care about is the fact that we will be hunted down now." Nami screams while balling up the rest of the news paper.

"Ohhh no she's right. My 'Ohh Shit I'm Being Hunted,' disease is acting up. I'm going to hide in the crows nest." Usopp freaks out for a moment while he fast walks to the main mast. Which makes me remember something.

"Ussop, while your up there paint out Jolly Roger, and out main sail. Any ideas on what it should be Captain." I holler out.

"Shishishi, since the paper already named us the straw hat pirates we may as well keep with that. Hey Usopp draw a smiling skull with my straw hat on it. Sound like a good idea to me. I'd draw it but I don't want to scare people away." The selflessness of that last sentence tripped me out for a moment.

"Aye Captain I'll be done in a moment. 50 years of experience sure is hard to come by. I'm sure your lucky." He said on his way to grab some extra paint. No I don't have paint in my ring, that just sounds messy.

Anyway the next few days are already set, I'm pretty sure we're headed in the direction of Cocoyasi village now. So for the next couple day It'll be Luffy and Zorro and I trying to understand a bit of observation. While also working to see if me and Zorro can work out the breathing techniques. May as well get started now. No point in wasting time plus who doesn't want to learn how to use a sword.

Any feedback is appreciated, if you see something wrong and I’ll fix it as soon as I can. Thank you for your help in advance.

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