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These comments are almost 2 years old....
Well the lockdowns(including the stimulus checks) caused one of the largest economic hits to our global economy, and the ramifications are still being felt. I think at this point if you still believe the Corona virus was as exaggerated as the media makes it out to be, you need to go back and do some fact checks. They padded death stats with people who died in auto wrecks and gun shot wounds, just because the people tested positive to covid in autopsy reports. The whole thing was a huge can of BS, to help big phama companies to make fortunes using expensive medications that were pretty much useless, and demonized the cheap over-the-counter alternatives that were FDA appoved for decades. There is so much media manipulation on this matter, it has sparked many senate inquiries investigating the topic. Despite being caught pretty much red-handed on these matters, the media never had to accept their responsibilities on the matter, and they just blame the President, and anyone that supported him on the matter. Lockdowns did not have any positive effect in fighting the virus, masks are pretty much useless, and social distancing just made society awkward. Covid sucks to get, but its not really any more dangerous than the usual influenza(I have had it twice in 3 years...). I have no idea how you think I am wrong on the subject, I suppose you just don't understand the topic, or you don't understand what I said.
Well, there are a lot of places that simulate no atmosphere on earth. Basically a room that is in a complete vacuum. You will not die instantly, but you will die very quickly if you removed your helmet; some theorize that you would freeze so fast you could be reanimated if we had the technology to reverse the cryogenic freezing effect. Who knows?
No, they are saying he speed watched each show, not read the script... not even sure how you would find a transcript for every show that's almost 2 decades old, especially in china that filters a lot of media and websites coming from the US.
The original point was that Trump's decor in his buildings are not untasteful for the vast majority of clientele. You can google some pictures before you make biased preconceptions. From what I have seen of wealthy individuals (old and new), I have never seen extremely gaudy and bejewelled decor, after seeing literally thousands of estates. It's a very niche group that does that and they are not atypical to the wealthy class of the west. In my opinion gaudy things are usually either gimmicky or trashy to begin with. You are free to disagree with, just as you are free to be wrong about facts. Enjoy your reading.
The specific reason behind the creation of CE, was not to be secular, but to remove christianity from academia by Jewish scholars. I don't think its necessary to change our benchmarks and vernacular based on religious differences. Another example would be if people wanted to change Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, etc because its related to norse and Roman mythology, just because people find it offensive. These words have been around for so long and used by so many, there is no justifiable reason to change them because a few people are upset over them. Cancel culture is a cancer to our society, and just needs to stop.
Eh... I don't think you have been to his buildings. Gaudy is not considered as aesthetically pleasing to the majority of the people, and I wouldn't describe what I saw as that at all. But you are wrong about the rich not liking gaudy... they like to eat gold wrapped meat... just saying.
Not really, it was completely unnecessary, and the original intention behind the change was hate and contempt for Christianity by some members of academia. Who cares, if a few people were uncomfortable with it, there is no need to change an entire system used by the general population of the world for something simple like discomfort for an extreme minority. Are we going to destroy all the religious art and culture of the world because it offends a few people now? How simple.
Unfortunately that sounds correct, but to actually be grounded it need the metal aspect of any internal wiring or structure to be directly wired to a conductor deeply embedded into the ground. This is just basic electrical engineering. I am sure someone who is certified in this field could explain it better.
If you are reading this book for such purposes, kudos to you. I personally read it to enjoy a story, but my immersion was destroyed by this said issue, among others, just as it has for many other readers, based on comments and likes to said comments. I don't think there are many who appreciate this approach as there was no conversion shown for people to even comprehend it. Were you able to fully comprehend this numerical system without having to google search its conversion rate?
He is using a numerical system that only makes sense to Indian people. He aparently doesn't know the Arabic system that the rest of the world uses, or simply chose not to. So it is hard to say what the heck the actual value is unless some one wants to convert it all from Indian to Arabic.