
You Are My Youth Heart

She waited for him after his disappearance. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Years ago, a love bloom between two friends, Qin Mei Ying and Chen Gui Feng. It all started from being neighbors to falling in love with each other but no one is willing to confess their feelings. Holding onto those feelings for not long, one of them suddenly disappeared. Years later, they meet again but everything have changed very differently. She waited for him. He moved on. She’s emotional. He’s emotionless. She tried. He give up. She slowly put the pieces together. He slowly destroyed it. “I hate you, I love you.” The feelings that they once have are tangled deep inside their heart. Will they ever be able to confess their true feelings to each other or replace someone else in their heart?

_BMoon · Teen
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26 Chs

Half Blue

Mei Ying and Li Hua's birthday are very close, just a day apart. But they tend to celebrate it together ever since they became friends. This year, Li Hua will be celebrating with her beloved boyfriend, Jian Yu.

On the other hand, Mei Ying still have no idea if she will be celebrating her own birthday. Her mom is quite busy because she worked at night. Mei Ying used to celebrate it with her mom a lot when she's younger.

Mei Ying lay on her bed talking with Li Hua on the phone. She's happy that Jian Yu take good care of Li Hua. Mei Ying quite envy their relationship.

While they're talking, a knock on Mei Ying's door interrupts. Mei Ying quickly end the call and her mom speak from the other side; "I'm coming in."

Mei Ying gets up to sit properly as her mom came to sit next to her. "Who are you talking to?" Her mom asked.

She replied, "Li Hua. She's just showing me some pictures of her and Jian Yu."

Her mom goes in shock; "Ehh, is that her boyfriend?" Mei Ying nodded.

"I guess you'll be celebrating with me then." Her mom happily smile at Mei Ying.

But Mei Ying quickly replied, "Don't you have work today?" Without an answer, her mom just lay on her bed.

"I'm taking a vacation break to be with my daughter. Because I'm always working, I don't get to spend time with you. So, let's celebrate your birthday together, okay?" Mei Ying deeply gaze at her mom as tears begin forming in her eyes.

"Awe...why is my daughter crying?" Her mom said jokingly. Mei Ying lay next to her mom and happily smile.

They haven't had a mother daughter moment for so long and Mei Ying misses that. After her father passed, her mom always work hard to provide for them. It felt so great to spend time with the person you love.

"Ah, why don't you go buy a cake? I will stay and cook." Her mom said. Her mom left to prepare for cooking and Mei Ying get dress to go out.

Meanwhile Mei Ying is out, her mom cook her favorite food and prepare her present.

On the way, Mei Ying see many people enjoying their time with their significant others. She see stores fill with decorations for Christmas and New Year. The year is almost over.


Mei Ying entered the bakery store. She notice that the place is fill with couples and only a few people who is by themselves. She went straight to the cake section to pick her perfect cake. After looking around for a while, she chose a red velvet cake with white frosting and strawberry covered chocolate on top.

She also bought her mom's favorite sweets, vanilla cupcakes with raspberry filling. She made sure they wrapped it well so she can surprise her mom with it.

On her way back, she stop to take a look at the big Christmas tree that is display in the middle of the street.

The tree is fill with beautiful and colorful decorations. Children ran from everywhere towards the Santa that stand next to the big tree, wanting to take pictures with it.

Mei Ying beautifully gazed at the Christmas tree. She closed her eyes and make a wish.

As she's getting out her phone to take a picture of the Christmas tree, she was suddenly jolted by someone behind her.

"Hey! Watch where you're going!!" A mid 30 years old man said loudly. Mei Ying turn around and see him in a drunken state.

"Sorr—" Mei Ying didn't even finish her line when he roughly push Mei Ying; "MOVE OUT OF THE WAY!" He yelled. That caught everyone's attention and people begin surrounding them two.

Mei Ying fell to the ground. No one dare to help Mei Ying because they're afraid the man would hurt them. She get up from the ground, dusting the dirty off her.

"BECAUSE OF YOU, MY FUN IS RUINED!" The man shout even louder as he turn to face Mei Ying.

"Sir! You bumped into me first. You should apologize." Mei Ying said as she try to calm the situation.

However, that made the man more pissed. He clenched hard on the bottle that he's holding. He seem like he want to kill someone right now and that person is Mei Ying. No one is still unwilling to step in to help.

"DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!" The man shout again and made everyone move further back.

Mei Ying thought deeply to herself; this situation is up to no good. He might ended up hurting me. I can't fight him because he is bigger than me. I need to find a way to deescalate the situation fast.

"Sir! Let's not ruin anyone's fun here. I'll just apologize and let's end this." Mei Ying calmly said. But the man doesn't bother to care.

In his drunk mind, he slowly make his way toward Mei Ying. He grip the bottle tighter like he about to smash it.

Mei Ying is nervous and scared but bravely stand still and deal with the man. The man tower over her as he approach her. The man raised his voice so everyone can hear; "Since you said you will apologize, GET ON YOUR KNEE AND APOLOGIZE!"

Everyone gasped.

Mei Ying eye around to see everyone intense stares and she firmly said, "Excuse me! This is not how I will do it." The man immediately turn even more furious.

The man crouch down to the same eye level as Mei Ying and said, "You will do it on your own or you want me to make you do it! Huh!"

Mei Ying immediately replied, "I will not do it." That triggered him which made him raised his hand that was holding the bottle and ready to smash it on Mei Ying. She squeeze her eyes tight and clenched on the bag she's holding, hoping someone would help her.

Before the bottle fully came in contact with her, she heard the man loudly groaned. Mei Ying slowly opens one eye at a time to see the man on the ground covering his stomach.

Mei Ying quickly turn and see Gui Feng standing next to her.