
Wizard: Release my wife

Denis finds himself in Giriama world searching for his kidnapped wife. Despite being afraid of the dangers hidden in the mysterious world ahead, he ventures into the unknown where he was welcomed by his newly found family. For years, the Ereng Clan had concealed themselves behind magical portals in hopes of protecting both worlds. Denis finds himself in the center of it all........

Emmy_logz2 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Somewhere deep in the woods

"What the hell? Did you see that?" he was stunned. He still was not used to witness the use of magic

"I think it would be good not to let anyone in the family know my connection with being a foreseen overlord. I think I am in more danger than you predicted." Denis thought for a second before telling his grandmother. Though he had been there for days. He could not trust everyone.

He was on edge since he arrived. Someone had been on his back lately. He could not figure who it was but he suspected they were part of the family

"That's alright. I also have the same sentiment. Since you came, some people have been on edge. They are becoming an easy." She said something she had observed using her special seer eyes

"What should I do at the moment?"

"Lay low. I think we should do the initiation into the family as soon as possible. But first I will introduce you to the family elders and the rest of the people tomorrow." She said swiping the image on air. With a snap of her fingers, everything came back to normal

Somewhere deep in the woods, the floor of the forest was lost to darkness giving a chilly scary feeling. The eerie feeling could get you fainting on sight of slight movement. Black branches writhe like tendrils of a moving magical unmovable beast.

A figure could be seen running through the darkness sometimes jumping from tree to tree heading towards the edge of the woods. The howling and snarling sounds in the woods did little close to nothing to scare him. He seemed to be one with the dark eerie woods.

His dark clothing could not makes him any different from one of the extending tendrils of a beast in the forest. The howling grew louder and louder as he neared a dimly lit shabby cabin at the edge of the wood.

The dark figure barged into the shabby cabin. He knelt on one knee and placed his hand on his knee with his hand

"Master. I have followed the new member of the Ereng family like you instructed." The figure said humbling himself before a man handling glass containers in the middle of the room. The room looked well-arranged but the things on his table looked ugly. There hundreds of glass containers on the table with weird content in them. One of the container contained green liquid with live moving eyes on it. It looked disgusting. The man inserted his two fingers inside of the liquid before scooping a little of the piqued and add to the container he had at hand. He turned slowing facing the man on his knees behind him.

"Did he see you?" a deep eerie voice asked. His voice could give you Goosebumps. The man on his knees shuddered a little before stuttering giving his answer

"I am not sure. But he seemed to have sensed me" He bowed much deeper giving his reply

"Stupid" the voice said

The man walked to the man on his knees.

He wore an ugly looking long men dress covered with green looking stains giving him a rotten chocking smell. He held the chin of the man on his knee with the same fingers he placed inside the ugly smelling green liquid. Long dirty nails dug deeper into the young man's chin.

"That mean the guy is sensitive to magic power. You have done well, here is my rewards for you" The strange man said before pouring the content on the glass container in his mouth

"No...Ple…as.e" he tried to plead and escape but he was held in place by the strong hand on his chin. He gargled the content trying to spit out but his mouth was closed forcefully and he had no choice but to swallow the content. He fell to the ground immediately the content hit his stomach. He roughly rolled on the ground grunting his eyes popping out and blood oozing. His face immediately started to turn green its skin rotting away at speed naked to the eyes.

"Next time I send you on a mission, be keen not to be seen or caught." The voice scoffed before throwing the glass away

"Stupid portion. It cannot even turn into a killing machine" the voice said as the man stood looking deep on to the disfigure young man on the ground

The young man with resentment looked at the old ugly looking old man standing over his body. He was hopeless and weak before the evil man. He had no power to fight against him.

The old man spoke his yellow teeth and green looking tongue spurting saliva in air as he spoke.

"I will only give you another chance. Make sure they don't see you. That man is not simple. He came too fast." He said turning back to his working table. He took out a sealed bottle full with green stuff and threw it at the young man on the ground

"Take this. It's an antidote. Go and continue to follow and if possible get to know what they are planning." He said and dismissed the young man.

Getting out of the cabin grunting in pain, the young man walked with difficulty and disappeared into darkness. He stopped before a huge tree and laid on the huge trunk

" Urgg." He lifted the bottle emptying the content into his disfigured mouth. In seconds, his body started to regenerate new skin and returned the skin to normal. He was a very handsome young man

"I will make you pay as soon as I get my freedom back." He cursed under his breath and he ran through the forest. Shining red and green eyes could be seen loitering in the forest and others under trees observing the surround. The young man disappeared deep in the woods leaving no traces behind.

Back at the cabin, the old man walked to a room to the wall behind his working table. At the yellowish wall, a brass lam was thrust on top of made holder. The old man extended his boned arm forward and pushed the lamp inward his long dirty nails protruding even further.

The wall before him slowly moved revealing a dark hidden passage leading to who knows where. With a snap of his finger, the passage way revealed leading deeper within the cabin