
Almost a Rune Master!

"but Father!, I'm really busy with other plans I got in my hand!" I said quickly

"Well!, you can definitely make them hold for a day!" said father without any room to protest

After arguing for a few minutes, I left the room with a spiritless face.

(I need to quickly sort out things before I leave *Deep Sigh*, but hey, at least I get to meet another family member!)




After dinner, my father told them that me and mother will leave to visit our aunt tomorrow ...




"Rosie!, you will be responsible on the shop, as for you, Archie, you will obey Rosie for now" I said

"And also, if anyone came while I'm out, just turn them down politely, and ...


I continued to instruct Rosie about several things ...

and after that, I went back to the house ...

As I was laying in my bed, I was thinking about somethings ... (I heard my aunt was a strong and crazy supporter of Voldemort!, but she wasn't a nobody!, she is a strong Wizard even slightly stronger than my father!, but there's something about her I don't like, she is too cold blooded!, especially on her own family!, she seems too delusional in that Voldemort, and I despite that traitorous act!, on the other hand .. her cousin, the last of the Black family,! is also a traitor of his family, but .. I don't think he will harm his family unlike that aunt of mine ...)




tomorrow morning ...


I heard about my aunt about two years ago ... mother didn't think it was a good idea to let me or my siblings to know about our dark past ... but one day she finally told me when father mentioned my aunt as he was cursing her, as for Sirius, I only got to know about his existence last year!, news about him was blocked!, the only news I got to know about was his crime About killing several people and serving the dark lord!, which seemed illogical!, I heard from my mother And my father he betrayed his family, and joined the enemy, and he even got removed from the family line!, so that only conclude that this man is either a great double agent or a man who have been framed for crimes he never did ... I am more drawn for the second conclusion.




I had to wake up early today, we will have to go very early to Azkaban, but first, we needed to pass through the ministry,

it went smoothly, when we entered the ministry, there was a Wizard waiting for us to guide us through the portkey, what we saw after traveling by the portkey was a huge grey building in front of which was swarmed by those cloaked creatures.



"Floor 66****, Clear the way!" said a Wizard who was controlling the Demntors.

We walked past a lot of cells on the way, they were filled with a deathly aura, one cell in particular

felt like death himself was living there, I felt a strong surge of Emotions, regret, wrath, fear, and madness ...



after 10 minutes, we arrived in front of a dark and cold cell,

"Bella..?" said mother with a low voice and a worried face

"WHO IS IT!, OH IT'S YOU, CISSY, AND WHO DID YOU BROUGHT HERE?" said a women with craziness in here eyes

"Marcus, c..come here and meet your aunt" said mother with hesitation

"Oh, it's my dear nephew!, don't you worry cissy, I wouldn't hurt him, come here boy!, let me take a good look at you!" said the women with a wide smile

I walked forward with a little smile on my face,

"nice to meet you, aunt bella!" I said with a polite tone

"What a nice boy you are, greeting me this nicely ..." come here let me see your face a lot better" said Bella with a a laughing smile

I moved closer to the cell, then she touched my face!,

"Oh yeah, you have power in you! and potential!, Huge Potential! ... if you were only born a little earlier ... you would have served the dark lord Greatly!, but don't you worry, he will come back ..." said Bella with an excited voice as she said the last part with a faint voice.

after that, she let go of me, I moved behind my mother, and just listen to my mother and aunt talking, Mostly it was my aunt asking information of all sorts, and after a minute or so, I decide on a thing I had in my mind ... so I walked out silently while they were talking,

I went towards the area we took earlier, I wanted to check something, as I was walking and checking every cell, I got all kind of looks and curses from the prisoners, some of them even tried to catch me, but I was unfazed by it, I saw all kind of scum and shit in my old world,

after checking almost every cell in the floor, I went to the last cell on the right, that cell which I felt those surging emotions,

I found there, a man laying on the ground lifelessly, but I heard his rough heavy breathing,

"Hey you!" I said, but he didn't respond

I threw a small stone I found on the ground on him, but he didn't even flinch, so then I called out for him again

"Are you Sirius Black?" I said with a serious face

The man twitched, but didn't lift his head from the ground,

"I'm Marcus, Marcus Malfoy!" I said with a faint voice, but he heard me as he got up and lifted his head and look at me straight at my eyes with a cold and a hateful look ...

"My mother is Narcissa Malfoy, she is your first cousin, have y..." before I could talk anymore, he talked with a hoarse voice

"What do you want!"

