
Wolf Demon & Dragon Hero (OCxBNHA)

There's a one black mask, that exist from really long ago. Legends say, there's a evil spirit within the mask. The mask will possess you when you put that on your face. The evil energy inside the mask will give you the ultimate power that can fulfill your desires. With the mask, you could've become either no.1 hero or no.1 villain. That mask is called "Dark Wolf Mask"

GreedRyuga469 · アニメ·コミックス
20 Chs

Worst Outcome

In Villains Hideout, The Bar

Six people entered the bar. A girl who is in school uniform, a man who look like circus magician, a man in full body skin tight black suit, a lizardman, a normal looking man with big lips, and the white hair man with burned scars on his body. They found odd that bartender mist man was the only was in the room which was waiting for them

Toga : Hmm, no one's here.

Magician man look to the mist

Compress : Hey mist man, where's your boss?

Kurogiri : Please wait for a moment. Master will come.

Magne : We're two minutes early. That must be the reason the leader wasn't here.

Spinner : Hey mist man, do you have water?

Kurogiri : Yes.

Spinner : Give me one.

Twice : Coffee, no peanut!

Dabi : This is bar, you idiot. Give me something cold.

Toga : Give me something red!

While mist man start making juices, the television turned on and the faceless man appeared

AFO : Welcome to the League Of Villains. I'm the master of this league. You can call me All For One.

Twice : All For One? Cool! Kinda lame.

AFO : Don't say that name in front of anyone else. All Might would come after you.

Spinner : Is he your moral enemy?

AFO : Yes, he really hate me. He tried to kill me but he failed. That's why I'm rising one more time, to bring an end to the era of heroes.

Dabi : Sounds like a dream that never come true.

AFO : I have power to bring that dream to the reality. But I'm sorry that I can reveal now.

Compress : So, what's the plan?

AFO : I want you to kidnap UA students in their training camp. First target was Katsuki Bakugo. You must bring him here no matter what. Second target was Fumikage Tokoyami. He's the second target if first one was failed.

Compress : Is that all?

AFO : Of course not. We still need third target. She was a hero.

Compress : Who is it?

AFO : Member of Wild Wild Pussy Cats, Ragdoll, Tomoko Shiretoko.

Compress : Is she must target too?

AFO : Yes, I need her. Her quirk was search. You should attack her first. Try not to kill any of them.

Dabi : Well, All For Onee-san. I don't want to complain, but there's wolf demon who could kill us in a minute. Mission would be fail instant when he arrive.

AFO : He won't interfere the mission.

Dabi : How can you tell?

AFO : Because the camp was too far. Most of his activities are in the cities. Also, you guys are Stain's followers. He won't kill vigilantes. You don't have to worry.

Dabi : That's kinda stupid. But whatever.

AFO : I'll give you the detail later. If you complete the mission, you'll get rewards. Also now, this bar was your home. If you need something, tell Kurogiri. That's all.

And then, the television was turned off


On The Main Road

Dragon hero was patrolling the city. It's been two weeks since the second meeting with a mysterious man. She's thinking about the words of her senpai hero, Ragdoll


In Ryukyuu Agency, Ryukyuu's Office

Ragdoll : Ryukyuu, that man wasn't normal. He don't have a single weakness. It's like he's not human at all.

Ryukyuu : Maybe you can't read him because he have separated personality as a quirk?

Ragdoll : Even All Might's jokes are better than this one. It couldn't be possible that humans can evade my Search. Unless they have evasion quirks, like tracking evasion or something like that.

Ryukyuu : Aren't you too serious about him?

Ragdoll : Of course, I am. You're meeting with him. There's no way I can let this slide away.

Dragon hero annoyed. She know that her senpai was really care about her but she don't like that too much. She want to be an independent lady

Ryukyuu : But I'm not a teenager anymore. I can take care of things by myself.

Ragdoll : Yes, but I'm your senpai and you're my kouhai. Would you let your kouhai meeting with a suspicious man, who could break her heart?

Ryukyuu : Umm.........maybe not? But it's her choice. Why should I break them just because I don't like that man?

