
Wolf Demon & Dragon Hero (OCxBNHA)

There's a one black mask, that exist from really long ago. Legends say, there's a evil spirit within the mask. The mask will possess you when you put that on your face. The evil energy inside the mask will give you the ultimate power that can fulfill your desires. With the mask, you could've become either no.1 hero or no.1 villain. That mask is called "Dark Wolf Mask"

GreedRyuga469 · アニメ·コミックス
20 Chs

Truths & Betrayal

Nomu grab wood tentacles and they start turning into dusts. Effect didn't stop and eventually, it reached to wood hero's hand. Wood hero confused and shocked that didn't do anything but watching his hand turning into dusts. Just then, crescent shape yellow energy waves cut wood hero's hands and stopped the effect

Okami : Get out of her you fool.

Wood hero regained his mind and run away. Nomu jumped after wood hero but wolf demon strike it's head with blade and knock it down to the ground. People on the street saw the fight and running away aimlessly. Nomu stand into it's legs again but instead of jumped toward wolf demon, it touched the ground with both hands. Wolf demon realized nomu's intention and leaped into the air. Just then, the ground and the buildings near nomu start crumbling and turning into dusts. Wold demon's blade edges start shining into color yellow

Okami : Moonlight Sonic.

Then, he sent yellow energy wave and it hit nomu's right shoulder, stopping it's attack and destroy it's body


The attack was stopped but the whole block was already turned into wasteland. Wolf demon land on the dusty ground and watching the black figure. Then, the breeze took away the smoke and showed already healed nomu

Okami : (What the hell. His healing really fast. If he was giant, Gao Hunter could kill him without any efforts. But I don't have that much power. Only if choosens are here. But they're immatures. They might die before me. I have no choice. I have to try everything I have)

Wolf demon start moving with blur speed and striking nomu from every directions but nomu countered every strikes and eventually, it punched him away. Wolf demon strike nomu as hard as he could and somehow, the same force hit back to wolf demon and knocked him away

Okami : (He didn't punch but the attack landed on me. Could it be...reflection? But Moonlight Sonic didn't came back to me. Maybe...he can't reflect energy attacks)

Just then, nomu noticed something and looked up to the sky. Wolf demon looked up too and saw flame hero on midair, watching them from above

Endeavor : (What happened here? It's that nomu's quirk? Dust transformation? Or decay? Whatever it was, really dangerous. How it triggered? By touch? Wolf demon is here too. That means...I have to team up with him again)

Okami : (Flame man? He might be fool but he's useful than others)

Suddenly, something growth out from nomu's back and become wings. Flame hero shocked

Okami : (Wait...)

Endeavor : (Don't tell me!)

Wings start swinging and nomu float in the midair. Then, it flied toward flame hero. Flame hero immediately fly back to the direction he came and nomu fly after him

Endeavor : (I can't let it touch me. Only wolf demon and I have power to kill this monster. Everything will be over in the moment we die)

Nomu shoot lasers from the finger tips. One of them hit flame hero's shoulder

Endeavor : Ugh! (Lasers? Just how many quirks does it have?)

Flame hero turned around and counter lasers with his flames. Then, he flew away again. Wolf demon move with blur speed to rival the duo. Then, he leaped into the air as high as he could and sent yellow energy wave to nomu. Energy wave hit nomu's back and knock it toward the building


Wolf demon jumped into the building's hole to fight nomu. Just then, dragon hero arrived to the scene with blue hair girl. Flame hero immediately shout


Ryukyuu : Huh??

Dragon hero and blue hair girl confused


Ryukyuu : I see. (Can kill with a single touch? My quirk is useless now. Dammit!) Nejire, let's move!

Nejire-chan : Hai!

Just then, wolf demon knock out from the building hole and hit another building


Ryukyuu : Ohh God!

Nomu jumped out from the building hole and punch down flame hero to the ground


While dragon hero shocked, nomu saw the duo and jumped toward them. Blue hair girl immediately shoot energy waves toward nomu but nomu's wings tank them by covering in front. Just before nomu could reach dragon hero's head, wolf demon moved with blur speed and stand in front of her, letting nomu grab his head and stab nomu's heart with his blade. Wolf demon's helmet start cracking. The duo shocked

Okami : Stay back!

Ryukyuu : (Does Zen-Aku's voice just changed? Why is that voice familiar?)

Eventually, the helmet's left side broken down into pieces, showing mysterious man's face. Dragon hero shocked

Ryukyuu : O...ka...mi...kun?

Wolf demon grab nomu's hand and take off from his head, not letting nomu go away

Okami : Flame man, NOW!

Flame hero run toward the nomu and grab it's head with both hands

Endeavor : Now, gone!

Flame hero melt down nomu's head and the body fall down to the ground. Flame hero catching his breath and look to wolf demon's face

Endeavor : So, you're a human.

Okami : I am but Zen-Aku wasn't.

Endeavor : Huh?

Wolf demon turned around and look to dragon hero, who's still in shocked and having watery eyes

Okami : I'm sorry that you have to see me like this.

Years start falling from dragon hero's eyes

Ryukyuu : Okami-kun.....you're.....Rouki?