"I don't want anything, I just wanted to know,

have you done it?, that crime?, did you really do it?" I said with a curious voice,

I looked deeply into his eyes waiting for him to answer me,

"Yeah I did it!, and I WILL KILL YOU TOO" said Sirius with madness, but deep hidden sorrow in his eyes as I looked at him with Silent...

I wanted to ask him more questions, but then I heard my mother shouting my name, so I went to her before she starts a riot, but before I left, I said, I will meet you later" with a little smile as he ignored me completely.




"Mother!, I'm here, I was just wandering around" I said with a fake innocent face

"NEVER LEAVE MY SIDE IN THIS PLACE!, you can't just wander around, Marcus!, this place is dangerous!, and the prisoners and the dementors are the least of that danger!" said Mother with an angry voice and a worried face

"I'm sorry mother, I swear I will not do it again!" I said with an apologetic face, but it was no use, she lectured me the whole way to home ...

I learned somethings things from that trip to Azkaban, My aunt Bella is Delusional as they say, she is delusional, but she seems quite alright, evil but daring, and I have to say, that man, Sirius Black is really interesting, I could see it from his eyes that he didn't do that crime, but then why is he imprisoned?, why didn't that side he turned to in the war didn't help him?,

that is what annoy me, there is a piece missing, he looks too sorrowful for a man being wronged!, there is something to it, but a pity, all information about him are blocked ...




when we arrived home, I went immediately to my bedroom to get some rest, that trip seems have drained me of my power.


next day in the morning, I went to my shop which I named, M.M which is short for Marcus Malfoy, it's a plain name for now, but it will be soon a well known,

as I open the door shop, I found Rosie lazily sleeping in her chair, and Archie sleeping on the ground!, and most of the boxes which contain the ingredients are here (Those two idiots have spent the night here without doing a thing!)

"Hey, You two!, wake up!" I said loudly

"Piss of.. YOUNG MASTER!" said Rosie with a pale face

I went to Archie, and kicked him, he woke up, but still sleepy,

"young master?, *Yawn* ...

YOUNG MASTER!" said Archie with a laud and afraid voice

before I exploded from anger, I told them with a low and cold voice, move those boxes, quickly ..."

my first day of opening the shop wasn't that successful, but we had a couple of customers!, and they all left with satisfied smiles, the things I offered to do were limited, Actually, I only did 6 items!, but they weren't a thing to laugh at. all of them are a work done by me!, I inscribed runes on items the customers brought!, Durability, Strength, Speed, all the basic three a rune half a master could do, but my work was almost perfect to the degree of a Master!, I could upgrade any item into the Bronze grade for now,

also, there is five grades, Bronze is the lowest, then Silver, Gold, Legendary, and Lastly at the top, Mystical, but I didn't hear or know about an item with this grade, the only known item with the grade of legendary is The Sword of Gryffindor, as for the Gold grade, they are rarer than Dragons, as for the Silver grade, they are rare, but for an extremely large price, you can buy one from a rune master or even the goblins if you got connections, my sword is a silver grade,

as for the bronze grade, anyone who have a decent talent with runes and spend a few years learning and practicing, can make them, my current level is almost a master, for now, I can make a bronze grade item or inscribe grade Bronze rune with an excellent quality, there is a few runes master in they world, and fewer in the UK, most of them are busy with big or important orders, and the goblins only sell a Silver grade items and not for anyone, only someone they trust, So, I can see myself flourish in this business, but I have to be patient.




days came and went fast, and summer almost finished, in that time, I became a little well known in the area, I even had some regulars who would always come to me to fix their items for them or even make them some, I grew more in love with these beautiful and mystical runes even more ... I knew from that moment, if I wanted to gain more money and power, then I will need to reach greater height in the level of my work as a rune master!.


as I was practicing in the garden quietly with Loki, I heard Draco running from the house with an excited face!,

"MARCUS!, MARCUS!!," said Draco loudly that even Anny came running with him from curiosity

I just stopped doing anything and waited for him,

"m ..Marcus ..m Marcus, You w..wouldn't believe what i..I have in my hand" said Draco while Breathing heavily

"I don't believe your extreme weakness, you need to workout more!" I said with a disappointed voice

"What do you have?" said Anny with a curious voice

"Don't lecture me now!, I have something far important than working out!, WE FINALLY MADE THAT POTION!" said Draco with an excited voice.

I made a minor change to Chapter 19, The Part when Marcus go to Hagrid hut,

You might wanna check it out, but it's not that important.

xN2jcreators' thoughts
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