


A very sad sponge.

2021-12-20 JoinedGlobal

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  • A_sad_Sponge
    Replied to Dex2

    Well, there is the fact that he was a delinquent since the moment his mother died. So there wasn't enough time for his parents to drill etiquette into his bones when they were already trying to stop his debauchery.

    My tie wasn't even put on, my shirt wasn't tucked in my pants either. My whole atmosphere was screaming. I didn't give a damn about the rules. The problem was that I hated being uncomfortable in clothes. Tucking shirts in my pants or strangling myself with a tie wasn't for me.
    I Am The Game's Villain
    Fantasy ¡ NihilRuler
  • A_sad_Sponge

    Hella Creepy

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    I Am The Game's Villain
    Fantasy ¡ NihilRuler
  • A_sad_Sponge

    Strengthen the bond between families by forcing a marriage between two people in which one person hates the other.

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    I Am The Game's Villain
    Fantasy ¡ NihilRuler
  • A_sad_Sponge

    Great Novel. Really liked the story and everything.... It's just that the plot and the characters are so stupid sometimes. 1. King spends fortune to summon a hero. And while every other hero is insanely strong this one seems to be weak. Instead of thinking that the hero might have undiscovered powers and continue his investment, he decides to throw everything he spent on away and treat the hero as if he is worthless. I'm not going to blame him for his actions because the hero truly is an exception and not the type of hero someone would want to have, but letting him get away without doing anything. Letting him just leave after all the money invested into him is stupid. At least make him a slave or something. He just disrespects the king and the king just gets angry and allows him to joint he opposing force. Well, not my cup of tea. 2. Somehow, the hero with nothing to his name enters a drinking contest and loses. However, not only does he not have to pay anything like a loser, someone the owner covers his tab and offers him a 50% discount on everything. Even though he a Lv1 noob, somehow he scares everyone with his supposed aura. Eventually, he not only gets free food and lodgings, someone else is paying for it. Well yeah, I understand being a hero has its perks, but why do they not care about him being a leech. 3. Soon, he happens to come across a merchant who gives free soul artifacts which are supposedly super expensive and rare. He gets two based on giving the knowledge of how to use them and a favor. The dealer just gives them away. The fact that the protagonist has so much plot armor to get OP artifacts at the beginning at no cost is just stupid. NO written agreements. NO trial. NOthing. It's just stupid that he soon also gets a super rare, 8/9 star fox that supposedly can bring down nations. It just is stupid at that point at how much the author is attempting to give you free stuff. It's just not even cool anymore. The characters are literally his doormats, just somehow trusting him and giving him free stuff along the way. Stupid characters acting as antagonists and a stupid protagonist who cannot control his temper. But let me tell the truth, his writing is very good and entertaining. It's just a bit forced and I cannot stomach that much plot armor in one sitting.

    The Achievement Junkie
    Games ¡ TheSilverQuill
  • A_sad_Sponge
    Replied to Itashi

    I know, just not logical.

    Bowser knew that Jack had eaten his mother's body, so he assumed that his mother was also protecting Jack. Even Rydel would be treated more warmly by the fox from then on because of this.
    The Achievement Junkie
    Games ¡ TheSilverQuill
  • A_sad_Sponge

    Wow, the author didn't even try to come up with a good lie.

    Bowser's eyes dulled a little when Rydel made that comment, so Jack petted him and tried to comfort him. "I'm sorry buddy, you know I didn't mean to kill your mom."
    The Achievement Junkie
    Games ¡ TheSilverQuill
  • A_sad_Sponge
    Replied to GrandpaWhiteTiger

    True, and worst of all I feel sad for Zariff. MC is just a janitor 24/7 gamer who got lucky and now wants to bewitch him into becoming sworn brothers. MC doesn't deserve Zariff.

    He wouldn't admit it to Rydel, but his opinion of Zariff only went up every time someone talked about him. There was no doubt in Jack's mind that Zariff was worth more than just befriending, maybe even being a sworn brother. That's something he would think about, even if it was awkward considering his achievement to seduce Maura.
    The Achievement Junkie
    Games ¡ TheSilverQuill
  • A_sad_Sponge

    That's actually true. He 'Wished' to come to a fantasy world, but he never 'consented' to come to this world. So his argument is actually valid. He never grew up in that kingdom and the king only treats him like a tool. So, he is not entitled nor stupid, he is merely speaking his mind. Well, I'll take that back again. Maybe he is stupid, but not entitled.

