
Zootopia: Operation Thunderbolt

Zootopia: Operation Thunderbolt follows the story of a fox called Blake Thunder, who lost his family in a harrowing event. His heavy loss turned him into a ruthless hitman working for The Golden Fang Clan, a secret organization led by the malevolent criminal mastermind Raphael Roarlington. Blake's life significantly changes after he reunites with a childhood friend with questionable intentions. The glorious city of Zootopia is in danger as it is being threatened by an adverse and mysterious kind of people who seek revenge against its citizens. Get ready for the first grand chapter of Blake Thunder's story as you embark on an emotional journey accompanied by original characters and familiar faces you know from the movie.

Griff_Dreamblazer · 映画
20 Chs

Behold the Godfather!

An hour and a half passed since the intense conversation between Blake and Jack. Blake took a brief nap after the fight. He gets a call from The Golden Fang Clan. His phone is vibrating on the desk which wakes him up and then he answers it...

Blake: How do you dare disturb me in my slumber?

A person with a deep voice answers. It's Raphael's right hand man, Gregory Kalashnikov, a giant polar bear. He is one of the biggest and most dangerous personal bodyguards of Raphael.

Gregory: Blake, listen carefully. The boss wants you at our compound tomorrow. He is assembling some of his men for a briefing. Make sure you're geared up and ready for the mission. We're expecting you at 7 am. Be here in time!

Blake: Wait what?! I thought I had a day off. Are you serious? Why am I always compelled to get ready for another bloody mission by YOU?! I am tired of your voice. I am NOT going anywhere tomorrow for god's sake. Just...give me a break already! I was told I am having a day off tomorrow!

Gregory: Mr. Thunder, you clearly don't remember what the contract said when you signed it. It is your sole obligation to do the bidding of our clan so stop being a disrespectful and indolent fox or I will flatten your head on the ground when you arrive. The boss is expecting your arrival in the morning. Over.

Gregory hangs up leaving Blake's phone beep continuously....

Blake: What a jerk.... I wonder what the hell Raphael wants this time....

Blake sets an alarm on his phone to 6 am and goes back to sleep.

7 hours later...

Blake gets woken up at 6 am. He turns off the alarm, dresses up and walks out of his bedroom. Jack is seen snoring on the couch. Blake approaches him and nudges him several times to wake him up....

Blake: Hey wakey wakey snowflake!!!

Jack: What? Blake?

Jack slowly sits on the couch, still half asleep, then takes a look at the clock....

Jack: Blake what the hell, why are you awake this early in the morning....

Blake: Listen to me, you icicle. I got a call from this chubby ice block yesterday. I am forced to go to the clan's hideout at 7 am for a reason yet to be explained.

Jack: Wait a damn minute, this doesn't make any sense. I think you're supposed to have a day off today, so what's the deal?

Blake: Well not anymore. Looks like there has been a change of plans. Just what I expected. I am going to take a bath. Could you please prep my equipment while I am in the shower?

Jack: Sure! No problem! Good thing I have a day off today and this makes me wonder why they didn't call me too.

Blake heads towards the bathroom, opens the door and stops for a brief amount of time at the bathroom's doorway. He looks back at Jack....

Blake: Hey, snowflake. I am sorry once again for yesterday.....I am a terrible friend....

Jack: C'mon....just forget it. None of us got injured. I forgive you. It's okay.... I shouldn't have messed with your feelings.

Blake: T-thanks...Jack...

Blake enters the bathroom while Jack stands up and goes to Blake's locker, grabbing his guns and suit, preparing everything for him while he is showering. A couple of minutes pass, and Blake comes back from the shower completely refreshed and dry. He takes a look at the table with all of his equipment placed down on it.

Blake: Well, snowflake, it's time. Thanks for preparing my stuff. You have even arranged them nicely on the table, wow! I am impressed! Thanks!

Jack: No problem!

Blake: By the way don't think I have forgotten about those kids we've been arguing about yesterday....

Jack: For once I hoped you wouldn't bring up this topic again. We'll think of something. But for now, stop being distracted by them and focus on your current duty.

Blake growls, grabs his suit, dresses up in it and takes his Glock 19's and his elite tactical knife putting them all in his holsters.

Jack: Wait, no breakfast?

