
Sell it or Keep it ...?

"Father, we should leave this house quickly before the ministry get wind about what is going on in here" I said urgently

"You're right, let's leave" said Father approvingly








when we arrived home, Daphne and Pansy and Theo fathers came to discuss somethings with my father and take back their kids, Theo father came a little late,

as for me, I was in the courtyard, Figuring out how much power did I gained from those strange rocks, and I did a lot of things to see what's my current rank is right now, and it seems to be either a low level Wizard or a on the verge of becoming one!





"Lucius!, we have to act now!, we can gather all the Families and demand for this man to be sent to azkaban or even Kill him!" said Mr. Greengrass with impatient

"You are an Idiot if you want to do that!, do you know how much strength does that old man got!, how many connections!?, and How famous he is!?, do you want me to remind you?" said Mr. Nott with great anger in his voice

"he is right, that man for the mean time can't be touched!" said Mr. Parkinson approving with Mr. Nott

"What do you think Lucius?, what should we do?" said Mr. Parkinson


"I think we should first tighten our security!, and start recruiting more Wizards into our ranks!, this man can't be touch for now, even our previous leader couldn't match him!, but we can little by little weaken him ... and we will after that deal with him ..." said Father with Determination in his eyes



after their meeting, everyone left with their children with them, before Theo left, he gave me a copy of the runes he recorded in that place!, (I will have to check that later on for sure!)

later that evening, father told me to come to his office,

"Marcus, sit down, we need to talk about a lot of things" said father with laughing smile

"Father .. I didn't want to bother you when you were talking with the other families heads earlier, and as I see you are free right now, so can you take a look at my core?" I said

"Alright ... just stay still then" said father with a bit of confusion

when my father saw my core, he said with Shock, "How is that possible!?, how did this Happened!"

"Well, when I was ...." I told him what happen in there

"So father, what is my rank?" I said a bit excited

"You are a low-level Wizard ..." said father hesitatingly

"Also, father, I wanted to talk to you about something important, those eggs we found there ... we can't sell them!" i said firmly

"Why?" said father while he was bit dazed

"well father, I had an idea when I saw them!, as you know father, anyone who is found with a Phoenix inside Egypt, will be put into trail and be punished! as Those birds are a public Property of the ministry of magic!, but now!, we are not in Egypt *Smile Lightly* Father!, what I'm trying to say, those birds are highly protective but highly sought over!, even though we would get a good load of money if we sell those eggs, but I'm thinking more into the future, Father!, I think we can make a Phoenixes monopoly here in the UK! we might even could take on the whole of Europe!" I said with excitement and ambitious

"But also, that is a highly dangerous business .." said Father with a serious voice

"I know Father, and that's why we wouldn't sell those eggs for now!, we will make a Phoenix Farm from those five eggs we got!, after that, we will increase our forces and will Strengthen our connections and earn new ones!, we will need a bit of time, but Father, Please trust me!, I can do it!" I said with a serious eyes

"Marcus .. I always trusted you, but I'm afraid of your own safety!, but .. considering your recent rescue mission *Smile Lightly* and your current power, I can Probably trust you to take care of yourself!" said father with pride in his eyes as always

"thank you father, you wouldn't regret it!" I said Firmly ....




when I woke up next day in the morning, the first thing I did was to check the copy that Theo have gave me!,

all I saw was those strange and mystical Words which seemed similar to Arabic!, and that seemed strange! considering I found it in Egypt inside one of the secret hideouts of a king!, and not any king!, he was an ancient Egyptian King!, so why would Arabic runes would be in there???, I was really confused, but I decided to throw it to the back of my mind for now as it's not that intriguing for me now,

I tried to memorize the runes to make some later, and I could only memorize 2 blurry runes!, after trying to memorize for more than an hour I grew tired mentally real fast, those runes needs so much magic to strengthen my mind!, I will need to keep practicing, I feel those runes will have something big behind them!,

as I make my way to the lake to relax there, I saw Draco with his Ferret at the lake looking with a lost face ...

"Don't think to much little brother ..." I said with a laughing smile as I pushed Draco to lake

*Light Push*


"Shitty Kid!!" said the Ferret to me, which Draco named him Alfred

"Dammit Marcus!, why did you pushed me!" said Draco with a bit anger on his face

"Yeah that's my brother!, Like I told you, Don't think too much!" I said while getting him out of the lake


"I can't ... after that accident, I become more afraid!, I'm afraid this will happen again!, and it might not go as it went alright last time ..." said with a bit of fear in his voice

"Draco!, Listen to me very carefully!, You can't be afraid!, fear is for the weak!, if you want this to never happen ever again, then you need to get stronger!, You need to get stronger to protect whatever is dear to you!, only with STRENGTH!, you can do anything!" I said with a very serious voice ..

he seemed a little better now, and I even glimpsed a flash of determination from his eyes,

"Alright, let's go back inside" I said trying to let him away from thinking too much for the mean time

"Alright ..." said Draco with a faint voice

when I went inside with Draco, Loki welcomed us with his humongous form!,

"Alright alright, stop boy, you have gotten big once again!,*Sigh* what a fat ass ..." I said laughingly

"he needs to eat a lot! unlike my dear Alfred!" said Draco Jokingly just to get his face slapped

"Eat Shit!" said Alfred as he running from Draco hands


"You need to tame him .." I said to Draco as I look at him with pity

"I know ..." said Draco







the first term of the new year is starting Tomorrow ... in the summer, I had memorized 3 runes fully!, and I could make just one of them with a low quality for now!, I also began Training with more advanced spells!, and some were even dark curses!, my father said, I am mature enough to study them!, Also, Draco matured a lot after that day, slightly childish but considering his age, it's alright, also, father started some sort of an alliance with several noble families, the families which I know for now are the Nott, Greengrass, Parkinson, and also, something breathtaking happened this summer!, Those Phoenix eggs have Hatched!, I had to put them In someplace more safer and more spacious, they will be a powerful assets in the future ...





today I'm in the station with my father,

"Marcus, I have something I should warn you about!, don't get too closer with the other purebloods in your house, their families might have a hand with that attack ... you should take extra careful when dealing with them! even though, you are more powerful than most of them now, they might have tricks up their sleeves!, Alright?" said Father with a grave voice

"Of course father, my trust is not that easy to gain!" I said comfortingly to my father

after I paid father my goodbyes, I went to the train with only single thought in my mind!

(who will even dare to mess with me this year! *Smile Slightly*)

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