
You Are My Youth Heart

She waited for him after his disappearance. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Years ago, a love bloom between two friends, Qin Mei Ying and Chen Gui Feng. It all started from being neighbors to falling in love with each other but no one is willing to confess their feelings. Holding onto those feelings for not long, one of them suddenly disappeared. Years later, they meet again but everything have changed very differently. She waited for him. He moved on. She’s emotional. He’s emotionless. She tried. He give up. She slowly put the pieces together. He slowly destroyed it. “I hate you, I love you.” The feelings that they once have are tangled deep inside their heart. Will they ever be able to confess their true feelings to each other or replace someone else in their heart?

_BMoon · 若者
26 Chs

Empty But Not Empty

Mei Ying is half way down the stair when she see Qing Wei at the bottom of the stair looking straight at her. He is shock to see tears in her at a moment like this. Before she run passed him, he blocked her way. Mei Ying paused with head down low as tears streaming down her face.

"What happened? Why are you like this?" He look at her with a worried face.

"I-I n-need to go..." As she about to make her way out, Qing Wei pulled her in and embrace her. She can feel his warmth as he hug tighter. He's the one who is worried and care for her.

A moment later, Jian Yu and Li Hua catch up to Mei Ying and saw Qing Wei hugging her. They shockingly at the top of the stair looking down at them in silent. Immediately, Qing Wei hold onto her hands and take her out of the school.

She asked, "W-where a-are we g-going?"

Qing smile at her before answering her, "Somewhere to make you feel better."

A little while after, they arrived at a convenience store. "Why are we here?" Mei Ying asked.

Qing Wei replied, "Wait here, I'll be back shortly." She nodded.

Qing Wei came out of the store with a bag of three cans of beer. He smile bright and handed a can to her. Mei Ying look at him confused; "Why did you buy it?"

"Just take it." He puts it on her hand. Then he lead the way to a park and Mei Ying follows behind.

They arrived at the park and found a bench nearby to sit.

Qing Wei opens a can of beer and start drinking. Mei Ying stare at him drinking freely while she is still holding the can of beer in her hands. "This is my way of getting things off my mind." He said.

"But it's not good, you know that right?" He chuckled at her words and replied, "I know. But, why don't you try it. It's not bad overall."

"I never had one before. Will it be okay?" She said with a worried tone.

"I'm sure you'll be fine. Trust me." Mei Ying opens the beer and take a big gulp of it. He peacefully look at her, hoping he can be there for her every time.

"Chill there. You can take small sip at a time." He giggle at her after drinking face. She feel relieved and respond, "You told me to trust you so I decide to take a big gulp instead." Qing Wei slightly blushed.

He raised his hand to pat her head and asked, "Feel better now?" Mei Ying smiled; "Thank you." Qing Wei and her both take another gulp.

"There's still one more left, you sh—," Qing Wei interrupt her; "It's for you. I bought one extra in case you want more." Mei Ying blushed. Qing Wei is working hard to make her feel the happiest whenever she's with him.

She replied, "I'll take it then." She quickly finish her first one and go for second. They sat there for a couple of hours to talk and enjoy their time. Qing Wei sure do have a lot of say. Mei Ying focus her gaze on him as he speaks most of the time.

"Time flies when you're having fun," Qing Wei said.

"It really does." Mei Ying take the last sip of the beer.

"Since you feel better now, let's go home." Mei Ying nodded and so Qing Wei walk her home.


Weeks went by and Mei Ying have never made contact with Gui Feng ever since. Winter have arrived and its been really cold out. Exams also coming up so most students are preparing for it. No one really have time to fool around at this time.

"After exam is over, it's winter break. Do you have any plans?" Li Hua asked and Mei Ying paused to think.

Mei Ying replied, "I don't have any plans. Do you?" She continues studying.

"Don't forget about your and my birthday!" Li Hua said in a exciting tone.

"I totally forgot about it. I've been busy studying for exam," Mei Ying said.

Li Hua continues; "Do you want to do something for your birthday?" Mei Ying paused again and look at Li Hua; "Aren't we going to celebrate it together?" Mei Ying asked.

"I'm celebrating with Jian Yu this year." Mei Ying then go back to studying and respond, "Have fun. I guess I'll celebrate it together with my mom." Li Hua notice Mei Ying seem to not care very much.

"Are you okay, Mei Ying?" Li Hua asked.

Mei Ying chuckled; "I'm totally fine. Thanks for worrying. I'm just sad that I'm will not get to spend time with my best friend on her birthday like every year." Li Hua hold her hands and replied, "Remember, I'm there when you needed."


Finally, exam is over and everyone goes on break.