
Forbidden Forest, Part 1

next day, past midnight ....

"Alright now, follow me and don't make a sound" I said to the three of them with a stern face

"can I take Alfred with me?" said Draco

"Definitely No!" I said firmly

"but you are bringing Loki!, why can't I bring Alfred" said Draco Protestingly

"Alfred can't keep his mouth shut!" I said as I walked away

"well he is right you know, Alfred has a big mouth .." said Theo

"oh Theo, just Shut up!" said Draco as he left with a bad mod

Theo Just Shrugged his shoulders in confusion.




as we were getting out to the viaduct courtyard, I saw Prof. Quirrell, so then I put a voice concealing spell on all of us, and continued to walk past him by using the night cover, but strangely, I heard him talking to someone!, but there was nobody else there, I stopped for a bit and tried to see if I can hear what is he saying,


"My lord!, I looked everywhere!, but I can't find it!, where should I search next?" said the Prof. to himself

then a voice so weak and so low that I almost couldn't hear, said,

go to the .... there is someone spying on us!, then the voice disappeared,

"WHO IS IT?, Show yourself!" said The Prof. with madness in his voice!, but when I heard that voice warning the Prof, I already ran off outside the courtyard heading straight to the forest ...




"what in the bloody hell is wrong with Prof. Quirrell!?" said Pansy with a bit of fear in her eyes

"Yeah what was that!?" said Draco also a bit afraid of what happened

"That's definitely strange!, he looked quite mad!" said Theo

"Calm down, all of you!, the Prof, might have been effected by a backlash from using a powerful spell!" I said Bullshitting an excuse so they can calm down

"that might be possible ..." said Theo approvingly

"I don't know what happened to him, but we need keep our distance of that weirdo!" said Draco

"Alright alright, I understand, now let's move!, we need to find that ingredient you talked about!"" I said trying to distract them, (That crazy Prof. might come after us!, it's best to hide in the forest for a bit, and in the meantime we can search for that ingredient ... but he was really acting suspicious, I never felt comfortable in his class, I will need to check his background when I can, he is definitely hiding something or someone ...)

as we were walking inside the forest, I saw that half gaint Hagrid from faraway walking deep inside the forest,

but I ignored him and we continue walking to the spot where the ingredient is .....

when we Arrive there, "Stop, this is the place, I think so ..." said Draco Hesitatingly

"You think so!?, *Sigh*, what does it look like?" I said

"Well, it's the Leaping Toadstool, but it's not any Leaping Toadstool!, I heard the ones in this spot are more magical than your normal ones!, when you eat them raw, they will give you the ability to jump a little higher till the effects wears off, but if we can extract that ability to use on our potion ... I presume it will make wonders!" said Draco

"That's brilliant!" said Pansy excitedly

"Draco what does it look like?" I said with a little impatient in my voice

"Ah!, it looks like a mushroom with a Red head with white spots on it" said Draco

"Alright then, I'm on it!" I said, then I went everywhere looking for that damn ingredient ....

after 40 minutes ....

"Alright, this is the third one I found, I reckon it will be enough?" I said with a slightly tired face

"Yeah, it's more than enough!, thank you Marcus!" said Draco as his eyes were gluing to the red mushroom in my hand

but then!, a voice I never heard before, echoed through the forest!, and it was coming it our direction!,

"Quickly Run!" I said as I started running, I could feel the power from that creature voice!, and it was more powerful than me that's for sure,

"What's that thing, Marcus?" said Pansy as we were running

"I don't know, but we need to stay away from it!, the more far we are the best it is!" I said


we walked for 40 minutes before they grew tired and couldn't move on, I had to find another way to keep ourselves faraway from that creature, so I told them to hide with Loki in a tree which was rather tall, and I stayed down!, because I'm going to let that creature avoid coming in here by distracting him!,

so then I took a specific route which I thought would be a great idea and made left some foot prints and made some noises on my way, but not too much, I didn't want to get another stronger creature coming after me ...





he's getting on me faster than I expected!, well, I think it's enough that I got him with me all this distance ...

so then I went to the closest tree I could find and merged myself with the darkness ... as I was an assassin, I know a couple of things about hiding *Light Smile*,

I waited for a minute or so, then I saw a huge black figure running on it's four legs, and which seemed similar to a wolf!, but as I took a closer look, I saw it was a werewolf!,

he just snuff around the place, I was last standing on, but he couldn't determine which way I went too, so I just watched him leave to the direction infront of him ... the school courtyard .... (that Quirrell will probably still be there, let them fight it out between themselves *Cold Smile* ...)

I waited for 15 minutes before I came down, the wolfs have wary nature, I have to be careful,




it took me 30 minutes to find the exact tree I left Draco and the others at, but when I arrived there ... I saw two huge black Spiders! climbing the tree where Draco and the others were hiding in!,

I saw Draco with Pansy and Theo using spells and Loki in his bigger form standing in front of them and who just killed one of the spiders, but the spells were not powerful enough!, it seems fear had taken over them, when they saw me, they Immediately shouted at me for help!,

so then, the first thing I did was pull out my wand, and point it towards the huge spider,


*Cry in Agony*

I easily killed the huge spider and went up there to get them, when I climbed up to see them, they were slightly terrified and exhausted ...

when we came down from the tree, Theo stopped for a second,

"Marcus, Please wait!, can I take some of the Spider Poison?" said Theo as his eyes were looking at the Spider body or what left of it like it was treasure

"alright, but hurry up!" I said

after he was done taking the poison and several things from the spider dead body, another four more Spider appeared! more bigger and more faster than the one I killed!,

"Quickly, hide behind me!" I said with a laud voice

Loki stood beside me,

and I pulled a small knife that been with me since first year, and throw it at the first incoming spider, It went directly into his eyes then his brain till it got out from the back of his head,

then I used Confringo! on the second spider!, I immediately turned him into crisp!, Loki went after the third spider to fight with him head on

the spell was too powerful to use, I had to take a bit of breath, but the fourth spider didn't give me much time!, so then I ran to him like Loki did, Head on!,

but before he could bite me, I jumped on his back and went to retrieve my knife, I was so quick, but by the time I grabbed my knife, the spider was so close to my back and when he opened his mouth to bite me, I took that chance and Stabbed him from the inside!, but unfortunately, I ended up getting wounded by him, the poison is already in my blood!, and I started getting weaker and weaker by the second ... and before I closed my eyes, I saw another Huge Spider!, bigger than all those I killed combined!, he was walking very slowly but steady ...


Last I heard was Pansy screaming my name.

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