Blake: Nope!

Jack: But, you haven't eaten since yesterday....

Blake: I'll eat whenever I want. There's going to be blood spouting everywhere, I can already feel it.

Jack: Let's see what our boss has to offer this time for you....

Blake: You didn't get a call at all?

Jack: Nope.

Blake: I guess the boss sees no importance in you.

Jack: Whatever. Just tell him I am ready to do anything he wants. If he needs me just tell him to contact me. Done.

Blake: Good. Gosh, I am not looking forward to slaughtering mammals again....but yeah I'll do anything to please Raphael and make him proud....well...whatever. I just want this to be over, anyways, I am heading to the clan's underground hideout.

Blake heads to the door and gets interrupted by Jack....

Jack: Blake! Be on your guard!

Blake: Don't worry about me, mate. I'll be back in no time!

Jack: Alright!

Blake heads outside and takes a deep long breath inhaling the fresh air. He walks up to his Hummer, enters it and drives off heading to the city of Zootopia. 20 minutes later, he parks his car in a parking lot near a bridge in one of the most derelict locations in the city. The entrance to the Golden Fang Clan's hideout is located under the bridge itself. This bridge is not so favorite among the mammals and not many of them pass by. It's pretty abandoned as well serving as a completely suitable place for the clan. Blake walks under the bridge and spots Gregory waiting for him at the well-hidden entrance.

Blake: Oh great...not this polar lunatic again....

Blake walks up to him and gazes up at him...

Gregory: At last, you're here. Just in time! How was your ride?

Blake: Stop questioning me.... I wish I could be home right now minding my own business instead of staring at your fat ass right now...

Gregory: Blake, refrain from talking in such a disrespectful manner. I really wish I could smack the living shit out of you right now but the boss is waiting for your arrival.

Blake sighs in frustration and tries to ignore Gregory by heading towards a wall, which serves as the doorway to the hideout. It's an obscure door made of concrete, which is perfectly camouflaged with the rest of the bridge's walls and it is heavily bulletproof. It can be only opened from the inside.

Blake: Knock-Knock, the big boy arrived, open up the damn concrete door....

Surprisingly, no one listens to Blake and the door doesn't get open...

Blake: Whoever is in charge of operating the door, wake up, it's me! Blake! Is anyone there?

Gregory: Nice trying, tough guy.

Blake turns to Gregory and begins questioning him with curiosity....

Blake: Okay Gregory, is this some kind of set up? Why is no one opening the door for me?!

Gregory: You fool, who is the one questioning now? I am afraid there's going to be a teensy setback.

Blake: What the hell are you talking about now? Am I not allowed to go in? I want to talk to Raphael NOW! What the hell is going on?

Gregory: Well, let's say, a good friend of mine wants to settle a dispute with you!

Blake: Too bad I don't care. Let me in this instance!

Blake gets really upset and tries to not manifest his anger too much. A black ferret with orange stripes around his arms climbs up on Gregory's shoulders from behind. He stands on them and looks at Blake...

Blake: You gotta be kidding me! LOGAN?!

Logan: Yep, it's me, you nitwit. Now, surrender your weapons and fight me like a man!

Blake: I swear I will bust a cap in your filthy ass if you won't shut up! You both are so damn frustrating! Just let me in and stop messing around...

Logan: You are not going through unless you fight me!

Blake: Greg, what the hell. Do something with him. He is wasting our time.

Gregory: I got nothing to do with this, I swear! I am sorry Mr. Thunder, but as I was waiting for you here, he came up to me and told me he wants to crack open your head. So like I said, I got nothing to do with this, In fact, we should head inside. Raphael is waiting.

Logan: Not so fast! Greg!

Logan jumps off from Gregory's shoulder and walks up to Blake...

Blake: What?! Do you seriously want to get hurt?

Logan: I could ask you the same question! Surrender your weapons and fight me!

Blake: What is wrong with you? Why do you want me to fight you?!

Logan: Oh there's plenty of reasons for that, you backstabbing son of a whore. You forgot to split the money with me that we received yesterday for destroying the Zakota Clan's hideout!

Blake: You're wrong. You didn't earn it. I don't even remember you were assigned to that operation.

Logan: Look, you foolish fox. I volunteered meaning I deserve double the reward!

