(Warning!!!!) Mature contents, highly sexual contents ****************************************** Ariana doesn't believe in love at first sight until she came across Damien a well known playboy Damien thinks every woman has a price, and he's wiling to pay... How will this two people from different world accept love??? *************************************** "I stood there in front of him speechless,everyone and every sound vanished and all I could see was the demi god standing before me and my heartbeat racing like never before, thump! thump!! thump!!! Was that the sound of my heartbeat?? Before I embarrassed myself further I took to my heels and ran as fast as my legs could take me..............
The weather was cold as it just stopped raining, I was indoor headphones on listening to one of my favorite artist song need I say Nicki minaj, smiles then my friend walked in screaming her lungs out Ariana... Ari.... What exactly is your problem i yelled back stopping her midway from completing my name rolling my eyes at her,she was all laughter seeing my reaction Bel... thats Belinda for short i called can you stop acting like a fool for once I said irritated....
Belinda looked and at me with so much amusement in her eyes and said, girl you need go out with me tonight, i rolled my eyes like always cause I was the introvert in our friendship of six years, Bel knew I wasn't the type who loves going out and in all the years we've been together as friends the few outings were forced and i just couldn't escape it..
What's with the ruckus i asked, well there's this new pub that's just opened around the corner and I wanna try it out and you my dear Ari is coming with me replied Bel with so much excitement in her voice... Belinda loves partying and clubbing cause she loves to meet new guys and can't wait for her Mr right to come along she's had couple of boyfriends in the past, and she's been through many heartbreaks but has a strong spirit and just won't give up, i met bel while I was in college and she has been one of my support system even when I'm clueless as what to do next, I was with her and stood by her during her heartbreaks and just couldn't see myself falling in love since I grew up with my mother and was never used to having a man around..
I didnt know the ideology of love, since my mother worked hard to put food on the table, and I just didn't give love a second thought, i was so engrossed in my thoughts that i didn't realize Bel already picked a cloth for me to wear..this is going to look good on you i heard her say with a bright smile on her face and I snapped out of my thoughts, sigh... Ari you really need to loosen up, its been two years since your mother died and im sure she will love to see you happy and expects you to live your life, i lost my mum two years ago truly but I'm so sad I couldn't take care of mama the way I was supposed to honestly, my mum lost my dad to the cold hands of death after I was born, hence the reason I was the only child of my parents, my mum never talked about my dad even as a child when I was dropped off in school by my mum I was mocked by the other kids of my age that I was born out of wedlock and that's why I'm without a father. I felt so much pain and at some point I refused going to school but mum stood up for me and helped me through the whole ordeal i faced as a child I remembered my mum telling me I wasn't born out of wedlock but she didnt say more than that until i was sixteen, when I got back From school badly bruised cos I was bullied by my classmate Angela and her friends who has made my life a living hell in school, but I needed to be strong for mum, when mum got back from her morning shift cos she runs a three time shift to be able to give me the best life I could get,.. Oh my God mum exclaimed who did this to my little girl, I couldn't say a word to mum cos I knew I was pained and angry but I needed to hold it in for mum's sake. Baby talk to me please mum said and I just needed to raise my heads up, the tears I tried holding in were seen falling down my face freely mum didn't need to ask what the problem was cause she knew what I was going through..List..... Mum can you please let me be I said stopping what she was about to say in a tone that shocked my mum, she didn't expect i was ever going to talk back at her.
Mum understood my feelings even if I was blinded by my own pain, Your father had a car crash the very day I gave birth to you mum said in a low voice but I heard her clearly i looked at mum and could see the grief and untold pains in her eyes.. How I asked? Mum smiled at me but it was clear the smile is that of pain, when my water broke I was home alone and had to call your father to let him know my water broke, he said he was on his way, while driving home in a hurry to come to us he was crushed by a truck whose brake failed that was how I lost your father whom I loved with all my being mum said to me.. Her eyes were filled with unshed tears , that was when the thought struck me and I wailed loudly,mum tried to console me but i just couldn't take it all in
I looked at mum with pain in my heart and told her I was sorry, im sorry mum .. Im sorry I killed Dad, No no no don't you ever say such my princess, you didn't kill dad okay baby, mum said to me. I nod my head in approval but deep down my heart I believed I killed my father cause I choose the wrong day and time to come to the world, my birth took my father's life and that's why mum didn't think of giving marriage or love another shot, instead she dedicated her entire existence to taking care of me and giving me all of her love, and thats why i didnt believe in love at first sight or to believe in love at all, i was bullied all my life so i stayed on my own being the good girl to my mother until i met belinda, her friendship changed my life especially after mum died of depression, well mum told me before dying that I needed to live life the way I want and should see love in everything and everyone.. I sighed that was when i felt Belinda's touch and looked up to see her giving me one of those cute and funny smiles of hers, Its true mum would have wanted to see me happy but here i was running from God knows what, what was i afraid of??
I stood up went into the bathroom for a cold shower, once the water touched my skin, i felt at ease and I smiled at myself saying "Ariana you can do this"after my bath I went to my dressing table applied some lotion on my skin got dressed and applied some lip gloss,i looked at myself in the mirror and was satisfied with what I was seeing, i looked back at Bel who was busy checking me out and said "let's go girl"... She jumped like a crazy lady saying let's go girl happily, well I shrugged and just looked ahead cause I wasn't interested in going out in the first place but just needed to please and make my dearest Bel happy and entertained..
When we got to the pub I didnt bother checking out the name of the pub cos I was more eager and anxious to know what the inside looked like. Why?? I Wondered ... a minute ago I wasn't interested and now I am so thrilled to be in.. What's waiting in there for me? At some point I thought Bel had it all planned out.. Until we were stopped by the security men who are as big and muscular as an elephant from going in,
If you're below eighteen then you can't be seen here one of them said to us. Mtcheew who wanted to be here in the first place I murmured to myself but Bel of course heard me and gave me a weird look of what's your problem babe" and she looked back at the two men who can be best described as a gaint and said excuse us but we're here to have fun and not to cause trouble, the other guy who didn't bother glancing at us but rather was looking above our heads at the lady who is 6ft tall with long slender legs, a lighter skin tone, a perfect cheek bones and a round and plumpy behind... you two looked like you'll be causing trouble big time, Said the man who didn't bother to spare us a glance.. Bel was about explaining herself when I turn around looking towards the direction of the eyes of the other man and realize he was checking out a lady I was so angry that I didn't allow Bel give an explanation. Before speaking at the top of my voice..........................................
Do we look under eighteen i yelled at the top of my voice drawing attention to myself which arrgh... I hate so much, six pairs of eyes stared at me shocked at my outburst, the anger in me was just too much. How dare he decide for us like some little kid, i said to myself and was about walking away when I hit something as hard as a rock, i nearly tripped and was about falling when a strong hand held me so I wouldn't fall flat on my back....