
Chapter 74

Arianna's POV 

Immediately my husband left for work I also got dressed but I happen to over hear my maids telling each other master has said their madam shouldn't be allowed to go out at all,why?I was so angry and picked up my phone to call Damien,upon the third ring he picked and said hello wife are you okay?why did you ask the security and all staffs in the house to stop me from going out can't you see I'm bored already,I started saying so many things as I'm angry as hell already and all Damien did was keep quiet and I yelled over the phone can't you talk are you forming deaf now?he still didn't say a word I hanged up on him out of anger and went back to the bedroom,

Why would he restrict my movement??is this what he'll be doing to me now that I'm his wife he gets to tell me when I'm meant to go out and when I'm not,Today I'll let him know I can make decisions on my own and with that being said I started thinking of what to say and do just to get out of the house,then a thought struck my mind and I walked out like I'm in pain my maids and all the security team I need to get to the hospital now I said to them in a tone that'll scare them,but madam young master said not to allow you leave home until he say so, said one of our guard and I replied oucchh then be prepared to die if anything happens to my baby,oucchhh I screamed and they were all confused but the their commander instructed two guards to follow me to the hospital and I agreed cos I have a wicked plan on how to lose them when I go out,I got into the car and we drove out of the estate as soon as we re out of the estate and took the sharp bend by the road that leads to the main express another car blocked us and started shooting at my car and the bullet hit my guards the shock of what happened made me lose consciousness and I didn't know what happen next....

I felt some cold liquid pour on me then my eyes were open but it was blurry and I couldn't see clearly I tried sitting and realized my hands are tied to my back and my legs are tied as well then the fear set in and I panicked but I try to breath o closed my eyes and open them again and this time I was able to see my environment im in a place that looks deserted,old and dirty and Im surrounded by smelly looking men whose age shouldn't be less than 35 to 40 years,they all had a rough and scars on their bodies I was weak and in pains but I tried to talk and Said please don't hurt me and those men laughed at me like I was some crazy woman and one of the men had a eye patch on he brought a chair out and sat opposite me if we wanted to hurt you young miss we would have done that since but I still need to wait for order from the big boss before I know what to do with you maybe my men can have some fun with you and I promise you're gonna love it,the ugly man with the eye patch said and I got scared and said no you can't touch me I'm pregnant,hahahahahhahah they all laughed at me and the man continued that's the fun woman okay for now you can relax and let's wait for the big boss to show up,I asked who asked you to do this awful things you know I can pay you my husband is very rich he can give you any amount just let me go and I promise I won't tell the police at all..

Police!! The man said mockingly that's if you're still alive to tell the story that's when I knew I'm in a big trouble I should have just listened to my husband and stay at home now I've been kidnapped I started panicking and then I heard footsteps walking towards us and from the sound it's a woman's heels ,I looked up with some hope thinking I can persuade the woman to let me go only to be met with the biggest shock of my life GRACE!!! I called how can Grace be here is she the one who asked them to kidnap me is she their big boss they're taking about?But I still needed to try my luck with this woman so I said grace thank God you're here they took you also right don't worry my husband will get us out and she looked at me with so much hatred and disgust she then face the man with the eye patch and said why is her mouth opened do something about that I hate to hear her useless voice,yes boss the man replied and they they went to get what they'll use to seal my mouth but I still needed to talk and I started asking grace what have I done to deserve this you can see my condition this treatment is unfair to me and my baby please let's me go I promise not to tell me my husband I pleaded with grace but she screamed Elliot do something about this ugly bitch now she said rubbing her temples ,yes madam the man with the eyes patch answered and then a tape was used to seal my mouth I try struggling but I'm helplessly tied to a chair and I don't even have my freedom of speech,then grace began her speech huh what's your name again she asked like shes thinking and laughed then said who cares anyways when you're no longer in the picture Damien will come back to me willingly,I'll get rid of you and that useless thing you call a pregnancy you made a mistake getting married to Damien,no one deserves him but me,I'm the only one who deserves to be his wife and the mother of his children not a filthy poor and ugly church rat like you so today I'll put and end to you and that miserable thing in your womb so I can freely breath,then I realised Grace is a psychopath but it's too late now no one can save me there and then I let the tears flow down my eyes and I closed my eyes In pain and just wait for death to take me and my baby away