
Harry Potter: Malfoys Rising Star

Autor: xN2j
Contínuo · 509.5K Modos de exibição
  • 23 Chs
  • 4.0
    11 Avaliações
  • NO.200+

an mc who was an assassin with a dark past, get a chance in a new unknown world for him, watch him as he grows in Strength, and Discover this world. Disclaimer : I don't own any part of Harry Potter Universe other than my oc, J.K. Rowling Does. I also don't own the cover Art, Artwork is by Alex Cherry, Source: https://www.deviantart.com/axcy/art/There-There-The-Boney-King-of-Nowhere-365341818

Chapter 1Betrayal ...

In small house, a man in his late 20s with a black hair, and a young-looking wife with a blonde hair, were celebrating their son birthday!.

Happy birthday son!, now make a wish!""

"Alright dad!"





*Knock, Knock*

"Who the hell is that?, did you invite someone, dear?"



"ALRIGHT I'm coming!"

*the man open the door*

"hello Michael, did you miss me?" said a masked man with a long Sword

"how?, HOW! did yo"… but before the man could talk anymore, the masked man Stabs him.

"Honey who is at the do…"

"Alright men, go and search the house we have to find the lady!" "Yes Sir!"


"Sir!, we found her!, but ..."

"what's the problem? C'mon Spit it out!" said the masked man

"she got a kid!, sir!,"

"god damnit!!, go and kill him!, no wait!, go get him, we will let the boss decide his fate …"


In a dark room with a tall table, 3 men were discussing somethings.

Father, we got back Lisa, but there is a problem .. she .. had a kid with that man!" said a man with a black beard and nasty look".

"well, this isn't surprising considering she lived with him for 7 years, tell me, how old is that kid?" said an old man who seems to be the head of the family.

"Father, he is 6 years old …" said the man with the black beard, nervously

"hehe, Arthur oh Arthur, you are telling me, that scum of a bitch has been fuckin my daughter since before she ran away, IN MY OWN HOUSE without you knowing!?, said the old man with a raging voice.

"Father PLEASE hear me out first!, she was pretending she was sick and….

But before he could continued, he was hit in the head by a man behind him.

"boss, what do I do with him?" said a masked man

"Torture him till he is on the verge of losing his mind" said the old man Hatefully.

And what about the kid, sir?""

"he is disgrace for our family, just kill him!" said the old man uncaringly

"Father Please!, can't you let the kid live?, he can work as a slave for us!" said the second man with a scar on his eyes.


"I don't know why you defending him Daniel, but For you, I'm gonna let him live, but first he has to survive through our Torture!, if he can, you can have him" said the old man amused

Several days later in a dim room filled with blood and broken bones, a boy laid on a table crying with a pitiful sound

So kid why did they brought you here, Huh?" said a huge man with a whip in his hand""

But all he got was the sound of the boy crying

"HEY!, you fucking Speak when I speak to you! *Hit him with the whip* You hear me!" said the man

"y.. yyes" said the kid with difficulty

"So, what did you do?" said the man

"i..iidon't know!" said the kid

"You don't know, Huh?, I will be the judge of that!, let me tell you something kid, you aren't the first kid I will kill *Smile Lightly*.

6 months later ….

"come on you little shit, come on say PLEASE" said the man while Laughing and whipping him

"P.. please, please stop" *Sob*, said the kid

"I can't HEAR you!, LAUDER *WHIP* and don't cry *WHIP* I didn't give you permission!, for that, you will not get a meal for two day, rot in her, you shitty kid!" *Laughing*, said the man

1 year later ..




"what do you say now?" said the man

"FUCK YOU!!, FUCK YOU, FUUUCK YOU" said the kid with madness in his eyes!

"I think, you and I will have a great time!" *Laughing*, said the man

2 years and five months later ….

"Hey dog!, you hear me!" said the man

"Yes, sir" said the kid faintly

"good, you took me a long time to train you into submission *Whip* but you made me look bad, you little shit *Lustful Eyes* for that I'm gonna do you something to remember for you whole life" *Zip Pants* said the man

You have a nice smooth body, little shit, I'm gonna Fuck you till you bleed *Lustful Eyes* come on take off your clothes *Laughing* come on, don't make me wait!", said the man, but the kid wasn't responding

"alright, you brought this on yourself!" said the man

Then the man approached the kid and strangled him! While taking off his pants, when the man was about to take off the kid underwear, a strong voice talked

LENNY!, GET YOUR ASS IN HERE!" said another man by the door"

"Yes Master,

Master Daniel!, what is it you wish for, for coming in here?" said the man nervously

"go and get me that kid!, and don't ever question me!" *Slap* said Daniel

"Right away Master!" said the man


10 minutes later after Lenny finished Cleaning and dressing the kid, Daniel took the kid and went to a long black limo, as they entered the car Daniel sat in front of the lifeless face kid.

