
Wings and Blood

Born as something forbidden and should have never exists in the world, Inshal an angel-demon hybrid is born within the hevens. She begins her life as her mothers fears and something that most would destroy at first sight. Centeries after her birth she sees a beautiful half vampire named FunPup and she instantly falls for her. FunPup is a half vampire trying to live a normal life in the society of furrys but struggles to keep her bloodlust in control. As time goes on will FunPup be able to live a normal life or will she have to accept the shadows as her bloods home? Either way Inshal knows one thing, she will stand by FunPups side and fight by her side. After struggles and heartache Inshal manages to find where she truly stands. But an evil lurks within Inshal, it can destroy the land from the very root. She also knows that she can't be with a mortal so she has to leave FunPup or face the consequences. (Warning the description of these angels and demons are not accurate of the ones in the bible, I would like to apologise if this affends or upsets anyone. 18+ content)

FunPup · ファンタジー
65 Chs

Missing in action

Snuggled into a soft and fluffy cub, FunPup never felt so safe and calm. "Is something on your mind Willow?" FunPup asked as she saw a look on her face.

"So they encouraged you to bite me?" she asked with concerned look in her eyes.

"Yeah but I won't" FunPup spoke with a firm tone, "I refuse".

"But what if I wanted you to" she asked in a voice too soft and innocent to be a creature of the shadows.

"You don't want it" FunPup promised, "it's a curse".

"Not exactly" Willow blurded, "you are stronger and faster then the average, naturally".

"I'm-not-bitting-you" FunPup spoke in a tone that she knows that it's not happening.

"Why?" Willow asked, "don't think about your experience and think about my life" she begged as she gripped FunPups pink fluff.

"First they'll kill me for bitting you then they'll kill you because they trusted a vampire before and it failed" FunPup explained sitting up, "I'm going for a walk".

"FunPup" Willow called out to her and followed.

"No" FunPup pushed her back a little, "you go and work on your college work" she ordered and left.

(Willows prospective)

Huffing and slamming her tail on the floor, Willow left FunPups apartment and put her key in her front door to find it already open. "Yeah I'm home early today" Rosa's voice called from her room and she sat on the chair in the kitchen. "Alright arguing with your new girlfriend?" Rosa teased, "I won't hesitate to kill you if you do get bit" a grin formed on her perfect face.

"We weren't arguing, I don't want to get bit I just wanted to know what she would do" Willow bared her teeth and pinned her ears in frustration. It was hard to not stutter with the lie, she wants to be like FunPup but it's clearly not happening.

"Right" Rosa nodded sycasticly, "look I won't touch FunPup, only because you're basically the only friend I have that isn't a slut who sleeps with any guy I'm slightly interested in". Willow is aware that the furrys Rosa calls 'friends' are toxic and only good for partying but Willow was always under the impression that Rosa doesn't view her more then just a roommate to help with rent.

"So she is safe from me only and if she does join a nest I will harm them but leave her un-scratched" Rosa promised, "but if you want her dead I would be honored".

"Thanks but I would prefer that she remains alive and well" Willow sat down with her, "so how is your vampire hunting class going?".

"I've been told I'm the best in my class" Rosa had a look of pride flash in her eyes, "my father also gave me one of our family's solo swords" her tail wagged but controlled.

"Who was that cheeter guy?" Willow asked remembering that she only saw him once a week ago.

"Oh don't bother to remember his name or anything" Rosa growled slightly, "he cheeted quicker then he could run".

"Try finding someone who isn't from the club". Willow suggested, she saw the same pattern with her boyfriends: first they act very interested in her, then they start talking to her 'friends' and Rosa barked up with him because he's acting like a whore.

"Maby" Rosa stretched, "I should just cut ties with those girls" she had a look of stress mixed with sadness. "Why can't more be like you" she sighed, "I mean you wouldn't sleep with a guy that you know I'm in a relationship with".

"Well I'm with FunPup and I'm no cheeter or ho" Willow confirmed.

"You sure?" Rosa smile, "from what I keep hearing from her apartment, you two are very active".

"Can I not share my sex life with you?" Willow asked sounded annoyed.

"How do you feel that your girlfriend could run to the shadows and never return all because of unresistalble instincts?" Rosa asked with a teasing grin.

"Right I know you don't approve of her but I know she'll never leave me astray" Willow slammed the table with her hand in a fist.

"Alright but you could never know with these monsters" Rosa leaned back and crossed her arms.

"She is not like those monsters who hide in the shadows, I mean she found a way to be in the sun within the 24 hours of her loosing her fletchling hood" Willow snarled and a shocked look formed on Rosa.

"You can snarle?" she raised an eye brow.

"Really?" Willow rolled her eyes and left for her room.

"You just look to soft to snarle!" she called out to her and Willow sighed.

"I can bite to!" she slammed her door and sat at the desk with her work laptop. When she was finished with any work she had to do, Willow went to see if FunPup has calmed already. Only to find the door still locked 'where is she? she's never gone this late' Willow frowned. "Lost your girlfriend?" Rosa asked walking up the stairs. She didn't realised when she left.

"Where did you go?" Willow pinned her ears down.

"Shopping" Rosa raised her arm with a shopping bag, "we were low on food and what not" she went to the apartment and placed the bag on the table.

"I'll be back in a while" Willow called and closed the door before any questions that Rosa has or any sycastic jokes.

Willow knows the path FunPup loves to walk in, she has been with her during one of these walks but she can't see how FunPup loves it soo much. It was cold out, even with her fluffy fur that her mother likes to call pomeranian fur. The streets and roads were quite and dark, Willow could hear ever claw tap the concrete and her tail brush the back of her legs. It didn't take long to be in the forest, following FunPups sent but she found a new sent. It was definitely a furry but something was different, it had a sent that sent curiosity and natural fear down her spine. Willow thought for a minute then decided to follow it, it went on for hours but no sign of any sole. It was midnight at this point and Willow felt a little tired, mindlessly followed a sent. Her nose bumped something and the thing she walked into to moved, "who are you!" a male voice hissed. Willow jumped back staring at the large, obviously vampire thangs.

