
Woke up as Luffy after Marineford War

A one piece fan woke up as Luffy after the Marineford war. He doesn't get any kinds of golden finger but his knowledge about the One piece world was already a cheat for him. He trained with The dark king Silvers Rayleigh, the right hand man of the former pirate king at the hellish Island of Ruskaina. After two years of training at the Island of Ruskaina,he will emerge as a monster. He will be strong and rocked the world. No harem. He will be stronger than the original Luffy

Emojin_Zadeng · アニメ·コミックス
2 Chs


Luffy thought of charging him but there was a sudden thought that pops up. 'It will be so cool if I use the cool catch phrase of Madara Uchiha and made it my own. So why not? Shishishishi'

So before charging, he looked Kizaru with a battle craze eyes and said " Shall we dance?"


Luffy suddenly launched a right hand attack 'Gomu gomu no- Black Mamba'. It launch straight towards Kizaru at a terrifying speed.


Kizaru wasn't the fastest man for no reason. Even though Luffy's attacks were strong and swift, he easily dodge it and prepare to counter attack.


He raised his hands and prepared to shoot a beam of light but something hit him hard.

He was sure that he had dodge Luffy's attacks.


But something hit him hard from his right which left him flying a few metres. The attack wasn't soft at all.


Surprised by what just happened. He didn't know what just happened and was more alerted.


His mind was running fast.


'Is there anyone helping Mugiwara secretly. But I do not sense any one within range so that is not likely the case. Are there any tricks which I don't see. That might be the case. This Mugiwara is really dangerous. His strength is totally different from the war 2 years ago. His growth is terrifying. What a monster' thought Kizaru.


There are some blood dripping from his nose. It had been a long time since someone had surprised him in battle.


The youngster in front of him was not someone he could take lightly anymore.

He was an admiral of the Navy. One of the strongest and even was acknowledge as the fastest man yet this young man in front of him had somehow landed a hit without him knowing.


His battle instinct was screaming. His years of experience told him if he doesn't get serious he could lose his life.


He look at the pirate in front of him. Planning on what he would do next.


At that moment, Luffy looked at the surprised Kizaru and asked " Hahahaha. Surprised? I told you I will pay you back. All that suffering, I will surely return it".


Luffy than got serious and launch another attack at Kizaru.


Luffy had always thought of many scenarios that could happen during his training in the island of Ruskaina.


He had thought of many cases where he would fight the different powerhouses of the new world. During his training , he contemplated on many things he he had heard, known or seen about the one piece world before he woke up as Luffy.


Kizaru was known as the fastest man. He might even have future sight but that should not be a problem. When Luffy battled Kaido, he was using future sight to predict his attack but couldn't dodge it completely. So he was sure that a massive speed boost could nullify the predictions of future sight.

During the battle with Katakuri, Katakuri known for his future sight couldn't easily deduce Luffy's snakeman's attack. So he deduce that future sight could be solve with enough speed.


The strongest creature known as Kaido himself said" Haki trancends all". He knows that there is no better way to improve than training his haki. So he spent most of his training developing his haki.

He wasn't sure if it could rival that of Shanks but even if it falls short, it won't be much.


So he isn't afraid of anyone. Moreover, he is enthusiastic to beat one of the Admirals.


He then launch another attack towards Kizaru infusing his punch with a thick coat of Haki.


Kizaru was alerted because of his previous mishaps and was concentrating his all on observation haki.

Again, he easily dodge Luffy's attack but wasn't going to let his guard down. He look at the pirate in front of him carefully scrutinizing his every move. Suddenly came a fist from his right, the same direction it had came before.


He thought of dodging it but was too late. The fist had struck him the same place it had before and he was sent flying again.


Even though not much. He was hurt by the terrifying haki of Luffy.


He spat out a little blood. He was sure that he had dodge the attack again but he was still hit by it which made him more aware of the strength of Luffy.


He murmurred" Ama No Murakumo" ( Sword of the Gathering Clouds of heaven). A glittering sword made from his devil fruit ability manisfest on his hands.


He look Luffy spreading and concentrating all of his sense towards the battle. He vanished in a flash and appeared in front of Luffy. His sword struck down Luffy from high up above. Luffy block this incoming sword with his left hand. He suddenly rotated and gave a roundhouse kick.

