
What it means to be a sinner

A dark fantasy begins with an exhilarating adventure to another world, where every character seems destined to be a hero. Unfortunately, everything changes gradually. The connection between Earth and this fantastical realm, including the horrors they face one after another, starts to blur. The characters begin to question the deeper purpose behind their sudden transportation. Are they meant to be heroes of some sort? Or are they mere ants, insignificant and easily crushed in a hostile world that sees them as nothing more than entertainment? This uncertainty adds a chilling layer of intrigue to their predicament.

Jeanniebels · ファンタジー
39 Chs

Chapter 27: Sumptuous Meal

"Come up and join me for a meal," the voice spoke with a tone of authority, devoid of the playful laughter it had earlier. Despite the lack of hostility in her voice, no one wanted to let their guard down. Initially, they attempted to send three people to check, but they were instructed to bring everyone instead. With no choice, everyone went upstairs and found a simple dining table adorned with exquisite carvings. The table was filled with the food they had smelled earlier. Despite its inviting appearance, no one felt hungry and think of accepting the invitation immediately. Instead, they looked at the woman sitting at the head of the table.

Seated there was an incredibly enchanting and ethereal being. Her beauty was otherworldly, with radiant features and a captivating aura. Her silver eyes were deep and mesmerizing, reflecting wisdom and ancient knowledge. Her silver hair flowed like silk, cascading down in waves, with a natural shine further enhancing her ethereal appearance. Her flawless skin had a porcelain-like smoothness and a subtle glow, as if touched by sunlight. Her presence exuded grace and elegance, with every movement appearing effortless and fluid.

Her flowing garments were made of ethereal chiffon fabrics in a soft and enchanting cream color. The fabric seemed to move with a life of its own, as if it were dancing in harmony with her every step. Intricate patterns adorned her attire, adding a touch of mesmerizing detail.

The dress itself had a graceful silhouette, accentuating her slender figure. It cascaded down in layers, creating a sense of ethereal movement. The fabric flowed like a river, gently swaying with her every gesture. The neckline was elegantly draped, revealing just a hint of her collarbone, adding a touch of allure to her ethereal beauty.

She wore no accessories, as if she needed none. The sunlight seemed to caress her form, illuminating her attire with a gentle glow.

Despite the woman's calm expression and compassionate aura, the overwhelming fear that gripped those in her presence was perplexing. It was as if they were beholding the Simurg, a mythical creature of immense power and wisdom, when it first descended. And with that, they knew she was as dangerous as the Simurg, if not more.

After moments of contemplation, Will gathered his courage and spoke up, addressing the woman as "Your Excellency." He expressed his gratitude for her offer but conveyed that their primary objective was to seek answers. "Your Excellency, my name is Will. We thank you sincerely for the offer but before what we truly seek is answers. Earlier, you spoke our language. Were there others who were sent here like us? Is it possible for us to be sent back?" Will's voice quivered with a mix of hope and uncertainty as he asked. The rest of the group anxiously awaited her response, their eyes filled with anticipation and longing for the truth.

After a brief silence, the woman spoke, crushing their hopes. "I have heard enough of your language to understand you. And no, as far as I know, there were no others sent here like you. Furthermore, I do not possess the ability to send you back." Her words carried a subtle undertone of impatience, leaving everyone feeling as though they were treading on thin ice.

Sensing the tension in the air, the group swiftly gathered around the table, joining the woman. They noticed that she had anticipated their arrival, as there were two couches large enough to serve as temporary beds for the still unconscious Lucy and Ethan.

The group gathered around the table, their minds swirling with questions and uncertainties. They found themselves torn between accepting the offer to eat and engaging in conversation with the woman. However, her disappointment was palpable, causing everyone to feel nervous and on edge.

In an attempt to address the situation, Will stepped forward, his voice calm and measured. "Your Excellency, please accept our apologies if we appear overly cautious. Each one of us has endured unimaginable hardships that we never thought we would have to face." Will's words carried a sense of sincerity and understanding as he tried to convey their perspective to the woman. Despite his experience in socializing as a businessman back on Earth, he knew that the being before them possessed a power that could easily annihilate them before they could even think of escaping.

