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Ok didn’t see that coming. Is the author afraid we wont know he is racist or something?
How is she getting stupider every chapter ?
If drugs don’t work on her just drink the tea☕️
Hope you continue writing I enjoyed this
Nice did the math a week is 11.57 earth days or 277.77’ earth hours to the 168 earth hour week 3600 sec in an earth hr vs 10,000 or 166.66’ earth min in an hr vs 60 or 1’440 earth min in a day vs 1,666 earth min in a cycle or 27.77’ earth hr in a cycle IDK if I did this right but who cares😵💫
Is it wrong to say SURPRISE? Cause I think he was surprised, I was surprised.
I really enjoyed this book keep up the good work and I want to know what happened to lala
I love the chapter titles
where is the new chapters? I have been voting for the book but this service sucks
I still vote for you even if Ill never know what happens