
What it means to be a sinner

A dark fantasy begins with an exhilarating adventure to another world, where every character seems destined to be a hero. Unfortunately, everything changes gradually. The connection between Earth and this fantastical realm, including the horrors they face one after another, starts to blur. The characters begin to question the deeper purpose behind their sudden transportation. Are they meant to be heroes of some sort? Or are they mere ants, insignificant and easily crushed in a hostile world that sees them as nothing more than entertainment? This uncertainty adds a chilling layer of intrigue to their predicament.

Jeanniebels · Fantasy
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39 Chs

Chapter 28: Deep Affection

Lucy and Ethan awoke, their minds clouded with confusion as they took in their unfamiliar surroundings. Despite their burning curiosity, they were met with the same response that Will and the others had received. With no other option, they followed suit, their steps leading them towards the fifth floor, where Calliope was waiting for them.

Filled with a deep sense of respect and deference, Will expressed their presence by bowing in a display of reverence. "We have arrived as you instructed, Your Excellency," Will said, their voice filled with respect, as they bowed respectfully before the woman standing before them.

Rayana, who had remained silent throughout the encounter, had been carefully observing the woman. Her suspicions continued to point towards her as the possible culprit behind their predicament of being discovered by the simurgh. However, during their meal, the woman had claimed to mean no harm to them. Rayana couldn't help but wonder if this was all a ploy to deceive them, toying with their emotions and luring them into a false sense of security. Perhaps this interaction was merely a means for the woman to gather information about their origins and fabricate lies to manipulate them. Uncertainty clouded Rayana's mind, making it difficult to discern the truth from the lies in the forthcoming discussion.

The rest of the group had been vigilant just as equal with Rayana especially Lucy and Ethan who had been having complicated expression the whole time confused with the current events including the abilities they now posses. Amelia and the others are also eager to get answer but they knew the woman who called herself Calliope could offer them far more explanation unlike them who were confused about their sudden predicament from the beginning. Including how Calliope had briefly confirmed that they were no longer in earth but instead in the world of NeoGaia.

The group had already come to terms with the fact that they were no longer on Earth but in the world of NeoGaia, although it still shocked them to hear it confirmed by others. Despite their acceptance, there was still a lingering sense of disbelief and surprise. They proceeded to the fifth floor of the library, inspecting their surroundings along the way.

To their surprise, each floor inside the library looked remarkably similar, with only minor variations.For instance, the first floor featured a deep and wide pond that had caught them when they initially fell, serving as a serene garden within the tower. The second floor housed a simple dining area, while the third floor consisted of a hallway with doors leading to rooms equipped with basic necessities, such as tunics of different sizes but similar design, giving them the impression of being treated as honored guests but of course with Calliope's prior words they knew better. However, the fourth and fifth floors contained nothing but walls upon walls of books, devoid of any other notable features.

Adding to their perplexity, Calliope appeared to be engrossed in her search for books, diligently browsing through the shelves as if she were a scholarly individual who had just finished reading and was now seeking more material to dive into. Her actions seemed incongruous with the gravity of the situation and the group's expectations of her role as their guide or source of information.

This sight further deepened their curiosity about Calliope's true intentions and her knowledge of NeoGaia. Was she simply an avid reader, disconnected from the events unfolding around them? Or did her behavior hide a deeper purpose or understanding that she had yet to reveal? The group exchanged puzzled glances, silently questioning whether they could trust Calliope to provide them with the answers they sought or if they would need to uncover the truth on their own.

Despite the group's suspicions and silent questioning, Calliope appeared unfazed. She looked at them, acknowledging their presence, but seemingly ignoring their doubts and concerns. With a purposeful stride, she made her way to a row of reading tables where she had gathered an impressive collection of over a hundred books. Carefully, she added the five books she was holding to the pile before turning to face the group.

"Just call me Calliope," she stated firmly, her gaze fixed on the group. Her words carried a sense of authority and purpose. "I've translated these materials so you can begin learning the language of this world. Once you have mastered it, you may explore the other books that pique your interest. However, please be aware that your access is limited up to the fifth floor only."

Calliope's statement left no room for interruption or discussion. It was clear that she had taken it upon herself to guide them through their journey in NeoGaia, starting with the acquisition of language skills. The group exchanged glances, recognizing the importance of this task and the significance it held for their future endeavors in this unfamiliar world.