Ragdoll : Because, smart predators aren't reveal their killing intents before they strike. We have to learn their intentions before they make a move on us. Also, I've make a research of his past.

Ryukyuu : Why did you want to know about someone past? He's just a normal candy shop owner.

Ragdoll : I believe that's not all.

Ryukyuu : I know, I didn't expect him to tell everything to us.

Ragdoll : That means we have to find the answers by ourselves.

Ryukyuu : You just jumped into conclusions.

Ragdoll : Anyway, I found something that you won't believe.

Ryukyuu : What is it?

Ragdoll : That Akaigawa village was called Ghost Village.

Ryukyuu : Ghost Village? Why?

Ragdoll : No one know what have happened. But everyone in the village was killed by something. No one was left alive.

Dragon hero shocked

Ryukyuu : Oh God, not a single one? Wait, then...

Ragdoll : No survivor was found. And it was 150 years ago.

Dragon hero shocked again

Ryukyuu : What? That's impossible. Then, how could Okami-kun still alive?

Ragdoll : I don't know anything beyond that. Japan was in chaos at that time. There's no detail records of that time.

Ryukyuu : Oh no.

Dragon hero look down. Green hair hero look to her kouhai and worried. But continued her talk

Ragdoll : Something happened and he would know what have happened. But we should find the answer by ourselves before asking him. To be honest, I'm expecting the worst.

Dragon hero look up to her senpai

Ryukyuu : What's the worst?

Ragdoll : He's 172 years old. He's 146 years older than you. Oh My *****! He's great-great-great-grandfather!

Dragon hero face palmed

Ryukyuu : Is that worst?

Ragdoll : It was in the list.

Ryukyuu : You even make a list?

Ragdoll : Yeah. That's number 1.

Ryukyuu : What about others?

Ragdoll : He said his other person take control of his body.

Ryukyuu : You think he's a killer?

Ragdoll : Kinda. He said it was part of his quirk. Maybe, he killed everyone in his first time.

Ryukyuu : I don't think it would be that simple.

Ragdoll : I thought so too. And even if he's not a killer, he must know the killer.

Ryukyuu : If he's there at that time, he would know.

Ragdoll : And here come the worst theory that even scared me.

Ryukyuu : Is that worse than 172 years old thing?

Ragdoll : Well,......yes!

Ryukyuu : What is it?

Ragdoll : He said that he's here for unfinished business.

Ryukyuu : So?

Ragdoll : Think about it, he know the killer. He's here to kill the killer or something like that. He got his body back only in full moon night. Also his name, Shin means true or new, and Okami means wolf deity. He don't have any weakness, a perfect human being.

Ryukyuu : What are you trying to say.........wait, don't tell me!

Ragdoll : Yes, I think that he's wolf demon, Zen-Aku.

Dragon hero shocked

Ragdoll : I know, it would be nonsense. But, it was possible. Zen-Aku was strong as All Might. Okami-kun have no weakness. He kill criminal because he's searching the killer or he just simple hate criminals because they killed his family.

Dragon hero can't believe what she've heard

Ryukyuu : That's...that's...shouldn't be possible.

Ragdoll : I know how you feel, Tatsuma-chan. But, we need proves.

Ryukyuu : How?

Ragdoll : We must investigate this by ourselves. This is enormous case. We can't let this slide. No one able to solve this case, because they don't have hints like us. We have to go to that ghost village.

Dragon hero look down to the ground again

Ryukyuu : This...this is so suddenly. I need time. Give me a little time.

Ragdoll : It's okay. Take your time. Call me when you're determined.

*Flashback End*

She let out a sigh. She don't know how to feel about that. She don't want that to be true. She's hoping that those words are untrue and nonsense which her senpai hero used to say. She don't him to be a killer

Ryukyuu : *sigh* (Why can't you be just a simple man, Okami-kun. I won't dislike you even if you're just an ordinary man or even an idiot.)

While she was thinking, she saw something on the news. A scene that she've never thought that she would see in her life

Ryukyuu : Zen-Aku and...... Ragdoll???

A scene that wolf demon carrying injured green hair hero with his left hand