

2018-07-11 JoinedIsrael



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  • SliverFang

    "I'm not a hero, but I'm not a villain either" *proceeds to genocide the world for profit* The novel is full of explaining how other people are doing bad things or stupid things or w/e, but the MC is busy finding flimsy excuses why his evil is ok, or why him not stopping evil is actually smart when there's barely anything that actually supports it. There's no justification why MC turned out to be such a shitty person, but I wouldn't have given this story such a low rating if the guy just OWNED UP TO IT. He claims that he won't kill innocents unless they stand in his way, but "his way" is whatever he wants at the moment, whether it's their resources, their treasures, their souls, or their own freedom. Seriously, in the second simulation the chick his dead mom arranged a marriage to wanted to be independent. He wasn't interested in her at all, but because she didn't accept her fate and asked to cancel the arrangement, it meant that she humiliated him and he killed her instantly. "Oh she asks for time to grow stronger to prove herself, but I bet she'd find a lover in that time and I don't want her to NTR me so DIE!" Just pathetic.

    World Travel Simulator System In Modern Society
    Fantasy · ShadowKatake
  • SliverFang
    Replied to Exophone_098

    That trouble is in his head. His strength gets revealed soon after and nothing troublesome happens. He openly threatens others in the organization and they shrug it off. So his "cautious" nature isn't warranted, it's just an excuse for being an awful person.

    World Travel Simulator System In Modern Society
    Fantasy · ShadowKatake
  • SliverFang


    - Naruto
    Shining God in Danmachi
    Anime & Comics · Cozmooo
  • SliverFang

    Bah, I really dislike this type of plot. Skimmed through these chapters...

    Ch 60 Chapter 0060: If You Don’T Have The Ability To Fight, At Least You Must Have The Consciousness Of Dying!
    Danmachi: I have a Simulator!
    Anime & Comics · Novelette_Seeker
  • SliverFang
    Replied to z_ren

    Pointless ultimatums an awful relationship make. And how is forsaking a close friend/family member because he demands it a show of strong will? If he demands pointless sacrifices just to prove they love him, they won't love him for long.

    Ch 129 Difficult choice
    Inner Voice: All Heroines Hear My Inner Voice
    Anime & Comics · DogLickerGods
  • SliverFang

    I hope the drama doesn't last long. I get why it's happening, it's a reasonable reaction, but it's not fun to read, at least to me...

    Ch 24 Chapter 24
    Pokemon Efficient Master (EM)
    Book&Literature · Basso2142
  • SliverFang

    Thanks for the chapter, nice battles, but you got messy there. The battle with Electabuzz is interrupted with a section against Raichu that isn't even used later on... Also, Dragon Claw is an odd way to finish this. Charmeleon had activated Blaze there, no? Why not use the boost and do a fire move?

    Ch 22 Chapter 22
    Pokemon Efficient Master (EM)
    Book&Literature · Basso2142
  • SliverFang

    Mai: "You forgot about me!" Me: "Who are you???"

    Ch 108 Mai who wants to be persuaded, and Eiji who...
    Inner Voice: All Heroines Hear My Inner Voice
    Anime & Comics · DogLickerGods
  • SliverFang

    I don't really get the people that are annoyed by this format, saying that it's annoying to read. You read the poster's name, skim over the tags (if it's a new poster), and read the message, and it's barely different than reading any other conversation.

    Ch 27 23.5: WWO (Upgrades, People! Upgrades!)
    The Grind (And Helping Heather Potter) [Book 2]
    Book&Literature · Daddy
  • SliverFang

    So you originally wanted Ulbert to be his friend, but changed your mind due to readers? You seem to have written at least some of this chapter before changing your mind? "Fortunately, Jacob still possessed the memories of Ulbert's body. Making it easier for him to speak Japanese"

    Ch 22 Yggdrasil XX
    Overlord: Multiverse
    Anime & Comics · PrimisOptimus
  • SliverFang
    Replied to Axes

    What? Arnold only turned on the guy after he betrayed the group. He was the one to convince the MC to bring him in initially, before he knew the man was scum. Arnold wouldn't have accepted the MC murdering the guy without any evidence, and after there was evidence he had no issues with that.