With a sense of gratitude and determination, they nodded in acknowledgment of Calliope's instructions. They understood that this was a crucial step towards unraveling the mysteries of NeoGaia and finding their place within it.

However, in the next moment, Calliope's words hung in the air, laden with a sense of urgency and indifference. She revealed that she had been observing the group since their arrival, making great efforts to conceal their presence. She emphasized that this part of the continent was not suitable for humans, especially those who had come from the old world. Survival, it seemed, would require them to leave this area.

With a solemn tone, Calliope continued, "I will give you at least a year to prepare yourselves."

The phrase "old world" echoed in their minds, solidifying the fact that they all originated from Earth. This revelation only deepened their confusion and curiosity, leaving them pondering why they had left Earth and how their existence had transformed into a mere figment of fantasy.

Oliver, breaking the silence, addressed Calliope, expressing gratitude for her concern. However, he couldn't help but raise an important question. "Calliope, we truly appreciate your assistance, but haven't we already been discovered?" Oliver's voice carried a hint of urgency as he sought more information from Calliope regarding the Simurgh that was relentlessly pursuing them.

Calliope responded, reassuring the group, "Not yet, the ripple you caused when you arrived here was detected by that stubborn monster near my place. I argued for several days and managed to convince it that it was my doing."

Oliver's polite smile froze as he processed Calliope's words. "Argued for several days," he thought to himself. Could it be that the battle they had been hearing outside were caused by the monsters detecting their presence? And if Calliope had been arguing with one of the monsters, did that mean she was on the opposing side? A cold sweat ran down their backs as they contemplated the implications. The group couldn't help but feel a mix of emotion as they tried to make sense of the situation. If they hadn't been discovered yet, what about the Simurgh they encountered earlier? Hadn't it already discovered them? Furthermore, Calliope's presence in the library seemed to suggest that she had been waiting for them. The group couldn't help but feel a sense of unease and uncertainty.

Calliope, sensing their apprehension, offered a reassuring smile. "You fought against my weakest copy," she explained. "But why? Even in its weakened state, it should have been no match for you. I intentionally made it so weak that even a gentle breeze could have defeated it."

"Well, I nearly met my demise," Ethan couldn't help but comment, reflecting on the hardships he had faced.

"But you didn't," Calliope responded calmly. "In fact, all of you not only survived but also managed to improve yourselves, receiving gifts in the process." The group suddenly understood what Calliope was referring to, particularly Ethan and Lucy, who had personally experienced the transformative effects of these gifts.

"Calliope, if you don't mind me asking," Jack inquired, his curiosity piqued. "It seems that only Ethan and Lucy were able to awaken these abilities. Did the rest of us receive them unknowingly, or do we need to go through another extreme situation to unlock them?" Jack's question stemmed from their previous battle, where they had come face to face with the possibility of death. Despite their initial reluctance, they had ultimately accepted the idea and were prepared to sacrifice themselves if necessary.

"It depends on what your heart tells you," Calliope replied, her words causing a collective frown of apprehension among the group. "Some of you may not need to exert any effort to awaken these abilities. However, it should be easier now since all of you already have a seed within you, waiting to bloom." Calliope's response only served to deepen the sense of confusion and uncertainty among the group. Were they unknowingly part of an experiment? What did she mean by a seed? When and how did they receive it? Or was the mention of a seed merely a metaphorical expression? Numerous questions swirled in their minds, leaving them even more perplexed than before.

"Travelling through the void requires great potential in order to survive," Calliope explained. "If you didn't possess this talent, then when you arrived here in NeoGaia, you would have arrived as lifeless corpses." Her words carried a weight of significance, emphasizing the importance of their unique abilities and the role they played in their survival and arrival in NeoGaia. The group couldn't help but ponder the implications of Calliope's statement, realizing that their journey had been far more perilous than they had initially comprehended.

However, Calliope's next words shattered any sense of comfort or security they had begun to feel. Despite her warm smile, her words carried a chilling weight. "That seed within you is the only thing that's preventing me from killing all twelve of you." A cold wind seemed to sweep through the room, suffocating them with a sense of terror. The group's previous lapse in vigilance suddenly became painfully apparent as they were reminded of the ever-present danger that Calliope posed.

"Wasn't your plan to blend in as natives of this world? Surprisingly, I actually agree with your plan," Calliope remarked, redirecting the conversation back to the books and study materials she had prepared for them. Her words offered a momentary reprieve from the previous tension, allowing the group to momentarily set aside their fears and focus on the task at hand.

