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【one piece x reader】gxg,bxb,bxg. An actress transferred into her favorite anime ! Her goal is to have a harem and have fun ! Yandere are lurking beware! "I'll devour you !"

Emsmutcorner · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

Mornin g Situations リフア

A song to listen to just because...

Painkillers by Beach Bunny 


There will be sexual themes, strong language, and violence.

If you don't like smut don't read.

Don't report 

+18 only pls 

Now that's started let's have a fun time.

This will be your outfit later for your new plan but without the headpiece and add a pink mask.

This chapter has been edited, and a new plan has to join the straw hats but it may be too soon to join just yet.

Deja Vu いず唄

[ a feeling of having already experienced the present situation.]


 As you heard screaming from a very familiar voice you awoke from your sleep and rolled over to your side to slowly open your eyes. The voice you heard made your heart stall for a moment, as confusion filled your groggy body. 

Your eyes were trying to focus on the blurry figure in front of you as they opened and closed multiple times before the familiar smiling face of a handsome male.

That smile of his was taunting, you could see his sharp canines being shown off to you as his grin twitched in amusement watching your form try to cutey glare at him.

Dio was enjoying the site in front of him so much more than the others he had seen, he knew he made the right decision. Just from watching you yesterday, he was so entertained by your sloppy acting and rash decisions filled with lust and deep desires!

How wonderful to watch his little succubus go around losing those human morals that cause those to act more cautiously which was sooo boring!

His fingers played with your hair as he thought of your future and how much you would fall, you would entertain him much longer than most. Ah, the thought alone sent a rush down his spine and a sickening dreamy smile across his face. 

His new obsession, every God has one after all . He deserves to have one like everyone else but this was the first one that already got him this...entertained but that wasn't the word that fits the best.

But he would miss you after his show became boring. But he'll worry about it later. You were right here now, all that matters.

"Did you enjoy your dream my little succubus, (y/n) ?" Dio grins while his warm arms draw you near to his muscular chest, he kisses your forehead softly in a romantic manner, while you merely gaze at him confused and dazed. This was unique, some morning cuddles with a gorgeous love-sick puppy. 

'Where is Zoro and why is Dio here ...did he do something to him ... A dream?...was that really a dream I had.' You considered while Dio just examined you sweetly waiting for you to complete your thinking before he voiced himself breaking you out of your cluttered daze.

You were too cute not to tease.

"Well it was a dream to prepare you for meeting the straw hats, kind of like a trial run before the real thing I would say but I do remember that there is something I forgot to tell you..."

Dio sits up lightly causing you to move your body from his chest and sit up yourself but you witness both of you are naked and blush heavily as you settle to yourself it's safer to look at his eyes than his growing erection. Wow, he was truly a God.

"So that was a dream? It didn't actually happen ?" You state softly while pondering back to the 'dream' you had. Dio simply chuckled as he patted your head and kissed your lips for a quick second.

He was babying you and you weren't quite in the mood for someone so touchy. 

'He sure is touchy ' You think while waiting for him to explain why he did this trial run. You'll allow him to until he explains then you will be putting a hold on to stop this behavior of his. 

It was strange to you.

"It was a dream, so no it didn't actually happen but I can tell you that you shouldn't introduce yourself like you did since it made the straw hats all cautious of you and it was pretty cringy, to be honest, but it was a great show for me to watch you had me laughing like a hyena."

He had such an amused look on his face as he stared into your eyes while covering his hand with his mouth as he hunched over laughing at the memories of your horrible acting. But with a quick moment, his expression transformed into a dulled expressionless face with only a glare left behind in his eyes.

"But I'm warning you because if you want to make this work you should tread lightly and maybe prepare a plan for how to join their crew," Dio explains while having a dark glare on his face as he speaks causing you to shiver at his glare towards you. 

"So what you are saying is I shouldn't just walk towards them and say I want to be in their crew ?" You ask cautiously as his glare completely disappears and a cheerful smile replaces it, but you feel a wave of uneasiness flood into your body at the mood swings that he showed, it reminds you of the night you met him at the bar when he did a 180 on you.

The same dangerous feeling was present but this was more heavy than last time, it felt suffocating but you couldn't even look away from him.

