
Wizard: Release my wife

Denis finds himself in Giriama world searching for his kidnapped wife. Despite being afraid of the dangers hidden in the mysterious world ahead, he ventures into the unknown where he was welcomed by his newly found family. For years, the Ereng Clan had concealed themselves behind magical portals in hopes of protecting both worlds. Denis finds himself in the center of it all........

Emmy_logz2 · ファンタジー
12 Chs


"Grandma. Come down. What are you talking about?" Denis held her hand and calmed her down before asking clarification

"Well, you are an overlord, a seer and a great seer. All of these gifts and abilities are different." She started sitting down gesturing for him to sit as well.

"You see. The sword is magical and alive. According to the legend. The wielder of the sword can only be an overlord and a great seer." She said stopping for a moment looking at Denis ensuring he was following closely on her tale

"From the reaction the sword had towards, it means it has recognized you as its master. It also says a lot about your connection. You are an overlord. Only an overload could ignite such reaction from it." The excitement on her face, her shining eyes and enthusiasm while talking was enough to describe her feelings at that moment.

"In our generation, we had never seen an overlord seer but according to the books and the history, it's a powerful seer that can turn the events of the entire country without lifting his hands. When you have a potential to be an overlord means you can be one given time." She continued stressing her words even more

"For you, it seem the power has chosen you as an overlord because you were not born as one. It means even without much practice, you will be given the powers of an overlord seer. This can only happen when you practice to a certain level." She explained her words carefully to make sure he got it everything

"So, How Am I going to train?" Denis asked the question that has been lingering on his mind for a while

"You will be able to train soon. First there are some things that we have to do to welcome you to the family. This is a special family. There are lots of us out there and you may not be able to see them soon." Grandma answered the question that he could've asked next

"Okay. I get it" Denis replied understanding what she meant. She had a bit of an idea from his mother's video of what was going to happen

"You were born a seer like most of the people here in the family, also you are able to teleport."

"How? I have never experienced this kind of thing before."

"I can understand how you feel. It's because you were not raised here that's you were delayed to train .Also your parents wanted you to live an ordinary life." Grandma regret traceable on her tone

"Like I said, you are born an ordinary seer. You could see things before it happened long before you turned five. Your mother tried to lock your powers using her own powers. But it seem to be trying to burst out. If we don't help you get your powers back on track then it may backfire on you." She explained what he had been feeling lately

"Is that what happened a few moments ago when I saw a vision?" he asked his grandma not sure about anything

"Yes. That is the power of a great seer. They could see far ahead and can change the outcome." She explained to him

"Does that mean I am a great seer already?"

"Not really. You are yet to master the power of a great seer but you are a natural. You were born a great seer that mean even without you practicing, you can natural see what a great seer can see." Having clarified his doubt, Grandma Mildred continued to explain.

"You can as well predict the next movement your enemy can make and tackle them. You have far great powers than most in the family." sighing" I wish your mother was here to see what you are capable of doing"

" Its okay grandma. I dealt with the people that were involved with her death." He assured her of his revenge on Omar and his people

"That's okay my boy." She patted his leg and said standing up looking outside through the window on her left wall. It was covered with a piece of cloth

"Apart from being a seer, you have also the power to wield magic. I don't know if you have felt a certain sensation in your body when the sword tried to connect with you?" she asked looking deep in thoughts.

" You as an overlord can wield magic. You are able to share your power with your army. With a set of spell your army can wield half the power you hold. As powerful are you can be, your army can overcome a mighty enemy easily." She said opening the piece of cloth and looking outside.

Denis walked from his sitting position to where his grandma had stood and looked outside. He could see the dark smoky clouds lingering on air like they were part of it. Doing a hand spell in air, grandma produced an amazing sight before his very eyes

"What can you see?" she asked looking at his bewildered look.

"I can clearly see what is happening out there. There are weird looking birds, flying in air. There! Look that was the thing that scratched me." He saw the long legged creature that attacked him. They were taking few steps and crawling with both their limps on the ground

"They are crawlers. We are tasked by the king to make sure, they don't attack the villagers." She said something that shocked him.

"There is a king in this country?"

"Yes." grandma Mildred

"Oooh dear. I forgot you don't know much about how our world works." She said to him in amusement at the same time with an awkward smile. How could she forget to let her grandson know more of his new environment?

While talking he caught a glimpse of a man in dark black clothes covered to his face looking at them through the woods

"Grandma? Do you see someone, behind that huge tree peeking at us?" He asked immediately he saw the person. By the time grandma Mildred step forward to see, the person disappeared into thin air