"Willow" she squeaked, fear trembling down her hole body.

"The Willow FunPup talked about?" he asked and Willow saw that he matched the description FunPup told her about.

"Shade?" she guessed.

"Yes, so she told me about you" he amused, "haven't bitten you though" he sound a little disappointed.

"She basically snapped at me when I suggested it and told me thay she'll never turn me" Willow explained feeling a little more calm.

"Thought so" he shrugged, "but you want it, don't you?" he asked.

"Well... yeah" Willow was caught of gard, he didn't sound threatening, he didn't have a look that he's a monster, he just asked.

"Hold still then" he instructed and Willow felt her heart pound as he pinned her to the tree.

Willow gritted her teeth as a sharp pain stabbed her neck. She felt the blood flow down her shoulder and drip to the floor, "ow" she teared up and dug her claws into his arm.

"Relax" he help her up letting go of her neck, "it's over now, just don't move and rest". She colapst to the floor, sliding down the tree. "Can you let of my arm now?" he asked tugging. Willow released her grip and she panted, her vision went wired and her body ached. "You shouldn't be awake for so long" Shades voice went fuzzy and everything went black.

Willow blinked. Her eyes stung and she was laying on stones. "Morning" Shade called to her, "you were out for a bit too long".

"Is that bad?" she asked and her voice was dry.

"Yeah but you look fine to me" he leaned back and flicked his tail.

"What time it it?" she asked sitting up.

"3 pm" he yawned, "your thangs are gorgeous" he complemented.

"Thanks" she grabbed hold of them to find that they can't fit in her mouth.

"You'll get use to them" he promised, "do you want to know how to ignore the effects of the sun?" he asked.

"Sure" Willow rubbed her head as it ached.

"I think you should rest first" he chuckled, "I can't wait to see FunPups face when she sees you".

"She would kill me" Willow answered, "she would be horrified".

"I know" he laughed, "she just doesn't understand that a vampire needs to change the world to their liking, if not then at least adapt". Shade allowed her to rest then showed the complicated, reverse psychology trick so the sun doesn't burn. "Now technically, you and FunPup are now my blood bite daughters but it's not insest, by blood you two are no where near related and the blood bite kin is just a mental things" he informed.

"Ok..." Willow didn't really know how to think about that but she was too tired to think about it much and slowly wondered back.

Willow could feel her eye lids grow heavy and she felt like passing out. She reached for the key she held in her satchel and unlocked the first door, climbing up the stairs felt like climbing the mountain. She basically fell on the door but managed to catch herself before she fell flat on her face. "Willow?" Rosa called out, "Willow!" she cried as she layed eyes on the dry blood on her right shoulder and the new pearly thangs. "What happened!?" the wolf barked and grabbed hold of her, "that's not FunPups sent" she commented.

"No" Willow heard how weak she truly is, "it was a different furry" she almost had to whisper. Rosa grabbed her phone and diled, "I need an ambulance!" she clearly panicked, "my friend's been bit by a vampire" she explained. Rosa told the address and got Willow down the stairs.

About 20 minutes went by and police arrived with an ambulance, "did you see the vampire?" a cop asked as FunPup emerged from the forest and was tackled immediately. "Hey! get of" FunPup hissed in confusion.

"No!" Willow screamed out, "it wasn't her it was a guy!" she tried to speak but lost her breath easily.

"Willow!" FunPup squeaked as she saw the state she was in.

"You sure?" the cop asked her.

"Yes his fur..." she gasped in exhaustion, "it was liked the midnight" she panted.

"Right I need to take her to the hospital" a doctor helped her the the stretcher and she was of to the hospital.

"I know you'll not like this but you need to take it" the doctor spoke and put a foul, thick and slimy medicine in her mouth. Willow gagged. "I know" he then gave her a sick bag. "What was that?" Willow asked still gagging from the tast.

"It's a syrim, to reverse the process or pause the process of you turning" he explained, "you look to be under 24 hours of turning, do you know when you were bitten?" he asked.

"At midnight" she spoke quietly, "I woke up at midday" she pushed her knees to her chest.

"You might be lucky" he muttered grabbing a needle and a bottle with a deep read liquid. "This is gonna hurt, I won't give it to you unless I have your consent" he looked at her. 'Do I want to be cured?' she asked herself staring at it, "I wanted this'.

"No" she shook her head, "I don't want... I... no" she stuttered.

"It's ok" he put it back, "we can sort something out in the hospital. It took only 5 minutes later to reach the hospital, "I got a vampire victim here!" the doctor called and the emergency room went to a panic and an alarm was set of. She was rushed to a room and about 10 doctors was present. "I need the missaltoe, garlic solution!" one called.

"Get the 600 ml needles!" another shouted out.

"She doesn't want the sun blood" the doctor from the ambulance informed.

"Right, Willow" on older doctor got her attention, "if we have to we will have to use the sun blood" he informed.

"Ok" she took a breath as the stress of the hospital was getting to her.

"Try to relax yourself" Willow felt the doctors tieing her down and something bursted within her. She hissed and tried to resist the cuffs, "hey easy!" one doctor growled.

"Stop!" she snapped her jaws towards a nurse who was tightening the cuffs, "let me go!" she hissed once more.

"The vampire instincts is growing!" she heard someone call out.

"We need antibiotics!" a younger doctor informed.

"Get a muzzle!" everything started to merge in one and a migraine formed, her body ached and the tiredness grew and she passed out.