Pretty tastey guy
of reading
Read books
only 3 alt accounts not too bad, gotta be a bit cheeky with it
I finished second coming of gluttony quite recently and it's been my favourite and only finished Web novel 😂
I'm a bit far behind from the rest of the novel and this has probably already happened. but wouldn't that spiritual link be able to connect with his father and mother? he could find them through said link since it points in their direction
Ves be acting like space Switzerland
Ves could have put his devil tongue better to use, he's clearly creating a divide rather than appealing to the widest array of Larkinsons he can. This could be his end goal in stalling Ghanso and as a short term solution thats fine but there's definitely a better way to word and create a long term solution that has short term benefits
I think I have a bias towards family but I genuinely think it could be an extremely interesting idea if Ves did closely link up to the Larkinsons and create a Vesian like household in terms of might and essentially create a huge money grab for himself and the Larkinsons.
so mech designers are just orks from 40k, neat
Isn't Joshua that kid that piloted Ves' online mech stuff? Yooooo the detail
Its currently 8am for me, I should have been asleep hours ago but I've been reading this book for 7 hours straight, send help.
idk why but Sil genuinely scares me