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【one piece x reader】gxg,bxb,bxg. An actress transferred into her favorite anime ! Her goal is to have a harem and have fun ! Yandere are lurking beware! "I'll devour you !"

Emsmutcorner · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

5 Star Meal リヵラ


There will be sexual themes, strong language, and violence.

If you don't like smut don't read.

Don't report 

+18 only pls 

Now that's started let's have a fun time.

sorry for the very late update had some problems IRL .

Guileful 依ネ気

[ having or showing sly or cunning intelligence.]

"My darling (y/n)" 

Sanji says with his deep, rich and seducing voice which almost makes you melt in his bed while you arms around his neck just pulled him closer before looking into his eye you can see but it doesn't take long before he goes to kiss you. But before he can you pull away and you move your leg to press against his growing erection, which earns you a deep groan from the blonde chef above you, but before he can say anything you quickly bite his neck. no hard enough to pierce his skin but enough to make a little love bite on him before going back to kiss him deeply but you seemed to flip his switch with the love bite which made him pull away from your lips and pushes you down on the bed before kissing your chin then kissing your neck giving you a love bite as well but for some reason, there is no mark showing up unlike when you gave him a love bite. 

"Sanji~ "you moan out when he bit your neck which seemed to distract him from the non-red mark that should be growing on your neck.

"(y/n) , I don't think I can hold back anymore, I have to taste you "Sanji then crawls down your body till his face is inches away from your hot core but he looks up into your eyes before grabbing your legs putting them on his shoulders before putting your hips up a little shoving his face into your hot core before he went to work with his tongue, slowly licking your folds earning a moan from you and him since your taste makes him feel ecstasy just tasting you.

"Ah Sanji your tongue feels so good I love it !" you moan out encouraging him which makes him lightly nibble on your hard clit and pushing one finger into your wet hot core making you grip the sheets tightly and moan loudly and grab his hair with your other your hand pulling his face closer to your core.

"Your taste so addicting, you might make me crave only you with the way you're seducing me with only your taste so far. How much more would you make me fall with more of you ?"Sanji says before adding another finger inside you which sucking your clit bringer you closer to your finish.

"Why don't we see then ?" you moan out before twitching slightly as he brings you to your breaking point making your knot break, cumming on his face just making him smirk before licking you up making you feel slightly tired but now you can only think how much more pleasure he can make you feel with him inside you.

"Well since the appetizer is finished, I'm ready to move on to the main course ."Sanji smiles before grabbing your hips pulling you on to his lap smiling up at you before rubbing his hard thick cock on your wet folds before making you sinking down onto him, taking him in inch by inch slowly before looking into his blue lust-filled eyes making you moan before you both can continue.

"AAAAAAHHH" Followed by a loud crash in the room next to the room you both are in which makes both of you jump up to your feet before groaning and putting on your clothes to check the room but you have a feeling that a certain lovable idiot captain of the straw hat pirates has made his appearance a little too soon for your liking.

"Reallly?! Ugh, the mood is killed now but ill wait for you downstairs, Sanji ?" you say before walking out before he can follow or respond to your question, your pretty irritated which makes you feel like a bitch for leaving like that but you could care less because for a certain cockblock .

"W-wait, (y/n)!"Sanji said before rushing out with his messy clothes and fluffy hair untamed but cute, he looks quite normal but a bright red mark on his neck that shows over his collar seems to be glowing, instead of checking on the room next to his he decides that he would rather check on you. It's strange though since he knows Pops is in the room next to his but for some reason, he can only think of you leaving him which brings a sharp pain in his chest.

"(y/n)-swan wait for me !"Sanji rushes down the stairs almost tripping over himself before looking downstairs to see you sitting at a table waiting on him. He sighs in relief before walking over to you and kneeling down.

"(y/n), please forgive me for not being able to feed you, but if you want I could cook something for you ?"Sanji pleads with cute puppy eyes in order to calm down your earlier irritation. Sighing out with a less pissed face you look down at him before patting his head.

"It's not your fault, its that idiot fault, if possible can I have some of your blood, sweat or saliva since semen is out of the question now but please get up. Don't worry much about not being able to feed me today, you can always feed me a different day of course. But I do have some friends coming soon ." you smile at him before watching him get up slightly with a lovesick grin before he melts at your touch before thinking how to fulfill your request.

"How much blood would you need and would you bite me like a vampire or something or could I add it to soup or something, also are your friends as cute as you ?"The flirty chef says before blushing at his thoughts of other girls like you but of course, none can be as good as you.

"I could bite you but I would love to eat your cooking instead also a few drops of blood should be enough for me for now. My friends? Heh, I guess you could say their cute." you chuckle at the thought of Zoro being 'cute' but you should probably say ' keep ' soon since you did taste his saliva but you will wait till he's gone before you say that.

"Of course, some special red soup for My (y/n), but I can't wait for you can try my cooking. I would give you every drop of blood from my blood if it makes you happy.''His tone changed slightly for a second when he said your name but you didn't notice it at the time, but even though you didn't notice it. It was enough to still send a shiver down your spine but you don't care.

