

Solomon bore the title of the wisest king, a story passed down through myths and legends. A king that brought together a powerful kingdom feared because of its technology. However, the story passed down never told the reason why Solomon became so wise. Under his possession was a Great Library System that let him study books from the far future. Now, this system was discovered by Arthur Windshire who wanted to uncover the mysteries surrounding his father's death.

Zieve1 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
32 Chs

Great Magic Council Meeting

There are five stones on the table and Arthur looks at all of them. The colors are red, blue, green, brown, gold, and black. These stones represent fire, water, wind, earth, light, and dark elements, respectively.

Cornelius begins to give Arthur the instructions for this test. "As you can already control your mana, you surely already have an element you can freely use and control. This test is just for recording purposes and will not really affect your registration."

"I understand, master." Arthur begins his test and follows the instructions given to him. He takes the red stone first as it lights up. He is aware already that he has affinity to fire elements because he has already used spells of the fire element.

Cornelius nods with satisfaction. Fire is a good combat element and it is really destructive during battles as most people are unable to handle the intensity of the fire. This can also upgrade into the lightning element but this can be very difficult.

Arthur proceeds to hold the blue stone as it shines brightly. He smiles as it seems that he also has affinity with water.

Cornelius is shocked but he still nods with satisfaction. His disciple is really talented and can even wield two elements. Maybe he will become a famous dual-element Mage? He is already proud to have accepted Arthur as his disciple.

Arthur holds the green stone that represents the wind element. The stone also emits a blinding light.

This time Cornelius has started to become nervous. It is already rare to have a magician with three elements. In the Seven Sages, there are only three people who can wield three elements. However, Cornelius calms himself down as it is normal for someone who can potentially become a Sage. That is what he thought.

With the brown stone on his hand, Arthur is once again happy seeing it shine. It seems like he can freely learn different spells. He has affinity with four elements.

'My disciple is too strong. Only the top 1 Sage has four elements and now Arthur also has four elements.' Cornelius' mind is running wild as he keeps thinking if it is right to have taken in this monster as a disciple. Why did he ask him before this test?

When Arthur tries to take hold of the last two stones, Cornelius heaves a sigh of relief. It seems like he is not here to destroy a world record again. He has already taken the record for the accuracy test. But one thing is for sure, Arthur is really loved by mana.

In reality, Arthur also has affinity for the light and dark elements but the System keeps insisting for him to go lowkey. He can only concede and ask the System to mask the light coming from the stones. If Cornelius finds out his disciple has six elements, he will cry as he will not know how to protect this guy in the magic community or even the enemies of the Great Magic Council.

"Arthur Pendragon." Normally, people call someone with their full name if they are to convey something that is a serious matter.

Arthur replies. "Yes, Master?"

"Only choose one or two elements to show in the outside world. Only the council is allowed to know this information." Cornelius has a grim and serious face. This is not a matter to take lightly.

"However, you are still allowed to learn and research about all elements you have affinity to." Cornelius adds as he feels like Arthur might be disheartened.

"I understand." Arthur is shocked to know that there are only two people who are known to have four elements because magicians are all happy to research and learn about one element.

"You can go to the waiting area and wait for your Mage Badge to be processed. I will now pass this records to the Great Magic Council." Actually, the records of all magicians are synchronized regardless of where they live. The Magic Towers are just means to collect this data.

There are also rankings that other magicians who visit the towers can see. That includes the records for the various tests for registration as a Magician.

While Arthur is waiting for his badge, his alias, Arthur Pendragon, has completely shocked the Magic Community. They all gossip as to where he comes from and to what family he belongs to. This news has reached all kingdoms and kings even the Kingdom of Windshire and its present king, King Ernest.

The contents of the gossip are his Indigo talent, his 96% accuracy rate for mana control, and that he has affinity to two elements.

Luckily, the last test requires the room to be isolated. Otherwise, Cornelius can never prevent his true results from leaking and spreading.

Arthur has become a celebrity in the past hour that he has been waiting for his badge and when his badge has been processed, he has left the Magic Tower with a smile. He proceeds to return to the inn and take a sleep because the sun is already setting. While he is walking, he has been thinking of what to eat in the restaurant of the inn.

Unbeknownst to Arthur, the Great Magic Council has scheduled a meeting to discuss about the appearance of this talent. One of the Sages are mad at Cornelius for already taking in Arthur as a disciple.

The Sage that goes with the name Caradoc smashes his hands on the table. "That Cornelius is just a mere Tower Head and he dares to take in that kid as a disciple."

Lord Bruin, the Head of the Great Magic Council, has spoken. "Calm down, Caradoc. It doesn't matter who his master is. The council will have to support his growth so we can send him there."

The other five Sages nod as they understand what Lord Bruin has meant with it. All of them are already old, over fifty years old. Although they look young because of their long lifespan, they cannot still enter that forbidden place that says only a Sage below the age of thirty can enter.

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