    "I never asked to come here," Jack interrupted. "Yes, I'm grateful for the opportunity to come here and explore a new world, but I have no reason to call you my king. Sure, you've summoned me and you reign here. I will acknowledge you like a king and show you your deserved respect, but what have you done for me other than dragging me into your problems? You'll give me these things that I've asked for, but that's only logical because it's to your greater benefit for me to solve your problems for you. Am I wrong?"
    The Achievement Junkie
    Games ¡ TheSilverQuill
  • A_sad_Sponge

    Story Development: It just seems kind of forced. It seems like he's the only moving character in a static world. He is captured at the beginning but the force who captures him isn't mentioned again for a while and their influence is quite non-existant. World Background: Lots of logical errors in size and scale of credits (The Currency) and a few other things. Its fine that he gets a ton of OP stuff but why only him? It seems like he's the only person who is using the system and everyone else is sitting on their butts, chilling, waiting for the MC to come near them before they do something productive in their life. There are a few other problems. While the characters are very good, the countries and maps are not logical. He calls the top continent (Cyphix) to be around the size of china. Well, China has roughly 700 official cities however in the book, we only learn about one in that continent. Seems a bit out of proportion. The maps are well done, but the story doesn't seem as logical in its worldbuilding. He acquires an artifact that is worth 20 million credits. Everyone is like "WOOOAAAHH", they're like that is so expensive. But then the next moment they are like can we buy twenty of your armor you took ten seconds to make from ingredients which you have a supply (Perhaps infinite of? Never is clarified) of for 200,000 credits. Of course, I have not read too many chapters but my opinion is that the world building in the beginning is not the best and therefore is most likely going to continue to be subpar at best in the future.

    Phoenix Phire
    Games ¡ BotwaCazador
  • A_sad_Sponge


    "Yep, one of us is going to eat the other one day." He reached a hand and rubbed the turtles smooth head, "there's a reason I named her Soup."
    Phoenix Phire
    Games ¡ BotwaCazador
  • A_sad_Sponge
    Replied to Joswilaney

    It hints that he committed arson and murder for revenge. Not sure about the reason for tax evasion thought ...

    There were two things that none of the Daybreakers could figure out. Why Nix was a faster swimmer than everyone else and why the turtles flocked to him like he was the pied piper.
    Phoenix Phire
    Games ¡ BotwaCazador
  • A_sad_Sponge

    What about the other tailors? Why aren't they making similar products and selling it.

    Nix opened his hud, keeping his face expressionless when just over three hundred thousand credits were transferred. "So... we did good?" He pushed the ledger back toward her, "everything sold?"
    Phoenix Phire
    Games ¡ BotwaCazador
  • A_sad_Sponge

    what about the shell? 😢

    [A Black Sea Turtle pelt has been added to your inventory.]
    Phoenix Phire
    Games ¡ BotwaCazador
  • A_sad_Sponge

    When will he run out of ingredients?

    "So many?" Lela watched as box after box was placed on the floor.
    Phoenix Phire
    Games ¡ BotwaCazador
  • A_sad_Sponge

    Last time he checked which was just before he left the colony, his strength was 18. So an increase of (35-18) 17 points just by jogging / walking on his way to the next town. Maybe I'm missing something but does cardio increase your endurance or your strength?

    Strength 35
    Phoenix Phire
    Games ¡ BotwaCazador
  • A_sad_Sponge

    Very detailed. World building is very solid, and the main character shows deep critical thinking beyond the preconceived norms of most Chinese novels. While there are a few things which are not logical, you can't expect the MC to be perfect every single time. That's just not realistic. There are some complaints regarding how the novel progresses too slow, however if the author removed a lot of the worldbuilding, then the novel would not only be too short, but it would seem less realistic. And I'm glad this author didn't resort to using face-slapping to fill in the word count and add filler.

    Psychic Parasite
    Sci-fi ¡ Overlord_Venus