Okami : I'm sorry, Tatsuma-san.

Dragon hero fall on her knees. Blue hair girl shocked. Flame hero confused

Endeavor : (Did they know each others?)

Ryukyuu : (Okami-kun was Rouki. I was right. He's actually Rouki. But...why? Why isn't not wrong? Why? Why it has to be now?)

Nejire-chan : Ryukyuu! What's wrong? Ryukyuu!

Dragon hero looked up to wolf demon. Tears falling from her eyes

Ryukyuu : Why? Why it's have to be you? Why? There's millions of people and yet.....why you must be the one?

Flame hero confused again

Endeavor : (Is she crying? Why? Is he important person of her?)

Suddenly, wolf demon fall down to the ground. Trio shocked. Dragon hero immediately carry him in her hands. Wolf demon's body slowly cracking

Ryukyuu : Okami-kun...what happened!! What's wrong with you!! Why your body become like this!! Please...stay with me.

Okami : Clam down, Tatsuma-san. It was just puppet's power.

Endeavor : Puppet? Nomu?

Okami : Whatever his name was...this is his power. He can turn everything into dusts. I'm glad that you're not the one to be touched. Don't worry...this is nothing.

Ryukyuu : Don't worry??? Your body is breaking into pieces. How can you remain clam!! ...... This...is my fault.

Dragon hero shout but wolf demon remain clam and continued talking

Okami : This isn't your fault, Tatsuma-san. Also, you don't have to worry because...I will return.

Ryukyuu : What are you saying?

Okami : Listen....Tatsuma-san. I'm immortal. I can't die from an attack like this. Even if my body destroyed, I will return. Only warriors can kill me.

Trio shocked

Endeavor : (Immortal? Not just that much of power, he even have eternal life. Is he a god?)

Okami : Also, take these animal jewels.

Wolf demon put three anime jewels on dragon hero's hand. Trio shocked again

Ryukyuu : Wait...Okami-kun.....isn't these jewels used to summon giants animals? Why did you give me?

Wolf demon smiled

Okami : They choose you, Tatsuma-san. They have free will and they choose to serve you. They'll protect you when you're in danger. Hah.

.... I don't want you to see me like this..... but I failed. I'm really sorry...Tatsuma-san. I promise... I'll tell you everything in next time we meet.

Ryukyuu : Next full moon?

Okami : Yes. I'll wait for you in the usual place. Stay safe, Tatsuma-san.

Eventually, wolf demon's whole body become dust and flew away.


Four Hours Later

In Lab Room

Oldman in white coat sitting on the chair and rubbing a little mindless puppet's head. Oldman watching the footage of wolf demon's death on monitor again

??? : Warriors...huh? Black armor...forehead horn...crescent shaped blade...flute blade....super strength....blur speed.....slash attacks.....electrokinetic....teleportation....herbal medicine from middle age...crystal balls...giant robot animals...and then.....immortal..... Just what the hell are you Rouki. You have human face underneath but it's clear that you're not a human. Those gears, weapons and robots doesn't exist in history. Even if those powers are quirks, no human can have more than single quirk unless sensei and I make them. We have data of every person we used to experiment. But you're not one of them. What are you?

Okami : An orge.

??? : What!

Oldman shocked by the voice coming from behind. He immediately turned around and a blade pierce his gut

??? : AAAAHHHH!!

He looked up to the attacker and saw wolf demon

??? : Rouki??? That's impossible! You said next full moon.

Okami : Yes...we meet every fullmoon.

??? : What!! You lied?

Okami : I might hide things but I never lied. You thought I'll revive in next full moon? Fool. You just jumped into conclusions.

??? : What the hell. Ugh!!

Okami : You're impressive that you create those mindless puppets. Even I have trouble fighting them. And the one from evening, he even managed to kill me. But it was waste because I didn't really die. Self restoration is really pain in the neck. I can't die even if I want.

??? : Self restoration??? Ugh!! How can that kind of power exist!!

Okami : *sigh* I'll answer one of your question. You asked me what am I, right? I'm human.... but.... Zen-Aku wasn't.

Oldman confused

??? : Wha-Ugh!

Okami : It seems you have wrong ideas. Let me tell you this. I'm not Zen-Aku. And Zen-Aku wasn't me. We're two different entities.

Oldman shocked

??? : (Wait.....is that mean, they're two people in one body. He said Zen-Aku wasn't human. Then, Zen-Aku must be the one to pocessed him and he used those power. Zen-Aku might be a demon or somekind of supernatural being. Now I know the truth, I only have to find the way to separate them)

Okami : I've gave you an answer. Now, die.

Wolf demon cut down oldman's body in half

Okami : (Now....what should I do with this lab. There's many puppets in containers. If would be pain in the neck if they escaped. I need to kill them all before they awake)

Blue electric coming out from wolf demon's hand palm and he shoot them toward every glass containers

Okami : (Because of you puppets, I can't see her tonight anymore. I have to wait four more weeks now. Such a waste. Whatever.....with this....League of Idiots is gone....I guess. There's not much criminals to kill anymore. I've already killed most of them. What about prisoners? Maybe I break into Tartarus)

Lab start burning down and wolf demon disappeared from the scene.