"sorry for being late, but anyway let me ask you somethings" said Daniel

"Yes Master" said the kid

"what's your name?" said Daniel

(my name ..) "I don't know master" said the kid

"how old are you?" said Daniel

"I don't know Master .." said the kid

"do you know who your parents are?" said Daniel

"my parents? (who they are .. YES HOW COULD I FORGOT!, mother .. father ..) no master.." said the kid

"listen to me!, from now on, you will be called, Seven!, you are now 10 years old, I will tell something very Important, you know, if I didn't stick my neck for you, you would be already dead!, so I expect your full loyalty from now on!, of course, I'm not expecting you to be loyal to me for nothing *Smile Lightly*, I am a man of honor!, if you prove me your loyalty I will get you anything your heart desire!, anything at all, even your Parent …" said Daniel with a light Smile.

As soon as we arrived at a black colored mansion, Daniel ordered his butler to take me away, I was still daze after listening to him, but I quickly regained my focus with eyes filled with determination!.

"hey kid, what's your name?" said the butler while looking disdainfully at me

"my name is seven, sir" I said

"good, you know some manners *Smile Lightly*, but really, I don't why my lord would chose such a weak kid as yourself!, *Sigh*, listen to me very clearly .., if you want to survive here *Serious Eyes* you have to do every command I tell you!, is that Understood!?" said the Butler

"Yes Sir!" I said

"Alright then, Follow me" said the Butler

After walking for 10 minutes inside this huge mansion, we finally stopped in front of small room with small bed and a desk inside it.

"this will be your room from now on, you will get three meal a day be sure to be on time, if not, then you will have to wait till tomorrow!, also, you will be starting your training tomorrow morning, so be sure to get some sleep!, and that's it, any questions?" said the Butler

"no sir!" I said

Then he left without saying a word


10 years later …

I finished one of my most important operation Successfully, so now I'm going to see Daniel and report to him, in my time here, I knew there is 6 different Assassins and I'm the Seventh!, that's right, now I'm just working as an assassin, the operation I did a moment ago was, to kill the head of another Powerful family and frame another Power family!, I also Build myself a reputation in the underworld!, world of crime, I became know as Death god Seventh, I was third in ranks in terms of Strength between the other 6 Assassins who works under Daniel, ONE was the strongest and SIX was the Weakest.

As I make my way to Daniel room, I see the old Butler Holding the door for me and smiling, times have changed truly, Yesterday I was the servant, today he is!.

As soon I enter the room I see Daniel Sitting on the main Chair in the room with the 5 Assassins beside him.

"Welcome Seven, *Wide Smile*, it's good to see, tell me, how did it go?" said Daniel

"Master, It went Perfectly well" I said Calmly

"good, GOOD!, *Laughing* Finally!, that Family will be old history from now on!, come here Seven, come and sit, you did really well this time!, you have really proved me you loyalty after 10 years!, tell me what do you want!, what does your heart desire most!, women!, money, or anything else .., just ask me, and you will get it!" said Daniel with a Wide Smile

"well master, my request is much simpler than all of those, I just wish to see my parents .." I said Faintly

Complete Silence …

*Sigh* "is that what you truly want?" said Daniel while looking at me with disappointed eyes

"Yes master" I said Firmly

"Alright then, tomorrow night, Two and Four, will take you there, I hope you can find your Happiness .." said Daniel mysteriously as he got up from his Chair and left.


in a small and dark office, Daniel was sitting there thinking,

(I'm really sorry nephew, I did promised you, I will even get you your parents if you desire, but times have changed, and things became more complicated now .. I hope you can forgive me for doing this ...)

Tomorrow Night …

As I got up from my bed and get out from my room, I see all the Assassins who work under Daniel except ONE, I thought, it was really Strange, Daniel only asked Two and Four to come and escort me, so I tried to talk to them, but as soon I opened my mouth all of them launched an attack on me, I defected most of their attacks, but one of them cut me in the Thigh and the Shoulder!, so I had to back off to my room.

"WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS??" I asked them, but no one talked

So then, I pulled out my Sword, and tried to defend myself from their attacks!, it was hard facing 5 Elite Assassins alone, especially when one of them is slightly stronger than me!, so then I decide to escape!.

After 5 hours of escaping from them, I killed 2 of them! sneakily, but now, I'm badly hurt .. so I hid in an old abandoned factory

"SEVEN!, COME OUT, don't you want to know what happened to your Parents?" said one of them trying to tempt me to get out.

