
You Are My Youth Heart

She waited for him after his disappearance. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Years ago, a love bloom between two friends, Qin Mei Ying and Chen Gui Feng. It all started from being neighbors to falling in love with each other but no one is willing to confess their feelings. Holding onto those feelings for not long, one of them suddenly disappeared. Years later, they meet again but everything have changed very differently. She waited for him. He moved on. She’s emotional. He’s emotionless. She tried. He give up. She slowly put the pieces together. He slowly destroyed it. “I hate you, I love you.” The feelings that they once have are tangled deep inside their heart. Will they ever be able to confess their true feelings to each other or replace someone else in their heart?

_BMoon · Teen
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26 Chs

This Is Not Love

Mei Ying quickly run to her classroom. She look out the window, seeing everyone enjoying their time. She tighten her fist; "Tch! What's the point of making me watch them kiss?! Stupid Gui Feng."

"Who are you calling stupid?" Gui Feng step into the classroom and lock the door. Her brows narrowed to why he lock the door.

"WHY ARE YOU LOCKING THE DOOR?!" She shout at him in frustration tone. He didn't even bother to answer and turn to face her coldly. He slowly approach her as she is trying to not let him get close to her. She shout again, "STAY AWAY FROM ME!"

Gui Feng stops in his tracks and lock eyes with her; "I thought you love me. Why are you telling me to stay from you now, huh?" She feel coldness down her spine. Her body trembles as she try to keep distance between them.

"C'mon, don't be so cold to me." He keeps coming closer and closer. Mei Ying look around to see if there's any possible way to escape. "This man is going insane. I need to get out," she thought to herself.

"I don't love you. I hate you. I hate you the most!" She's afraid. She speaks anything on her mind, hope that it will keep him away.

"Haha...Is it because you love Qing Wei now? Gui Feng strictly stare at her.

"No!" She keeps moving back and finally sees a way to how she can escape. Just before she had the chance to, Gui Feng grasp tight onto her arms. Now her chance is gone.

"Let me go!" Mei Ying harshly pulled away but his grip was too strong. She didn't even make any progress of escaping. She look at him with fears in her eyes, only to met with his cold eyes. He throw her to the corner of the classroom and trap her.

"What are you trying to do exactly?! TELL ME!" Tears begin streaming down her face as she hug herself away on the floor.

"Remember what I told you before? She slowly look up at him. He tilt his head back, staring blankly at the ceiling and continues, "Let go of everything from the past. Everything have changed."

"W-what do you mean? I don't understand you at all." Her body trembled in the corner. He then crouched down and went closer to her. He harshly grip on her chin and pierce his gaze at her. Gui Feng sees the fears and sadness in her eyes, the person he loves dearly.

He went through so much that he's confused within himself. "I'm sorry." He quietly speaks. Mei Ying was taken back by his words.

"What you mean you're sorry?! Do you know how much you're hurting me?!" She finally have the courage to push him away but he didn't even move a bit. She continues to struggle to escape but Gui Feng hold her down.

"I miss you," He said.

"No, you don't. I know you're just putting on a show right now." She snapped back at him. Then the corner of his mouth curled up.

"You know very well," he said. Gui Feng notice the intense look on Mei Ying towards him. In a blank of an eye, Gui Feng smash his lips onto her. Her eyes widen and cheeks begin burning up as she's in shock. She soon realized the situation she's in and quickly remove Gui Feng from her.

"W-what are you—" Without letting her finish, Gui Feng smashed his lips on her again and pull her in towards him. Mei Ying frantically hit his back but soon stop because he doesn't even bother by it. She hated this, she felt helpless. The situation is moving at a slow pace for Mei Ying that she can feel everything to the core.

Gui Feng finally pulled away and was about to move on to her neck but was interrupted by movement on the door. "Eh? Who lock the door? Other classroom door is not even lock." Li Hua's voice came through. Both Mei Ying and Gui Feng look towards the door.

"LI HUA!" Mei Ying shout out for help but Gui Feng quickly covers her mouth. Gui Feng furiously stare at her.

"Mei Ying!? Are you in there? Why did you lock the door? Open up, me and Jian Yu were sent here to grab some paper for the teacher." Mei Ying look back and forth between the door and Gui Feng, don't know what to do.

"Hello?! Is it you Mei Ying?" Li Hua said loudly. Then Li Hua got a bad feeling. She then start banging on the door. "Hey! Open up! Mei Ying, I know you're in there!" Li Hua and Jian Yu begin trying to open the door. Gui Feng and Mei Ying is surprise by their actions, trying to break through the door.

Mei Ying notice that this is the perfect moment since Gui Feng isn't focusing on her. Using all her might, she is finally pushed Gui Feng away and quickly get on her feet towards the door. She unlock and opens the door and there stand Li Hua and Jian Yu.

They stand there clueless, don't know what had happened. They sees Mei Ying in a mess with red and weary eyes. Li Hua quickly move Mei Ying aside and see Gui Feng on the floor. She locked eyes with Gui Feng as her brows knitted together.

"Li Hua, let's get out of here." Mei Ying beg Li Hua but she don't seem to care at all. Mei Ying knows Li Hua is not going to let this slide easily.

"You can go first. Let me deal with this." Mei Ying is drained by all this and decided to follow what Li Hua said.

Li Hua follows every moves Gui Feng makes as he is getting up from the floor and pat the dusk off him. As she about to approach Gui Feng, Jian Yu stops her.

"Let me do it." Jian Yu went straight up to Gui Feng and punch him in the face as hard as he can. Gui Feng fell back to the floor. Li Hua quietly watch all this happened through her deep hatred eyes.

"Tch! What is wrong with you?! Punching me like you're going to kill someone." Gui Feng touch the corner of his mouth that is fill with blood.

Jian Yu gets on top of him and hold tightly onto his shirt collar; "ARE YOU CRAZY?! WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?" Gui Feng glare at Li Hua then back at Jian Yu, "Ha..I'm just showing who she is messing with."

Jian Yu throw another punch at Gui Feng. Li Hua then comes by his side and said, "You deserve that second punch." Gui Feng give them death stares as he wipe the blood in the corner of his mouth away.

Jian Yu then get up and pulls Gui Feng up with him from the floor but still hold tightly on his collar.

"Don't ever touch her again!" Jian Yu said loudly to him. However, Gui Feng doesn't seem to care.

"Why? Why are you protecting her? Are you her friend now? If she doesn't like me then she also don't like you." Li Hua steps in front of Gui Feng and slap him hard across the cheek; "Jian Yu is one hundred times better than you. A person like you don't deserve anyone's love."

Jian Yu pulled Li Hua behinds him and said, "If you're going to act like that then I don't need a friend like you."

Gui Feng stays silent and did not dare to say a single word but only to give Jian Yu a deep cold stare.

"And don't ever go near her again!" With that, Jian Yu drag Li Hua out of there. Gui Feng silently stand there alone. His heart begin throbbing like knife is stabbing it.

"Damn it!" He kick one of the desk over and made a loud boom.