

Reborn as a god in the endless multiverse filled with infinite possibilities. What kind of path will he walk on? Will he bring salvation or destruction to this endless reality? (A/N : MC is son of Odin and brother of Hela. He is born before Odin's conquest of Nine Realms. He comes under chaotic neutral faction and this universe is not MCU)

Andrewjones · Filmes
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs


[ 100,085 BC, Asgard, Nine Realms ]

On an enormous floating continent in endless space, there were magnificent golden buildings that shone with splendour under the rays of the golden sun above the continent.

In the centre of the continent, there stood a majestic royal palace with its unique architecture. Various golden statues of kings stood in the road leading to this royal palace.

Inside the royal palace, four divine figures walked in a hallway filled with various murals depicting the past glorious deeds of Asgard.

"Sister, Does the world tree bestow upon us our divinity?"

A handsome teenager with black hair and eyes walked in the hallway, he wore black robes with the style of a wizard. He had a pale white face and a perfect muscular figure for a man.

Now, he looked at the black-haired woman and asked this question, as his eyes held curiosity for endless knowledge.

"No, Gods have divinity within them from the moment they are born. The divine treejust helps us just awaken our divinity within us."

Hela Odinson patiently answered her brother's questions, as her eyes held concern and care like an elder sister should have for her brother. If anyone saw her at the moment, they would not believe that the indifferent goddess of death had such a side.

"So, what decides which divinity we will awaken? Is it the character a God showed after he was born?"

The black-haired teenager asked, as the divinity awaking ceremony only happens 20 years after the birth of a god.

So, will the character of god influence the divinity that god's awanken?


Hela didn't know how to answer this question, as she herself didn't think much about it in the beginning. But, this even made her fall into deep thinking about the question asked by her brother.

"Is it fate?"

The black-haired teenager suddenly asked, as he seemed to know that fate does exist in this multiverse.

But, his question made the two figures who were walking before them stop in their footsteps, as both of them turned and looked at the black-haired teenager.

"Stop this meaningless discussion, Sasrir."

A one-eyed middle-aged man said sternly, when he heard the topic this was leading into. His golden eye somewhat filled with haze, as he recalled the question his son had just asked.

"Yes, Father!"

Sasrir said immediately, he stopped talking about this, as he knew this was a very sensitive topic for his father.

"It's just the curiosity of a child. You don't have to be strict about that."

A beautiful blonde woman said with a gentle smile, as she looked at her husband with narrowed eyes.

Odin snorted finally, as he turned and resumed walking to their destination.

Silence descended after this, as Hela had also had various doubts and questions about this which was risen in her mind under such a simple question of her brother.

Sasrir had anxiety and excitement about the coming divinity awanking, as he can finally get stronger to protect himself and the things he cares about in this freaking and absurd reality where there are gods who can even destroy a universe easily.

"It's not fate."

Both Hela and Sasrir heard a voice in their minds directly, causing them to look up directly to see their mother smiling at them, who turned and looked at them, at the same time walking forward.

Hela finally stopped thinking about this topic, as she finally took a deep breath to calm down some of her emotions.

Sasrir's face was suddenly twisted, when he saw how his mother easily broke his mental defences, he painstakingly built using the freaking powerful runes.

But, he knew his mother would not look at his memories, as he would feel it, if she did.

"Silly Child! Everybody has their own secrets. I will not pry into them."

Frigga seemed to know what he was thinking. She spoke now to him, as she completely ignored her husband's angry eyes due to the conversation they are having.

Before Sasrir could reply, they arrived at their destination, causing Frigga to turn to the front.

Sasrir saw a golden door with various powerful runes engraved on it which symbolized time and space according to his knowledge.

Before he could infer what its purpose was, his father pushed open the door, leading us all into the room inside.

Sasrir finally saw a beautiful tree in the centre of the room. There were nine huge branches extending from the tree.

What made him breathless was they were literally holding nine galaxies.

Even though he had seen this scene in his previous life. But, seeing it with his own eyes, had a completely different feeling, as he felt the magnificence and power of the world tree.

"Sasrir, go before the Yggdrasil. Then, place your hands in the trunk and channel your divine power into the Yggdrasil."

Odin said finally to his son, but his eyes were always looking at the world tree before him with various emotions.

Hela and Frigga stood with Odin, as they also instructed him to go forward to the world tree.

"Just that? Is there anything to do before that?"

Sasrir, who walked towards the Yggdrasil, turned and asked his family, as he expected many grand scenes and countless processes to go through before finally getting to the actual awaking.

But, looking at this situation now, it felt little anticlimactic.

"What more do you expect, sasrir?"

Odin's loud voice sounded in the hall, causing even the phantom of the Yggdrasil to shake and blur.

Sasrir didn't reply anymore, as he knew it would only make his father's mood worse. He finally walked towards Yggdrasil.

"Why are you always so harsh with children?"

Frigga looked seriously at her husband, whether it was Hela or Sasrir, he was always strict and harsh to them.

"It's necessary to do so for them to grow up in this cruel world."

Odin said to Frigga, but this made Frigga feel absurd, as what does that have to do with him being harsh on them.

Hela looked up at the ceiling, pretending not to hear this conversation at all.

"There should be no problems, right?"

Frigga asked Odin about this ceremony, if there should be any problems with it.

"He is the son of Odin!"

Odin shamelessly boasted about himself in the name of praising his son. He even had a serious look while saying that.

Frigga sighed finally, as Hela suddenly said to change this freaking topic.

"He is going to place his hand on the divine tree."

Which made them all turn and look at the sasrir, who started to place his hand on the trunk of Yggdrasil.

Sasrir took a deep breath to calm down his emotions. He knew the next process was very important as it would decide a lot about his upcoming life. He knew now, as his mother said, this did not involve fate. Now, he is more curious about what kind of divinity he will awaken.

He finally placed his hand on the trunk of Yggdrasil, as he injected his divine power into the divine tree before him.

Immediately, he felt his consciousness sink into a dark plane of existence.