"That's very sweet of you but I don't need more than a few drops of blood and wouldn't want you to die ." you smile brightly making him putty at your smile and words.

'You didn't want him to die, you wanted him, Only him....' is what the blonde cutie thought before snapping out of it, going back to his original flirty thoughts.

"Only for you, but ill start cooking now. See you soon with your meal ."Sanji smiles before rushing to the kitchen passing up a certain black haired teen coming down to clean up tables for work off his debt.

''Keep"you say watching the certain straw hat captain while waiting for Sanji to give you your food.

"Look, the one sitting over there is L.T Fullbody.."One customer spoke making others start to mumble.

"No way, a marine lieutenant is eating here ?"

"Look how graceful he hi..."

The said marine starts to speak loudly to probably make others listen to him, so you decide to watch this pink-haired marine attention whore .

"MM! This delicate scent! It must be from Micgueot of the northern lands! And this slight sourness mixed with a thick dry taste...this wine must be Itelzbulger Stein!" he proudly shouted while Sanji walks toward them with soup in two hands and one on his head while smoking, you knew one of the soups was yours.

"Well Waiter, Am I wrong?"

"Not even close, Sir." Sanji says smirking before correcting him about being a chef.

"Oh and by the way, I'm actually the Assistant Head Chef. I'm only temporarily filling in for the waited who all ran away yesterday ."Sanji says before placing the soups from both hands on to the table but he takes the soup that was on his head and puts it in his left hand before speaking.

"Here's your soup, Sir please enjoy it while it's still hot ." He smiles as he serves them before the marine starts to blush at his mistake and hearing the laugher from the guests.

"Hey, Don't laugh!" "But he was so sure of himself! PFFT!"Random customers laugh and giggle at him.

Sanji just walks off heading towards you smiling, you smile back happily thinking about his food and how will it taste since he is a god at cooking.

'Speaking of Gods where is that cheeky bastard at ....doesn't really matter right now ." you thought about Dio but decide that you should just enjoy the moment before you have to sneak on the Mikhawks boat later.

"(y/n) darling, I'm here with your special soup just for you and I can grab you some wine too and mix in some more of blood just for you !!"Sanji places the soup in front of you before hovering over your back which gives lot of sexual tension, but all you do is lick your lips before speaking.

"Well if you wish too, I would love it, since it's from you. ~" you purr before winking at the male above you before your Lovely Dovey moment was ruined by the annoying attention whore marine yelling for Sanji making the cook very agitated and sighs.

"OOH Waiter!!" the said marine said asking for Sanji which he cursed under his breath before making his way to the table , while he does you decide to eat this soup.

"Fuck this is sooooo good !" you zone out of the fight about to happen you instead choose to lose your self in the SAUCE I mean the lovely soup made by a hot chef.

After so finish your soup you turn your head hearing gunshots and screaming.

"One customer coming this way." "He better not start any trouble in my restaurant " "A pirate ?" "....."

"Anything will do ... just bring me some food.....This place is a restaurant right ?" the bloody pirate says before sitting down.

But you decide you don't really care about what's about to happen so you decide to walk out to greet your soon to be friends.

"Hello there my friends, remember me from Syrup village ?" you smile facing the shocked faces.

"Shady Lady !?!" "Weird pervert!?!" "Fortune teller ?"The trio says before you move them to follow you to a table, walking to your private table.

"Follow me and lets chat? I bet you have a lot of questions to ask me ?" you giggle before sitting down on your chair at the big table as they follow in you, sitting down but unlike you their tense and stiff.

"Yeah you have a lot of questions which need to be answered, pervert." the moss head swordsman says before Nami cuts in.

"Don't call her a pervert you jerk !"Nami shouts before hitting him on the head. But she still looks like she wants to ask some questions as well.

"Yeah, you knew about the Kuro pirates and that other guy." the long nose sniper says before his tummy growls loudly bringing a red blush and embarrassed face with it.

"Haha, you're hungry? That's cute but since I like you guys I'll treat you to lunch today and I will answer all your questions but I'll need something in return ." you chuckle at the long nose snipers poorly timed grumble but Nami just smiles clapping her hands together smiling with belis in her eyes. While Zoro just groans before smirking thighing about the sake he can get for free.

Free stuff tastes better!

"Order all you want and ask me anything ."

"What do you want in return ?"Nami says getting straight to the point.

"Blunt aren't you? But smart of you as well. I want you to drink some of my blood and hold on to these mini transponder snails." you say before pulling out three mini pink snails with hearts on them handing it to the trio.

"Just like I gave your captain my blood and the mini snail ." you smile before looking at their faces.

"Your blood?!?" "That is gross." "Free sake for drinking blood that's fine with me "

"What you idiot don't just say that ." 

"I'm a succubus so my blood is pretty tasty and it will help you in the future ."


Sorry, it's short but I wanted to makes something for Sunday but next chapter you get to meet Mihawk.

Based mostly on the manga and might change the plot or show you a new view.