
~Black Bracelet~

Elliot Hamper. An ordinary nobody with a not so ordinary past. Trying to live out her life as quietly as possible and eventually escape from her abusive families clutches. But three people seem to keep getting in the way of her roughly planned future. Number 1: Kevin Wright, a handsome rich boy who won the titles golden boy, teachers pet and the school heart throb. A psychopath Eliot must do everything to avoid. Number 2: George Dame, the schools notorious bad boy. Known by most for his talent to bring misery to anyone who got on his nerves. Someone who carries misery onto anyone who gets close to him. Number 3: Mr Nathaniel, the ordinary business teacher, with hands stained in blood. They were the people she tried to avoid more than anyone but somehow they got tangled up in her daily schedule.

RedBedSheets · 若者
23 Chs

Chapter 9

Classes had been as usual the next day. The only difference was the presentation with Kevin. George didn't attend the class. Skipping with the excuse that he had social anxiety.

I snorted knowing Mr Nathaniel saw through the lie that was planned to aggravate him.

Mr Nathaniel had given a rare smile at the presentation, causing me to frown. It wouldn't be there much longer.

I thought back to Kevin's words as my eyes were drawn to the bracelets on Mr Nathaniels hands during class. He murdered failing kids from poor families. People with uncaring parents. People who weren't special.

I suddenly remembered the sick memory i saw when i touched Kevin's bracelet. His first victim i assumed. I stared at Mr Nathaniels arm realising i could confirm the murders. What Kevin had said.

I stood up.

"Mr Nathaniel, can I discuss something with you about the presentation after school" I was usually the quiet girl, speaking when spoken to, so the look of surprise on his face was expected, but he nodded.

"Alright, I'll be here marking work anyway" I could feel Kevin's stare glaring holes into my head, but i ignored it as students shuffled to leave the class.

"How was it?" George said to me as I was leaving for the canteen. It caught me by surprise since I wasn't used to being randomly spoken to.

"Fine." I answered quickly hoping to end the discussion and get rid of the curious stares. Kevin said not to talk with each other at school.

"Sure it was..." George sneered "I bet he was raging" his voice full of sarcasm and a hint of irritation.

"Kevin said not to get involved with each other in school" I whispered harshly to him, leaning in closer.

He just snorted at my response.

"What makes you think I care?" He whispered back with a smirk. His blue eyes twinkling mischievously.

I walked away from him, racing to the canteen. Hoping he wouldn't follow me.

I payed for an apple, placing the familiar envelope on the table which, of course, was snatched by a familiar blonde, but before she left something spilt on my arm.

Hot! I pulled my arm back at the sudden burn and turned towards the source only to be met with Jennifer's satisfied smile as she held a tilted coffee cup.

"That's for being late yesterday" she laughed and a few of her friends let out their own nasally laugh.

They left to get something from outside.

I groaned as I stood up and made way to the bathroom stuffing the apple in my bag. But I was blocked off by a familiar leather jacket. George.

Sighing, I lifted my head. I didn't realise that George stood there with all his friends. There was an odd black bracelet here and there on their wrists as they all stared at me, towering my 5'4 frame.

"Nice sleeve" George snickered at my now coffee stained white sleeves. My skin still burning. I scoffed back at him and moved to get around him and his goons, only to be blocked off again.

"What, didn't you hear me Hamper?" He barked at me. He grabbed my coffee stained arm which I wretched back in futility. Before I knew it, he was dragging me off to a janitors closet and shutting the door behind me.

"Listen George, my arm is burning and I'm not up for your shit" I retorted sharply as he turned away from me and started rummaging through his back pack.

He threw a shirt at me. It blinded my vision as it sat messily on my head.

The door opened and shut behind me.

I pulled the shirt off my face hesitantly, it was black, long sleeved with a skull on it.

Did George just... help me?

A strange unexplainable warmth suddenly exploded in my chest. It was comforting and addictive. I felt a giddy smile raise on my face as I stared at the shirt which I promptly changed into. It was, naturally, baggy on me, but I hadn't felt so happy wearing something in a long time.

I bundled the coffee stained shirt into my bag and opened the door carefully. George didn't wait for me.

The smile on my face, however, Still beamed. I had to thank him later on.


Work called. A shift needed covering, apparently somebody ditched last minute. I groaned after the phone call with Mr Eloy, my manager.

School had just finished and I wanted to eat something-anything but, if he (my uncle) finds out that I turned down a shift, it would result in me sleeping outside.

Sometimes I really wondered, what would it be like to be like... them. The kids who left school happily. Who had parents- normal guardians and still complained about them. I shook my head, shaking my head out of the negativity.

"Woof" somebody laughed in my ear. A girl with an unfamiliar voice.

I turned towards her in bewilderment and instantly recognised her.

Angela Goodwill, although completely dangerous, scary and did I mention dangerous had a hand free of black bracelets, sporting a gold strap. She was always around George and his goons so why she was talking to me, I had no idea.

"What? Lost your owner?" She chuckled and her hand started to smooth out the stray hair on my face. She grasped my hair from behind and suddenly started thrashing my head around before I could react.

"Let go!" I quickly dig my nails into her arms and pulled her away, but before I could do much she thrusted her knee into my stomach, knocking the air out of me.

"Your quite the violent type of puppy?" She taunted me as she pushed me down. Her voice was almost drowned out by the crowd that surrounded us screaming "fight! Fight!".

"Fuck off!" I spat at her causing her pretty face to darken in anger, but before she could lay her blow somebody pulled her away.

Mr Nathaniel, angrier than ever screamed at the crowd to disperse and gave Angela a month long detention which she probably wouldn't have even attended anyway.

After shooting me a nasty glare, Angela stalked off.