Honestly, I frequently reading Manga's than novel, so there is a lot more conversation than narrative in my writings. Hope you like it! Ig account promote: @ssun_ara
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I can see this story is giving a kind of mystery like a scattered puzzle that eventually readers need to find the exact place and that is how you write a mystery! The author has done a great job. Grammatical errors are fine as long as it's understandable for the story. I've done a lot too and learned from that experience. I hope you keep updated on this novel and reached the top! *added to fav
Wahhh keren banget cerita inii. Aku suka cerita kayak gini menurut aku ini seru banget! Aku suka gimana awalnya author ngejelasin tentang cupid. Yang sebenernya aku juga suka baca cerita - cerita yunani. Ini cocok banget buat aku! Semangat authoorr! Seru banget ceritanyaa... <3
wahhh seru banget ceritanyaa! baru awal baca udah ketawa banget haha 😂 keren banget pokoknya! Terus teknik penulisannya bagus dan menarik sekali. good job thor!!
See this! I just gifted the story: Balloon
thanks for the review 😘
What an exciting story!!! I love this. This is definitely the book I liked to start my weekend! Thank you very much author, you've made my day. Looking forward to the upcoming chapterss!
I love how the author the story. Besides the interesting plot, I also enjoy the expression in each conversation as well. I think it's creative to give the emotion through that. I would definitely read this further, thank you. great job!!!