
Chapter 73

Damien's POV

Our love making was intense and I dont know why but I want more I still feel the urge to bend this woman over and Fuck her sense out but she fell asleep on my chest she's tired I can see that and her condition too she tried she lasted this long with my own hunger,I let her sleep peacefully and didnt know when I also slept off until I met myself in my Dreamland where I'm standing on the alter in my white suit and jacket with tuxedo watching the love of my life walking down the aisle to meet me and I was all smiles and teary at the same time then I heard someone groan with discomfort and my eyes shut opened and then I realised Rian wasn't comfortable in her sleeping posture anymore so I helped her move her body without having to disrupt her sleep,she laid on her side and and I covered her with duvet to warm her up so I went back to sleep.....

Ring! Ring!! Ring!!! it's an alarm who set an alarm in our room I slowly opened my eyes and streched only to find the space beside me cold but not too cold which means Rian got up not quite long ,I got up from bed and walked Into the toilet only to find my wife puking I was freaking out but the I remember she's pregnant and sometimes she pukes when she inhales an uncomfortable smell or eat things that didn't sit well with her tommy,I moved closer to her rubbed her back as she emptied her stomach then I got her a cup of warm water to rinse her mouth before offering her a glass of milk to calm her nerves,sorry I woke you up she said and I replied it's 6:45am already it's time to wake up who set the alarm I asked and she said it's me cos you don't wake me up from sleep and I get late to work under the excuse of me being pregnant it's not nice and fair ,I smiled cause she said that pouting and she looks so adorable,what if I tell you no work today you need to rest okay,I'm not staying at home today I guess I puked cause last night I felt your co....and she hushed and didn't say anything then I asked are you feeling pains anywhere I started checking out all her body to know if she's okay I know she wanted to talk about our love making ,did I injure her in the process?? I frowned and she smiled and said I'm not injured you went too deep and my tommy wasn't just settle after all that's why I puked,Hahahaha I laughed at what she said okay wifey please always let me know when I'm on the extreme so I can slow down you know I wouldn't want to hurt you and my babies so please always tell me so I can control my hunger and you can't blame me too much I just can't get enough of you and I took a step closer to her raised her head up and gave her a good morning seductive kiss ,when the kiss ended my wife was covering her face cos she's as red as tomatoes cause she's blushing what's wrong I asked and she said I just finish puking and I haven't even brush my teeth yet how can you still kiss me,why won't I kisss you ahn I said still going close to her and she took a dash for the room getting away from me and I laughed at her childish act okay okay come and take your bath I'll ask the maids to prepare you something spicy for breakfast afterwards you can rest at home for today ,no no no come on honey I want to go to work please she argued and pleaded but I just wasn't buying it don't know why but Im not just feeling good today about my wife going out so I needed her to stay at home and be safe,so she went into the bathroom to take her bath and I went out to order the maids to prepare breakfast and at the same yien instructed my security team not to allow my wife go out today at all,don't know why I feel uneasy today but I  will do anything to keep this woman safe