
Wizard: Release my wife

Denis finds himself in Giriama world searching for his kidnapped wife. Despite being afraid of the dangers hidden in the mysterious world ahead, he ventures into the unknown where he was welcomed by his newly found family. For years, the Ereng Clan had concealed themselves behind magical portals in hopes of protecting both worlds. Denis finds himself in the center of it all........

Emmy_logz2 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs


Denis groaned in pain. His green veins threatening to pop out… Grandma, on the other, seemed to have grown used to the pain… She held her hand on the pole beside her, shaking.

Denis saw himself in the woods covered in blood. The Katana on his hand was soaked in green and red blood. He was surrounded by dead bodies all around him. He was in so much pain that his tears turned bloody. He was literary crying blood.

He could see his entire family lying around him dead.

The whole wood was covered with dark clouds darker than it was at the moment.

Mythological creatures were flying above him.

The enemies were standing on top of the dead. Wailings could be heard all over. Babies and women crying over their husbands and children. The scene was horrible.

He saw his wife Susan lying dead right under his feet. He tried to revive her, but no amount of magic he wielded could bring her back to life.

Out of desperation, he lifted his Katana, placing it on his neck… Before he could do anything, he came back to reality.

"No…" Screaming, his eyes returned to normal. He was covered in sweat, drenching his clothes.

"It's okay. What did you see?" she asked, trying to calm him down

"Everyone was dead. I saw my wife lying lifeless right under my feet. I could not revive her."

"It's okay. It's just a vision. You are blessed just like your mother, Amelia."

Calming down a bit. Denis asked

"What happened, and why was my mother banned from here?" He stood from the ground and sat on his grandma's wooden bench. He looked over at her, and he could see the resemblance to the video he saw of his mother.

" I have four kids. You have met your uncle Joachim, there is Ingrid, Amelia your mother and Maryanne who sometimes died back. God rest her soul. She is the mother of Mary and Levi," She said, placing her hands together praying.

" Well, Joachim and your mum were very close together and always did everything together. There was a dysfunction with the portal on the southern part of our family guard, so your mother and uncle Joachim were in charge of taking care of it.

I have never understood what happened, but your mother came here after several months of guarding the portal heavily pregnant." Grandma was deep in thoughts while telling the story. He could see she was deeply affected by the event.

"We tried to ask her who was the father, she never said anything. Each time I tried to see spiritually, something would block my vision. I believe she was strong enough to fight against my spiritual eyes." She said, chuckling to herself, thinking of her daughter

"You know, she was the most willful and courageous of all of them. She would always do what she seemed fit. And she was right."

Grandma Mildred stood from the bench and went to the corner to pick up something wrapped in a huge cloth. It seemed old but clean.

"You know, after you were born, your uncle Joachim came with a man here claiming to be your father. They didn't explain how he came here, but I saw. He was not from here. So your granduncle and your grandfather ordered your mother to marry someone from here, but she refused. They later eloped together to the other world.

It was not as easy as we had thought. It seemed to try to kill you and your mother here. That's why they eloped. They thought they were not safe, and they were right. Your granduncle was determined to kill you because you bore the birthmark of a great seer." Grandma said, grieving over the past

"How did you know they were attacked?" Denis was curious. If they had thought they eloped at first, how did they know they eloped for their safety?

"It's because your uncle Joachim saved them. Also, your granduncle revolted from the family. He killed your grandfather intending to take over the family leadership." She recounted tears flowing down her cheek. She had deep resentment for her brother-in-law. But up until that moment, he had never been found.

Denis didn't have words to comfort her but just patted her shoulders.

"This belonged to your mother. She had left in a hurry when she left, but I think it would suit you. It's enchanted and can kill all magical creatures as well as people with magical power." She handed the wrapped content on her hand to him. He took it cautiously, not knowing what it was. He looked at his grandma, and she nodded at him.

He placed the piece of cloth on the bench and unfolded it slowly. Before, he was a very beautiful katana. If there was a magical feeling he had ever felt, he felt it in connection with the sword. There was an exciting sensation coming from within him. He could not explain the feeling, but it was amazing. It felt like the sword was calling him.

Without thinking, he bends to pick it up. The moment he touched it, he felt like his soul was being pulled to the sword.

He dropped the sword down instantly. He behaved like someone whose hand had been burnt.

"What happened?" Grandma Mildred was alarmed and ran to his aid. She knew a lot about the sword, but she didn't understand why he reacted like that.

" This thing is pulling me towards it." He didn't know how to better explain the feeling and gave what he felt

" What!" Grandma was surprised. She looked worried and seemed to be thinking of something before giving Denis a huge smile.

"It's true. It's true. You are the chosen one. You are a great seer. You are born an overlord." She was too excited to bother explaining whatever she was saying. Denis was blank, not understanding what she was blubbering about. Her old body seemed to have not aged for a moment. She danced a certain happy dance he could not get out of his mind for ages.