"Correct! The reason why you shouldn't, is that you will affect the plot of this episode like yesterday since when you were with Zoro, Usopp died along with Nami by the time Zoro arrived to help them battle Captian Kuro, which I don't think you wanted to happen, did you?"

Dio asks as he gets closer to you looking into your eyes and you just stare back in shock. His tone was playful as he told you the fates of your favorite characters.

Dead...because of you.

"I killed ....them because I was with Zoro...Oh god, I don't want anyone to die !!!" You started to panic as you thought of the consequences your actions would make now, you have to be so careful now. Everything can change in an instant.

"I actually want to save them and save Ace. I want to help them!!... What do I do then Dio?" You wondered to yourself as you began to try to control the rushing thoughts and plans going through your head. 

"Should I leave the island and head to the next Arc or maybe I can pretend to be a fortune teller and get Luffy's interest then he'll ask me to join and then I will but when can I do that?"

"Maybe in the Baratie Arc if we get there first we can talk to Sanji and seduce him and tell him his future maybe?"

You think of all the possibilities that could happen but you don't notice you have just been rambling out all of your thoughts until warm lips smash into your moving lips making it possible for Dio's tongue to greet your own.

While gasping at the sudden attack from your God you kiss back after a few seconds which led you to move your hand behind his neck pulling him closer and making him more assertive as his tongue explores your whole mouth making you feel hot while pushing you thighs together as his hands move to your ass giving a little slap making you gasp in pleasure breaking the kiss and making you feel a bit dazed from the kiss panting from the passionate kiss.

Dio smirks and decides to pick you up in his arms and swings you around while rubbing his cheek on your head. He was back to babying you again it seemed as you let out a heavy sigh.

"Aww look at my (y/n), getting all hot and bothered by a little kiss. But I am a God so my kisses should make you feel like you are in heaven."

"But your little brainstorming was cute too and I think you should try the fortune teller plan but I also agree to you to head to the next Arc before them to meet Sanji and one last thing, don't forget to say 'keep' since yesterday was a trial run." Dio says as he wears this shit-eating grin on his face like he is mocking you and slowly puts you back down so your feet can touch the floor.

" 'Keep', I forgot about that, thank you, bastard. But I don't have a boat nor do I know how to sail there which is a huge problem." You were abit confused on how to make this work but it will be better to ask Dio.

"Also, can you make me an outfit like a dancer or gypsy for I look the part for when I meet them" You ask Dio as you pout at him for being a teasing asshole about the kiss, it wasn't like you were a touched-starved virgin but the kiss was something you never felt before the way it felt was different from the last time we kissed but maybe its because you are a succubus now and that you kissed with tongue.

Your body was different now , your own body just showed you that .

You were changed now.

"I can try to make something like that but your heart-cut-out powers will be moved to your pouch on your hip I will make it so only you can touch the pouch to prevent theft. " One problem solved at least.

As for your boat problem, why don't we just steal the straw hats boat since they are getting a ship after this arc is finished so no need to worry about them needing it, and I can sail and take you anywhere because I'm a God so no need to worry about anything so what do you say Miss fortune-teller ?"

Dio smiles and snaps his fingers making the new outfit appear and you are excited that you don't need to worry.

All you have to do is have fun and relax.

"I love having a God on my side, heh this is going to be fun but I'm going to make sure not to fuck up anymore" You had a feeling you just jinxed yourself.

"I can meet Mihawk as well and give him my blood to give to Shanks for he can have his arm back!" You smile as your (e/c) eyes gleam in happiness and excitement.

You were quick to change into the new outfit and run to look into the mirror to check out yourself and smile as you do just that while doing a twirl making your clothes flow out with every move which gives you a sensual vibe when you move.

"You look divine, but you make me think of the saying 'Beautiful but deadly' , but we should leave soon if we want to leave without being noticed by Kuro's crew." Dio warns before changing into a buttoned-up white shirt, white gloves, suit pants with a black tie, and black glossy dress shoes. He looked like a fucking 5-course meal like that.

"Dammmmn so do you, Dio you look like a sexy butler but let's head out maybe we can pass the straw hats as we walk to the shore." You walk outside with Dio following you.

