
Cured or cursed

"Delivering shock in 3 2 and 1" Willows body jumped as she was electrocuted and her heart pounded. She gasped and shot up but was slammed back on the bed by the cuffs. "Awake?" a doctor asked.

"Yeah" her throat was dry and ichy.

"So how are? what is your mind going? do you feel any urges? any thoughts of biting into anyone?" the doctor asked all at once and Willow had to think for a minute.

"No" she coughed, "I would like some water" she asked.

"Yes, we had to use nebuliser as you stopped breathing after a few hours" he stood up and went to the water cooler. "Here sip it" he handed it over and sat back on the chair that was next to the bed.

"What happend?" Willow asked, "I remember passing out".

"Yeah we ran some blood tests and found your body was under a lot of stress and exhaustion, we also found out that your body was rejecting the vampirism but failing oh and a lot of alcohol was found" he explained looking at the notes. "The medicine you took in the ambulance has allowed your body to catch up and your being cured" he smiled, "you'll be back to normal in about a week". Something hit her heart, it hit hard, she felt disappointed and spite... 'I really wanted to be a vampire huh' she flicked her tail. "Something wrong?" the doctor asked.

"Why does my throat hurt so much?" she asked rubbing it.

"It will for a while just sip some water and you'll be fine" he informed, "just press the button if you need anything" he left and she was alone.

A long while went by when a nurse came in, "you have a visitor" he left when FunPup walked in, Willow smiled and her heart warmed.

"You're alone?" she tilted her head.

"Yeah" Willow nodded, "I'm honestly not surprised".

"How are you feeling? the doctor told me that you're healing" a relieved grin formed on her face.

"Alright, can you make me a new drink?" she asked pointing at the water cooler.

"Sure" FunPup gave her a cup and snuggled up to her, "who bit you?" she asked.

"It looked like Shade, the way you described him it matched the way he looked" Willow nuzzled her nose into her neck.

"Me and him is gonna have a falling out" she hissed, "did he force you?" FunPups tail twitched.

"Not exactly" Willow answered shrugging.

"You wanted it?" FunPup sounded annoyed.

"Well yes... no" Willow smirked awkwardly.

"I'll get the answer one way or another" FunPup promised.

FunPup stayed until visiting hours ended, from then she was alone. "Willow" the doctor from before greeted, "we are gonna have to tighten these for tonight, it's the new moon" he explained, tightening the cuffs.

"What will happen if you don't?" Willow asked tilting her head.

"You will lose control either way and if they are not tightened you will kill someone and any chance of you being cured are useless" he explained finishing the last one. Willow could move her hands around but that was it, she couldn't lift her arms or legs. "I'll see you in the morning" he left and locked the door, the window was already shut and she felt motionless.

A strange feeling went over her as the sun set, she felt powerful and she felt the blood itself rush but her heart pounded in fear. Willow saw the last glimps of sun light then her mind went blank... she blinked, her eyes ached and her fur was drenched in blood. "What!" she yelled as she saw that she was in the forest. "My head" Willow rubbed the back of it and looked around, nothing was familiar and no sent of any furry of any kind. She walked around, confused and lost, 'what would Rosa do? her father is more likely to kill me' panic rushed through her mind. 'Aa this blood is sticky' she gritted her teeth. Willow wondered blindly until she found a road, a sign showed distance to different places. It was written in the human language which means she could get into some trouble. Humans and furrys have a neutral relationship by government but humans has hunted tiger furrys and call it poaching. A fluffy fox would be a prize to them, especially with un-chiped vampire thangs.

"Now what?" Willow asked herself, blood dripping from her shoulders, down her back and of the side of her tail. She lifted her claw that's covered in blood, hunger growled in her stomach, she licked it and a smile formed. It was sweet but yet a metallic tast, she craved more and she cleaned the fur on the back of her hand just by sucking on it. 'I can't go to any civilisation' Willow realised, 'they'll kill me when they realised I'm a vampire covered in blood'. A shock stabbed her heart, 'did I kill everyone in the hospital? who's blood is this?" she asked herself feeling her heart pound in her chest. She walked towards a mountain, 'surly I'll be able to see one of the furry cities from up their' she thought. Willow walked for hours until she came across a river, 'I should clean this blood' she jumped in and the icy water felt welcoming to her. Willow scrubbed her fur clean, staining the water with blood.