Blake: You did voluntary work meaning you're not getting paid. Get lost!

Logan: I am not going anywhere!

Blake: Do you really want to get stabbed to death?!

Logan: What?!

Logan gets frowned and opposes Blake...

Logan: Show me what you got, fool! You think you can rub everyone out in the whole world? You think you are an unstoppable fox capable of overpowering everyone who stands in your way? You're nothing but an unsympathetic fox playing the tough guy here. I am not afraid of you! Show me what you are capable of! I am here to beat your ass after all!

Blake's facial expression turns into a menacing look, eager to punish the ferret. He walks up to him and stares at him closely....

Blake: Oh, someone got offended because I said some really nasty shit about them a few days ago and I didn't split the money with them! How shameful isn't it? Well, bring it on you puny sleazebag!

Gregory: Logan! Blake! Enough! There's no time for measuring your combat skills with each other! Just let him pass. I don't want to upset Raphael nor fail him. I am not taking responsibility for this Logan, just saying. Let's just go inside already!

Logan doesn't listen to Gregory, neither does Blake. They both keep staring at each other until Logan lands a punch on Blake's muzzle which makes him turn around, grab his nose and crack it. Then he begins to laugh maniacally....


Blake: You have literally tickled my nose....what kind of punch was that supposed to be? See? This is why I hate to fight mammals like you. Because they are nothing but simple weaklings! How often do you work out? You're languishing mate.

Blake lands a devastating punch on Logan's face which makes Logan fall to the ground with blood dripping from his nose...

Logan: You piece of filth!

Gregory: Thunder! What the hell are you doing?! Stop this immediately or I will interfere!

Blake: I am returning the favor!

Blake pulls out his tactical combat knife and puts it close to Logan's neck while pinning him on the ground....


Blake: That's it you little dirty rat! SCREAM FOR HELP!

Gregory: You two are gonna get into a lot of trouble!

Logan: Blake, you won! I concede to you! Please stop it!

Blake: Oh you little crybaby! Looks like someone lost his valiancy all the sudden! It only takes a slight soft cut on your fragile neck to end your pathetic life! Just don't mess with me anymore!

Gregory shoots in the air with his shotgun to draw Blake's attention but it doesn't help....


Little do they all know that the whole situation is being monitored by a hidden camera. Blake doesn't listen to Gregory and keeps threatening Logan. Shortly after, the concrete wall opens and several GFC (Golden Fang Clan) members rush out surrounding Blake. They all aim their weapons at him...

Blake: Oh bollocks...now what?!

Logan kicks Blake aside, stands up and runs up to Gregory....

Logan: AT LAST! You fools have been finally alerted!!!

Blake: And at LAST....this damn vault is open! And hey! I am not the one to shoot here. Your target is...

Blake points at the ferret. None of the GFC members take a look at Logan, they just keep their vision focused on Blake, aiming at him with several types of weaponry.

Logan: You'll dearly pay for your sins, fox. Wipe him out! NOW!

At that moment, a figure appears shouting "HOLD YOUR FIRE" in the entrance of the hideout walking towards the crowd of GFC members. The figure's orange-yellowish eye glows in the dark as it comes out of the hideout. It's a robust, tall Bengal tiger dressed in a purple tuxedo, smoking a cigar. It has a broad scar on his left side of the face and his left eye covered with a patch giving the tiger an ominous appearance. It's obviously the fearsome, malevolent and ruthless criminal mastermind and the leader of the GFC, Raphael Roarlington!!!

Raphael: What is going on here?!

He notices his men holding Blake under gunpoint and then sighs in disappointment and anger....

Raphael: WHY AM I ALWAYS SURROUNDED BY IDIOTS! FOOLS! SIMPLETONS! How could have this escalated to this mess? Stand aside you morons! Leave Blake alone!!!

All GFC members stand aside and lower their weapons. Raphael looks really frustrated, he walks past Blake without even looking at him and heads straight to Gregory and Logan. Both of them remain paralyzed....

Logan: Boss, I can explain!

Logan replied with a shaky voice full of nervousness....

Raphael: Tell me, how dare you give commands to my men and considerably abuse Mr. Thunder?

Logan remains silent, he only mumbles something....