As you do you make a mini pink transponder snail in your pouch before taking it out and putting your finger in your mouth, biting your finger with your fang making your finger bleed as you put a drop of blood on the snail to make it connected to you for you can transport to where ever the snail is but you also connect it to another pink transponder snail in your pouch for you can speak to them. 

"Do you think I can slip this into Luffy's pocket if we pass them ?" You ask Dio while you both walk to the shore, Dio just smirks throws his arm around you, and laughs.

"Hah probably not, but I could do it without being noticed but are you sure you want to do that ?" Dio asks before taking the mini pink snail from you.

"I want to do this but I think I can do it another way ." You smirk getting an idea while walking to Meshi's.

When getting there you stop and look around before pulling out a table from your pouch, placing it down in front of the restaurant while pulling out a chair and a crystal ball to make it look like a fortune teller table. This should be enough to fool Luffy .

You like how it looks . You then walk inside of the restaurant looking around to see if the straw hats have made it yet which they have not . Luckily but before you walk out you give the old man 10000belis saying that you put a table in front of his restaurant for your fortune telling but you say you will only be there for an hour at most, the old man just smiles and takes the money not minding you are there.

"Thank you, sir ." You say as you walk back out and sit there with Dio near you standing like a guard at your side.

"Dio, can you disappear from everyone's eyes but mine just until I talk to the straw hats ?" You ask Dio before he nods and does so but as he does you start to see the straw hats in the distance so you prepare yourself.

He couldn't wait to see what you do next , his show was starting again.

As you wait for about 30 minutes they finally are near you and you decide to smile widely and point at Luffy before speaking loudly.

"You there! Young boy come here!" You say as you point at Luffy telling him to come near you while you do you hear Dio chuckling at your voice.

"What, Why?" Luffy asks but comes forward to you anyway but Nami, Zoro, and Usopp stay behind him watching you speak to Luffy.

"What you say? Why did you say? Well because I can sense greatness from you so give me your palms and let me tell you your future!"You say loudly trying to keep up the act you are doing as you reach for his palms, which he gives with an excited face.

"Woe, you can see my future and I have greatness? What's that ?" He smiles almost blinding you with his cutest but before you can speak the navigator speaks first with a look of disinterest.

"Luffy she is a scammer don't trust her, fortune tellers just tell you what you want to hear and then charge you a lot of money so leave her alone," Nami says before trying to pull Luffy away from you before she can you decide to fuck with her.

"Calm down miss, didn't Bellemere teach you better than that ?" You say with a smug grin as you glare at her you take Luffy's hands into your own holding them. 

"How...HOW DO YOU KNOW HER!" Nami screams before looking in shock at you but all you do is wave her off telling her one last thing that makes a shiver go down her spine.

"Because I'm a fortune teller and I see all, no matter it is the past, present, or future I can see it all if I look at a person's eyes." You smile pointing at your eyes while your other hand holds Luffy's hands then you look into Luffy's eyes before speaking.

"A threat is here in this village so beware, two men, one of the men will be a wolf in sheep's clothing a man who is regarded as a butler but he was never one in the first place while the other man walks backward for show but his talent for hypnotizing will prove to be a threat if you don't head this warning you may end up dead." You play up a creepy act and frown giving the news but then quickly change to look at Luffy.

"But your future is bright and something truly inspiring, I quite like your future...So I'm going to give you this."

You smile and hand Luffy the mini pink snail with a button and a speaker on it, you wink and get up to smash your warm lips with Luffy making him gasp. So you add your tongue into his mouth before he can react you bite your tongue adding your blood into his mouth to connect yourself with him.

Sorry Luffy but I hope you forgive me later.

Breaking the kiss you smile and walk past the stunning straw hats and wave before speaking.

"When you really need help press the button and I will save you once but the next time I will charge you, but it will be fairly cheap ~" You smile while making your way to the shore with Dio by your side making a proud face looking at you. While you and Dio use your power to disappear from human eyes.

By the time they snap out of their shock, Zoro runs to catch you to ask what the hell you meant and who are you but when making it to where you were walking away he looks at the crew before speaking with a weird glare.

"She's Gone ..." was the last thing you heard before making your way to the shore.