Unlike the powerful figures he had encountered in the world of business, where money could be a weapon and authority could be bought, here their vulnerabilities were laid bare. They were as defenseless as newborn babies, and even the smallest threat could prove fatal. Will and the group were fully aware of this, understanding that any attempt to approach the woman with ill intentions would result in instant demise. The thought of such a scenario weighed heavily on their minds, making it inconceivable for them to even contemplate such an action.

The woman's face finally showed a change as she sensed their concern, and once again heard the chuckle they had heard before.

"You may refer to me as Calliope. I have been observing all of you since the very beginning, so there is no need for explanations. I have no intentions of causing harm, so you can set aside your weapon now. Although your arrival may not be the most exciting news for our world, I still extend a warm welcome to NeoGaia," Calliope's face lit up with a warm smile as she graciously welcomed the unexpected guest to their world. Her genuine warmth and hospitality were evident in her kind gesture.

Jack and the rest of the group, who had been poised to draw their weapons at a moment's notice, found themselves hesitating and refraining from any aggressive actions. The realization dawned upon them that the world they had been transported to was called NeoGaia, a place completely unfamiliar to them. It became clear that they were truly in a different realm, with little to no possibility of returning to Earth. This realization weighed heavily on their minds.

As they contemplated Calliope's statement about watching them from the beginning, numerous possibilities flooded their thoughts. Could she be referring to their time on Earth, the appearance of the relic, their arrival in this new world, or even when the Simurg had discovered them? The group was left in suspense, yearning for answers to their burning questions. They understood that they would have to exercise patience and wait for the opportune moment to have their inquiries addressed.

Moreover, it is truly remarkable how quickly Calliope has acquired a command of our language in just a few days. Did they engage in enough conversation for her to grasp every word and subtlety? Does she possess knowledge of their origins? Is it possible that she, too, originated from Earth? The question of her humanity lingered in everyone's minds, leaving them with an uncertain response. Surely, she couldn't be human, could she?

Unfortunately, the group realized that they would have to finish their meal before they could have the opportunity to seek answers to their pressing inquiries.

For several days, they had subsisted on meager portions of fruits and insects, enough to sustain them but offering little satisfaction. However, as they gathered around the table, they were greeted by a lavish feast that surpassed their expectations. The spread included succulent meats and fresh fish, a sight that would have delighted Noah earlier. Yet, the allure of the food seemed to have diminished in the face of their burning curiosity.

The flavors, once tantalizing, now paled in comparison to the insatiable desire to uncover the truth that consumed their thoughts. Their appetites were no longer driven solely by hunger, but by an urgent need for answers. With each bite they took, they felt a surge of anticipation, knowing that every morsel brought them closer to the revelations they sought.

The room was charged with an atmosphere of urgency, as if time itself urged them to hasten their pace. They exchanged meaningful glances, their eyes reflecting a shared determination to finish the meal swiftly. They understood that only by doing so would they have the opportunity to untangle the enigmatic knots that had entwined their hearts.

As they indulged in the meal, an indescribable sensation coursed through their bodies. Initially focused on finishing quickly, they failed to immediately notice the remarkable changes occurring within them. Each member of the group was taken aback by how rapidly they were recovering. Even Sam, who had suffered from significant blood loss, felt a remarkable improvement, as if the incident had never occurred.

However, alongside their astonishment, a sense of concern began to creep in. They questioned whether these effects were beneficial or if they carried unknown side effects. The rapid healing and rejuvenation they experienced raised both hope and apprehension, leaving them uncertain about the long-term consequences.

Calliope's voice reverberated through the room, delivering the news that their two friends would soon awaken and could join them for the meal. Upon hearing this, a wave of relief washed over the group, lifting the heavy burden that had weighed on them and allowing them to breathe a little easier.

After they had finished their meal, Calliope directed them to proceed to the third floor. There, they would find a door that would lead them to their individual rooms. The prospect of having a designated space to rest and regroup brought them a sense of comfort amidst the prevailing uncertainty.

Once they had tidied up and settled into their rooms, Calliope extended an invitation for them to join her on the fifth floor. This invitation held the promise of answers and resolution, an opportunity to alleviate the restlessness that had plagued their minds since their arrival. With a renewed sense of purpose, they eagerly anticipated the upcoming meeting.