Kizaru jumped back easily avoiding the attack from Luffy but he wasn't going to be careless since he had been struck twice.


While he was jumping back, Kizaru was high up in the air. He crossed his arms on his chest "Yasakani No Magatama" ( Sacred Jewels). Compressed beams with high damage came raining down on Luffy.

Luffy jumped high in the air avoiding Kizaru's attacking and counter attack.


"Gomu gomu no- Jet Culverin". He punch towards Kizaru.


Kizaru countered this with a kick concentrated with high pressure beams at the sole of his foot. Just as he thought he had successfully countered the attack, another fist came straigth towards his lower abdomen.


He manage to block it but barely. Since it was an unaccounted attack, he doesn't have the time to fully prepare for it so he took a some damage.


Both the fighters landed. Looking each other carefull. Kizaru was giving all his attention while Luffy seems to be calm and confident.


A smug face could be seen on Luffy "Shishishishi.I bet it felt different compared with our last encounter. Is it not? Shishishishishi"


He was laughing not giving his full concentration on the battle.


He continued" What you just witnessed is a part of my fruits ability. Gear fourth snake man. The longer my attacks, the faster they became. So do you like it". He brag because why not. He had finally injured an admiral. One of the strongest adversaries he could face in the future so his mood was too soaring high.


But he suddenly release his gear four transformation.


Kizaru was puzzled and does not know what motive Luffy has.


"Mugiwara, you are quite scary base alone on your growth within a short span of time. But why do you stop that transformation. You will have to give more than that to take me down you know. Are you underestimating me?"


Kizaru had subconciously admit that the current Luffy might be stronger than him so he wasn't taking any chance. He gave everything towards the battle.


Luffy laughed "No no, I am not Underestimating you in anyway. It is quite the opposite you know. I know Gear four snake man won't be enough to take you down so I am using something stronger and faster".Luffy look Kizaru with a little bit of blood lust.


Luffy had thought carefully. 'Why only copy the techniques from the manga while I could create something new myself.' It was during his training in Ruskaina that he had came up with this so he had created something new. Something the original Luffy doesn't utilize.


Since gear fourth could utilize different forms of animals, why not add more to the already existing list. So he created something new.


On the battle that is happening in Sabaody archipelago. Kizaru was in a fighting stance holding his sword looking at the calm opponent before him.


Luffy then bite his left hand, blowing extreme amount of haki into it. His haki grew wild, releasing conquerores haki everywhere. Sentomaru who was watching the battle from afar couldn't take it anymore and finally fall unconcious before the extreme pressures of Luffy.


Lots of high pressure smokes was emitted from Luffy. Kizaru was holding his sword tighter.


Among all the smoke emitted from Luffy, a soft sound with a rhythme 'Phzzzt, phzzzt, phzzzt' could be heard.


Kizaru was at the end of his nerves. All of his years of experience were screaming. His battle instinct, every fibre of his being were screaming danger.


The smoke slowly disintegrate showing Luffy with short sharp fangs, His pupils were slit like a cat, he was hopping which made the sound. His legs were little bent like that of a feline.


Gear fourth- Cheetah!!!


Luffy slowly spoke " So lets get serious. Shall we?" and sprint towards Kizaru with a flash.


This time, Luffy wanted to confront Kizaru with a frontal assault instead of going on with a rounabout techniques. Gear fourth cheetah was the fastest form he could came up with. So he wanted to be a battle of speed. He wanted to know how he will fare against the man dubbed as the fastest man in terms of speed.


Kizaru was giving all of his concentration towards Luffy. All of his senses were screaming caution. But he wasn't dubbed as the fastest man for no reason.


As soon as Luffy charged towards him, he concentrate his strength on his right arm, swinging down single handedly countering Luffy's punch. He pointed a finger using his left arm shooting out a pressurized light beams towards Luffy.


Luffy dodge to his left and and used his right foot to kick Kizaru. Kizaru saw this and launch a a counter kicking with his right foot and both were knock back a little from the impact.


Luffy grinned. Kizaru's face was still the same stupid face.


Kizaru quickly form a light on his hands reflecting four points on a surface surrounding Luffy.


Luffy with his future sight had predict Kizaru's move and quickly punch one of the surface which was reflected by Kizaru's light.


This is in fact one of Kizarus most powerful ability. He could instantly teleport to where light reflects with the speed of light.