Raphael: SPEAK UP! I want to hear you LOUD and CLEAR ferret! Now is your chance to speak with your mouth open just like when I am not around.

Logan: It...got...out...of...control...sir.

Raphael: It got out of control...I don't think that's enough of an excuse for me to spare your miserable life. Oh, my bad, sorry for inhibiting you with my presence! I shouldn't have even come here I guess.

Logan: But boss, Blake is the one who started it all with the insults AND the fight, right Greg?

Gregory: Mate, I am not getting involved in this conversation unless the boss wants me to.

Raphael: Greg, you're clear. But You! Logan!

Logan remains extremely tense....

Logan: Boss! I am begging you!

Logan falls onto his knees begging for Raphael to forgive him...

Raphael: Quit sniveling you troublesome ferret. You can keep being mournful but don't expect to have your life spared.

Logan: I apologize for all this inconvenience sir but I think you need to know something important! I helped this damn fox destroy the Zakota Clan's hideout so I think I deserve to be rewarded too!

Blake: You didn't even shoot anyone nor help me at all! Stop lying!

Raphael: I don't remember hiring you for this operation Logan. You did a voluntary job and I am unwilling to pay you for something you decided to do on your own, in this case, undertaking this operation. That's just laughable. That's just how it goes. Rules are rules!

Logan: Are you serious? I deserve double the reward! You have no idea how many things I can effectively do!

Raphael: The only things you can effectively do is threatening, insulting and impeding the members of the Golden Fang Clan!

Logan: Please!!!! I'll do anything to undo my mistakes, boss!

Blake cuts in and joins the conversation and walks next to Raphael...

Blake: Well, Raphael, thanks for saving my ass I suppose...but I think this little pesky flea deserves forgiveness.... There's no need to make this situation worse.

Raphael: Compassion is our enemy. We show no mercy to anyone, Blake! He failed to follow the rules of the clan many times before. He has not shown up several times at important appointments and NOW THIS! I have forgiven him numerous times before, but there's no point for me to forgive him ever again therefore he is sentenced to death!

Logan gets paralyzed from Raphael's declaration....

Logan: You...can't just kill me. All thanks to a cursed fox. I helped your clan, can't you understand? Fine, just fire me. I am not needed here anymore.

Blake: Just let him go Raphael....

Raphael spits his cigar on the ground and crushes it with his foot. A complete silence shrouds the bottom of the bridge.

Logan: So.....could you please let me go, I won't show up anymore, deal? I RESIGN! I admit I've caused much damage to this clan but forgiveness is all I need and then you'll never see me ever again. I could really use a vacation right now too, so please, boss!

Raphael shakes his head and lifts up Logan in the air. Then he pulls out his Golden Desert Eagle and shoots Logan in his stomach....

Raphael: Here's your one way ticket TO HELL!

Logan, unable to talk due to extreme pain, moans loud then Raphael tosses him over the railing and Logan falls in the river. Everyone gets terrified of witnessing his helpless dying body flowing down the river accompanied by blood...

Blake: I did not expect this to end like this....

Gregory: Neither did I.

Raphael: It was a well-deserved fate! EVERYONE! You're dismissed. Showtime's over! Return to your posts.

All GFC members return back inside the underground complex. Blake, Gregory, and Raphael remain outside...

Blake: This is simply unbelievable. This was just so outrageous.

Gregory: And you thought you were the most ruthless mammal in Zootopia.

Raphael: Blake, sorry for all this damn inconvenience. Proceed to my office and wait for me there. There's something else I need to deal with before we gather together in the briefing room. I'll be right behind you.

Blake: Understood sir. Finally! I am granted access to the vault.

Blake heads in the vault. He walks downstairs and disappears in the darkness.

Raphael: Gregory, I need you to assemble the majority of our men. I am holding an important meeting in our briefing room. I'll explain the details there.

Gregory: I'll gather some of our finest men as soon as possible then.

Raphael: Consider it done! Dismissed!

Gregory: Yes, boss!

Gregory walks in the vault as well with his new task to assemble the best GFC members for a later briefing in the conference room. In the meantime, Raphael walks back up to the railing and stares at the river.

Raphael: Enjoying the vacation?

He burst out laughing maniacally having finally disposed of Logan...