(I should wait for the perfect opportunity to finish them off, but if I waited any longer, my wounds would weaken me much more, *Sigh* I need to create the opportunity) I thought worriedly,

First thing I did was to grab some small rocks, then I grew closer to them, I threw three rocks to three different directions, I hoped they will underestimate me and chose to split up, it's the only chance I could bet on with my weakened self.

"THREE, go that we, me and Five will go that way" said the leader who seems stronger than both of them.

(That didn't go to my plan, but I must risk it!, *Eyes Flash With Ruthlessness*)

I followed THREE, then I pulled my sword, when I tried to get closer to him, I made a Slight noise by stepping on a small rock.

"WHO's THER…." Before he could Continue Shouting I cut off his head, but it was to late, the rest will be coming at my direction now!, I'm more tired than before, and when I tried to escape to another place, two man approached me fast!.



In the end I couldn't even see my Mother and Father Face *Bitter Smile* Fuck it!, I will at least take out one of them, so I waited for them as my Eyes Filled With bloodlust!.

"FIVE, be careful, he may be hurt, but we have underestimated him!" said TWO

"come, COME AT ME!, I WILL KILL ALL OF YOU!" I said with a raging voice

As soon as TWO became in front of me, he tried to Slash me, while FIVE, was trying to get behind me and kill me.

"Just Give up Seven!, your Parents are already dead!" said TWO

He shocked me a bit and he used that chance to stab my heart, but I raised my left hand at the last moment.

*Hand Dropping*

And the outcome was, him cutting my hand, but I quickly used that opening to stab TWO right at the Stomach! and Kick him out of the window!, Then I quickly turn behind and stab FIVE, heart! With a clean stab.

*Tired Breathing*




After I was done with them, I went outside took look for TWO, I knew he wasn't dead! yet.

*Heavy Panting*



"you are really fast, TWO!, for a man who is on the brink of death" I said to him Mockingly

"and you are stronger than you look!, Master has really underestimated you!, let me do you favor!, ask me anything you want and in exchange, you will spare me, deal?" said TWO

With cold voice I asked him "What do you know about my Parents?"

"Not much really, but I know your Father is long dead before you came here, and your mother, well .. she is someone very important to the Family, I only know She lives in the main Mansion of the family, and that's it" said TWO while Coughing Blood

"Alright then, goodbye" I said

(That Idiot, he doesn't know what's in there, it's his death wish any…) before the man could think anymore, his head was flying out of his body.

3 hours later ….

I'm now in front of a window looking at a middle age blonde woman, while my lips shaking, as I make my way inside the room, I'm facing the woman back, so I called out to her nervously.

"m.. Mother?" I said faintly

Then the woman turn behind with a frozen face, "who a..are you?" she said

"don't you remember me, Mother?, I'm your son!" I said Sorely

she was completely frozen, but then she started to talk

"right, yes!, right, I remember you now, come sit there" said the woman as she went to sit on her chair nervously.


"Mother, I don't know why, you are doing this, I just wanted to see" I said disappointingly

"what!?, I I..don't know what you mean" said the woman nervously

"I know you pressed a button under the desk, you don't have to be afraid, I only came to see you after all that time .." I said to her while feeling overwhelmingly sad

After that, the door opened, and a small child entered the room with wide smile.

"Mom, Mom!, me and daddy are back from shopping, huh?, who is that mom?" said the kid

"honey, we got yo.. who are you!?" said a man who was walking in behind the kid

"and here I thought you were imprisoned or even dead!, but while I'm trying to survive, you were having babies and Living Lavishly!, you didn't even bother to find me or ask about me, didn't you?, *sad Laughing*

His mother was a bit shamed of his talking then she lowered her head

"hey buddy I don't know who you are, and I ask you to please leave, you are bothering my wife!" said the man with an angry voice


"AHHHHHHH" the man screamed painfully while holding his cut off hand!

"next time you speak, it will be your head!" I said with a cold voice then I left.





As I was Sitting by the roof, a black clothed man came behind me.

"You really shouldn't have done that, you could reached greater height, if you just focused on being loyal to master Daniel, but now, you messed up everything, Seven .." said the man

"just get on with it, ONE!, I'm already tired and broken .." I said with lifeless look

"as you wish" said ONE


"AHHHHHHHHH" ONE screamed painfully while holding his heart

He didn't expect when he come closer behind me, that I would try to stab him by stabbing my own heart! To his.

"HOW .. before he continued talking, I said with a bloody and twisted smile, "you know, I already killed that piece of shit old fucker head of the family, and now, lastly you!, you and those 5 were they one behind murdering my father!, now I can rest in peace …"

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John_Len_2493 · Outros
92 Chs