While walking away you say '' 'Keep' " while smiling and stretching your limbs making them like rubber using Luffy's power you laugh and punch Dio with a 'gum gum pistol' making him turn to look at you walking towards you slowly, you gulp and dash to the shore trying to run away from the God's wrath but who are you kidding he's your ride.

On one long boat ride with tons of biting, kissing, and groping you finally see the fish boat restaurant. As you do you smile while making yourself visible for people to see you as you reach the sea restaurant you quickly dock the boat before looking at Dio.

"Dio do you want to come with me or are you going to peep on me with Sanji ?" You ask softly looking into his eyes before getting off the boat and stepping on the dock.

Dio just smiles and shrugs before getting off the boat and turning invisible to you so you think he's going to watch like a pervert.

"That's not an answer though but it's ok." you shrug before stepping into the restaurant making your way to the receptionist's desk, and smiling at the plain male receptionist before speaking. 

"Um excuse me but I would like to request a certain cook to make my food and serve me if that's ok ?" You ask while pulling out a wad of belis smiling and showing the way to the receptionist.

"I'm willing to pay a lot of belis for this request I have even more than this so what do you say ?" You smirk as you watch the receptionist's face go from looking down on you to happily smiling willing to do my request since I have enough belis to have it seen.

"Who do you want to request?" He smiles brightly showing me to a table before I cut him off whispering into his ear.

"Well, his name is Sanji and could I ask for a more private table away from prying eyes?" You smile at his shocked face not expecting you to whisper in his ear before wondering why Sanji is the one you want but shows you to a private table away from everyone's view. You sit down sliding the wad of belis to him before speaking.

"Here is your tip for now ill pay the bill after I eat is that fine? And when can I meet him ?" You smile and watch him gasp in surprise before his shaking hand grabs his 'tip' which could buy everything in the meal 10 times but he stands straighter before speaking.

"I'll get him right now, please just wait a few moments I will make sure he rushes out ." While he runs away like a lion chasing him you watch him almost fall down the stairs, you smile as he almost falls, but you turn to look by the table before speaking out loud.

"Dio are you there ?" you ask to see if Dio is here, and all you see is his hair for a second before it disappears making it known that he is watching you.


While you insult the God you hear footsteps coming towards you fast so you decide to ignore the God to look at the person walking towards you with a brief glare before looking at your face making his heart pound against his chest when he makes it to your table he gets on one before grabbing your hand kissing it softly before speaking.

"You requested me, mademoiselle?" he asked you before you chuckled and bent down to lock your eyes with his and you just smirked while he looked at you with hearts in his eyes.

"Well I wanted the best chef to eat from, so I picked you but come sit let us chat "you smile moving your hand from his grip to motion for him to sit across from you he stands up and makes his way to the said seat and looks at you before speaking with a loud seducing voice.

"I'm truly flattered by your compliment I'm not the best chef on this ship, but I would love to cook for you and just for you." He flirts as you just laugh at him and move your foot to touch his long legs under the table in a sensual way enough to make him stiffen at the touch.

"Well sadly there is only one thing I can really eat, do you think you can still feed me ?" You smile at his blushing face as your leg stops and you lean on the table showing your breast to him a bit.

"...O-of course, mademoiselle, but what shall I serve you then ?" his voice cracks briefly before sitting up straighter to ensure he doesn't show his embarrassment.

"Well please don't judge me, Sanji, I'm a succubus so I can only be fed by having some of your semen. But if you can't I guess I'll have to ask another che-" Before you can finish lying to him, Sanji grabs your bridal style in his arms running to his room on the ship before lightly placing you on the bed.

"I won't let those bastards have a chance of touching you. But before this happens can you tell me your name ?" You chuckle and slip off your top before licking your lips.

"My name? Well, I thought you never asked, I'm (y/n) Violet (l/n) pleasure to meet you ~" you smile at him before taking off your bottoms as he starts to take off his shirt and pants, once he does he comes toward you and smashes his lips into yours while you wrap your arms around his neck pulling him on top of you in the bed.

"My darling (y/n)"

Ending this chapter as a cliffhanger but don't worry I'll continue the smut in the next chapter hope you enjoy this one.