Her fur look new, maby if you look hard enough you'll see a pinkish stain on the white parts of fur. She got out eventually but she wanted to stay a little longer, to embrace the bitter cold. Willow shook her head, to clear her mind a bit 'I need to get home' she thought, 'Rosa can help me... can she? or will her father just kill me?' her mind just went to a spiral. "What nest you from?" a voice called from behind her, "or are you a rogue?" he didn't sound aggressive, not threatening in any way just... there.

"Rogue I guess" she turned to see a grining, rich dressed and curious pure vampire. Willow has done her research on vampires when she got in a relationship with FunPup so she knows what a pure vampire is.

"Oh" he turned his head in a wired way, "all alone then? were are you from?" he seemed to be friendly but insanity took his eyes.

"Deep forest fluf" she answered, she wanted to trust him but her gut seems to be unsure.

"I don't know that one" he shook his head with a frown.

"It's almost hidden in the largest forest down south" Willow explained, "who are you?" she tilted her head.

"Call me Cole the immortal born of the Inchano nest" he smiled, "you can be in the sun... interesting" he gritted his teeth.

"You can't?" Willow asked as his expression seemed to be unsure.

"No" he shook his head, "no vampire can, but how?" he smiled, as if trying to be friendly to her.

"I have a friend that told me how, I was basically passed out tired so I can't exactly remember but it doesn't hurt" she explained.

"Huh, so I'm kinda stuck under this tree so can you be a dear and find something so I can get back home?" he asked.

"I can't exactly go to any town or city and buy a cloke or umbrella" Willow mentioned, "so what should I do?".

"I don't know" he shrugged, "find anything" her sounded as if he's ordering her. Willow thought for a moment.

"Do you have a home or a place where you already have things to block the sun?" she asked and he smiled.

"I do but my nest would murder you the moment they sence a rogue" he chuckled, "well come sit with me" he sat down in the shade.

"Ok" she sat down slightly in the sun, "don't want to be alone? or..." Willow felt a little awkward.

"Yeah, I do like alone time but having something else with me, it's just better" he leand on the tree and relaxed. "You look as if we could be friends" he had a calm look but his eyes shows his insanity.

"Are you just friendly to any rogue that comes to your territory?" Willow as she saw a large smile on his face.

"No" he shook his head but kept the happy smile, "it would be foolish to try to attack a rogue that can be in the sun during the day, all you have to do is keep me in the sun" he explained but his smile didn't change the slightest.

"No I would run if a pure vampire just jumped out of nowhere" Willow leaned back, the warmer of the morning sun was taken from the bitting wind.

"Fair enough" he layed down, "we're gonna be here a while and I'm getting tired, want to spend the day with me?" he opened his arms out so she could cuddle up to him.

"No" she leaned back, "I have a girlfriend" Willow informed and he laughed.

"Sorry did I say in a sexual way?" he chuckled as if she said a joke, "vampires usually prefer to stay close to a born immortal just like wolves prefer to stay close to the alfa".

Willow felt as if this is common knowledge for her to know, "did you just turn or something?" he asked re-gesturing for her to join him.

"Yes" she answered laying next to him in a curled ball.

"Then last night must be hard for you" he pulled her in close, "maby that's why your fur is wet" he seemed to talking to himself now.

"I can't remember everything, just looking at the last glimps of sun light and... nothing" she puffed her fur to use as a pillow.

"Oh yes I remember the first new moon but I could remember some of it though" he pat her head as if trying to comfort her, "it's hard to handle, I know especially for someone who turned. You probably think that you harmed something you care about or you can't go back, take my advice" he hugged her in closer and she could hear his heart beat, "don't go back. You'll find that someone you love is dead, you mentioned a girlfriend?" he asked.

"She's a vampire to" Willow mentioned.

"Oh" he sounded surprised, "and she's not with you?".

"No but she's been a vampire for years so..." Willow didn't know what to say, FunPup might have followed her but lost track of her.

"Let's just sleep for now" he loosen his grip slightly, "I think you need it". Willow found it easy to sleep, there was this wired natural instinct to trust him. Willow felt a bit too comfortable with him.

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