"I have a piece of advice for all of you," Calliope warned, her gaze piercing through them as if they were insignificant corpses. "Under no circumstances should you mention the name of the old world or let anyone know that you came from there." Her words carried a sense of importance, emphasizing the need for secrecy and the gravity of potential consequences of revealing their origins.

"We understand. Thank you for letting us know," Ethan answered, determined to step forward and ensure their safety. He knew full well that having a seed didn't guarantee success in awakening the others. He then looked at Lucy, who also looked at him. Their heads nodded, indicating that they both understood what they needed to do. They were ready to step forward in case they found themselves in a situation that could reveal their origins.

Soon, another question followed, igniting their determination to gain knowledge once again. "You wanted to know how you ended up here, correct?" They all nodded in response to Calliope's question. "Then, by all means, you'll also need to know the depths of the sinister human heart."

Everyone finally confirmed that they understood. As Calliope's eyes locked onto them, they realized that despite her friendly behavior and occasional smiles, she held the intent of killing them, leaving them questioning the source of this hostility.


We all came from Earth. At that time, there were only a few humans living on a remote island that we weren't even aware existed. Similarly, they were unaware of our presence on the same world.

Despite their limited resources, they managed to flourish in their civilization. They worked tirelessly to build their own paradise, initially desiring a worry-free world for their children as they grew up. However, the scarcity of resources became more apparent. It wasn't just because the land couldn't produce more, but also because they desired more.

Eventually, their united civilization crumbled, giving way to conflicts and wars. Amidst the chaos, a child emerged who wished for it all to stop. Fueled by despair from witnessing loved ones perish, this child's wish was so potent. Remarkably, his heart held no anger, and he despaired even for people he didn't know, whether enemy or ally. He cried for their lives and wished for the conflict to cease. And he succeeded.

Whoever heard his plea provided an answer. Wasn't the scarcity of resources the cause of the conflict? So, with the power bestowed upon him, the child destroyed the barren land and created a bridge from it, leading them to vast lands that seemed to produce endless resources. The humans were overjoyed, but the power the child possessed frightened them, making him an outcast. Did he regret it? The answer is no. Whether it truly reflected his feelings no longer mattered. He knew it was the consequence of the wish he made. He wanted a power to help the people he pitied and loved, thus his power could not harm humans, and his love would be boundless. That was his burden, his noblesse oblige.

Countless generations passed, and no one with a similar power to that child emerged. Humans discovered that in their newly found lands, they were at the bottom of the food chain. In order to survive, they once again united and lived side by side, supporting each other. But despite their efforts, their helplessness against the stronger beings made them regret leaving their remote home. And soon enough, they began to resent the one person who had exposed them to the new lands, even though they could no longer return as their original home had sunk deep into the seas.

However, their helplessness did not last long, as individuals with extraordinary abilities emerged one after another, aiding humankind and ensuring their safety. This time, ordinary humans were no longer afraid, knowing that these gifted individuals could not harm them and were bound by a promise to protect the weak. They recognized it as noblesse oblige.

Humans then lived side by side with one another, no longer at the bottom of the food chain.

But once again, it didn't last long. They felt it was unfair that they were still weak while those with abilities are the one who truly escaped being part of the lower ranks. This led to another conflict, but it was one-sided.

The gifted humans did not fight back, although they were saddened by these actions. Despite that, they forgave their fellow humans and continued to love and cherish them. They decided to hide themselves and protect their kind from the shadows. However, ordinary humans disagreed, feeling abandoned and believing that the gifted didn't want them to have abilities like their own.

Those with this mindset formed a group to hide their remaining relatives and friends who awaken their gifts. One of these children had the ability to force a command to their foes, and when combined with the abilities of other gifted children, they created artifacts strong enough to enslave their own kind. The gifted individuals who helped create these shackles were kept in the dark and only discovered the truth when it was too late. Thus, war erupted once again. It lasted for a long time, nearly driving the free gifted children to extinction. The rest became slaves, stripped of their rights and freedom, treated even worse than animals.

The gifted individuals who assisted the ordinary humans unknowingly and those that fought their fellow gifted for survival despaired as they witnessed the suffering of their friends, their deaths, and their enslavement at their own hands. Yet, they couldn't find it in their hearts to hate the ordinary humans.

They love them far too much.