Kizaru quickly teleported to one of the reflected surfaces but as soon as he teleported, a fist so fast came towards him. Having no time to dodge, he was hit by the fist and was blown back a few metres away.


At this point, Kizaru was really cautious. He couldn't understand how the brat from two years could grew this much.


He was losing in speed which was his best quality. He frown.


He was thinking of a way to turn the tables.


Luffy was grinning. He look Kizaru with a Smug face.


Suddenly, both the fighters acknowledge another presence. It was heading fast towards them. Not after a moment of breath, a figure appeared besides them forming a three way deadlock.


When both the current fighters saw the new figure, Kizaru frowned. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead while Luffy smiled looking at the new figure "Rayleigh. Its really nice to see you again. Ahahahahah". He spoke.


Rayleigh also return the gesture with a reply " It seems your growth is tremendous. Having no trouble with an admiral of the Navy I see". A proud and calm grandfatherly smile could be seen on his face.


While these two were exchanging pleasantries. Kizaru wasn't the least bit pleased. Luffy alone was trouble for him but adding the dark King, not to mention winning, his chance of survival was extremely low if they got serious.


He had acknowledge that the young brat whom he almost killed two years ago was now stronger than himself. He wasn't even serious in their fight. His mind was racing thinking of all the possibilities of him escaping. It hurt his pride to run from a pirate but the two people standing in front of him were no ordinary pirates.


While Kizaru was thinking hard, Rayleigh look towards him. With a tone of authority and confidence, mixed with conqueror's haki, he spoke " Kizaru, I would suggest that you let this young apprentice of mine go without any trouble. You see his adventure is about to begin, so I would like to give him a proper shot off."


At that moment, Kizaru for the first time felt happy a pirate ask him to let them go. He let them go, he kept his life. That is how it looks to him.


But his pride as a marine admiral doesn't allowed him to show his real emotions.


Luffy was still grinning at this moment not caring about Kizaru.


Kizaru doesn't want to show his weakness but the circumstances won't let him. So he disintegrate his sword and spoke " Well since the dark king himself showed up. I guess I have no other choice you see. This is quite troublesome you see. Mugiwara, you are really dangerous. I will give you that".


Luffy was still smiling. He doesn't care much what Kizaru said.


Kizaru continued " I guess the party is over for today so I will take my leave." He disappeared in a ray of light.


Both Rayleigh and Luffy were looking at him untill he finally vanished.


When the enemy was finally gone. Luffy release his gear fourth form and both laughed.


Rayleigh spoke " Luffy, you should hurry. There are navies hunting for you and your crew all over the island. I know you are strong but you shouldn't cause more problems. Your crew is waiting for you at the sunny. You should hurry."


Luffy looked Rayleigh and said " Yeah Rayleigh. I want to thank you for all that you had done for me. I promise I will be the King of Pirates one day. Shishishishishi. Then I'll be off. See you again". He left running towards the port where The thousand Sunny was located.


Rayleigh smiled then uttered "I know you can do it. Go be the king of the Pirates" and he too disappeared.


At the thousand sunny


Every member of Luffy's crew had met each other and are waiting for their captain.


Usopp was in tears and yelling at Sanji "How could you left him behind. It's an admiral you know. Not some unknown navy".


Sanji just blamed Zoro "Blame this idiot, he said we should go and leave everything to Luffy".


Robin: Since Luffy is so late, the marines must have already captured him and we might need to rescue him.


Chopper with tears cried "Robin how can you say that.If our captain is in trouble, we are also in trouble".


Nami: I don't want to die, I haven't become rich enough.


Zoro wasn't effected much and said " You guys shouldn't worry too much. If our captain said he could handle it, I won't doubt it. Besides, he is different. I could feel it. His haki, energy and vitality were more dangerous than that of Mihawk. I doubt he will lose."


Sanji confirmed Zoro's statement "Yes. It is just like how Moss head describe. Luffy seems to be way stronger and more reliable. He looks like a man that can never loss again".


Hearing this, the man of their subject was running towards them.


He was excited to finally meet all of the straw hat's crew and top all of it, he is going to be their captain.


Something which he never even dreamt in his past life.


After a few minutes of running, it was finally in sight.


Luffy was ecstatic and shout " Hey guys, I miss you, Ahahahahahaha ".