    This book has been deleted.
  • SliverFang
    Replied to Axes

    What you are making up is an issue out of something that really wasn't wrong of the MC, not the details of the event. The MC doesn't want to go solo, he wants to form a group of strong people, so he does need to care about what others think of him and his actions, he needs to be trusted so he doesn't have to watch over the group all the time, to make sure they don't betray him. He knows that Arnold has potential, so he cares more about Arnold's feelings. Besides, he isn't so strong to ignore numbers, and for some reason enemies grow stronger than he expected them to based on his prior experience.

    This book has been deleted.
  • SliverFang

    The Grim Reaper is a fan of Death Note Shinigami!

    This book has been deleted.
  • SliverFang

    Rather disappointing. The MC shows no skill of his own, completely depending on the system. That's often the case with system novels, but at least display some sort of sense. He knows that his siblings are scheming, yet "I called a taxi for you, and paid for it" and he can't be bothered trying to think what his sister may be plotting? The moment he gets the system, there's basically no point to anything. There's no sense of tension when he doesn't need to put in effort in order to profit. And whatever goal he has is unknown, at least to where I've read it (c35). The romance hasn't developed yet, but I doubt I would've cared either way, considering it's based on super love at first sight or something. The MC and FL seem to be obsessed with each other while knowing absolutely nothing about the other.

    Hundred Times Income Multiplier System
    Urban · Alan_Wafula
  • SliverFang

    The story has a decent premise and it would be an ok read if it was more consistent... Numbers, abilities and the timeline itself get confused. Events are different from what MC experienced first for an unknown reason (so that it's not too easy for the MC, probably, because nothing he actually did should've brought the change). People set up organizations and camps within days of the apocalypse, a couple of weeks in and we meet someone who had been surviving for a couple of months in a grocery store, the MC is supposed to get an ability every level, but he gets to level 4 and has only 2, then he gets another ability when he levels up to... level 4! He keeps people that he knows are waiting to screw him over because it's entertaining, or believes that they are useful for now so he waits until they actually do damage before he deals with them... He complains that his group doesn't have enough strong people, but when he meets a new person he does everything to make the idea of joining his group look as unappealing as possible by acting like a huge cunt for no reason - he doesn't even really need all the supplies he steals from the person. He excuses it as a test of character - meaning he wants someone desperate and won't stand up for themselves.

    This book has been deleted.
  • SliverFang
    Replied to Axes

    The MC wanted Arnold to trust him. If he went alone with the guy others know he doesn't like and returned saying he died, how do you think others would react? Even if they don't have evidence, they would never be at ease around him. The girl suffered because she stayed with the abusive partner. There's plenty of meh about the story, no need to make up stuff.

    This book has been deleted.
  • SliverFang
    Replied to Pyrozian

    It's possible, but he'd also be wasting time with that. He can't buy all that much with pure cash, as he'd need to go to each place in person so it's a waste of time, plus it's way more suspicious, so he'd have to bank it. What will he do? Withdraw the money only to deposit 100k times more shortly afterwards? Then get arrested because the serial numbers repeat? He could withdraw a thousand dollars and then deposit that so he would have tons of spending money, as long as he doesn't spend too much in one place, but it's also possible that he did that in the background and it's just not significant enough to mention. The story has plenty of issues, but that's not really one of them.

    This book has been deleted.
  • SliverFang
    Replied to GoldenZega606

    Isn't Naruto making a permanent clone to stay with her?

    Ch 32 Chapter 32
    Naruto Hagoromo: Rinnegan no Kami
    Anime & Comics · LostSamurai1974
  • SliverFang

    Haven't read it yet, but still gonna ask... Bojack was sealed in king Kai's planet. Since it didn't blow up, he shouldn't be here, right?

    Ch 45 Galactic Tournament[1]
    Vegeta Hakaishin[Hiatus]
    Anime & Comics · Odd_Hound
  • SliverFang

    The writing is decent, but that's pretty much it. It's either exactly following the original plot or developing an awkward romance between a rather uninteresting MC and Alex, and it's not awkward because they are 13. They are basically telling each other that they are interested but there is no progress in their relationship, and it's attributed to the MC being either dense or scared. And he is supposed to have gotten master manipulator from the gacha, so even if he isn't using the skill to manipulate, he should have the observational ability to realize the situation. The scenes from the show are left with no change outside his comments that don't actually contribute anything besides characters nodding and saying how smart he is. And whenever it's not about the original plot, you randomly get paragraphs of flowery descriptions that really don't fit with the whole "it's a modern family fanfic" vibe... Really out of place and kinda pretentious.

    Modern Family: Gacha
    TV · N_R_U