
What it means to be a sinner

A dark fantasy begins with an exhilarating adventure to another world, where every character seems destined to be a hero. Unfortunately, everything changes gradually. The connection between Earth and this fantastical realm, including the horrors they face one after another, starts to blur. The characters begin to question the deeper purpose behind their sudden transportation. Are they meant to be heroes of some sort? Or are they mere ants, insignificant and easily crushed in a hostile world that sees them as nothing more than entertainment? This uncertainty adds a chilling layer of intrigue to their predicament.

Jeanniebels · Fantasy
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39 Chs

Chapter 26: Playful

Supporting one another, they mustered the strength to swim ashore, escaping the depths of the water that had engulfed them. Sam, still recovering from his injury and drenched from the harrowing ordeal, leaned on Jack for support. His vision blurred from the loss of blood, he mustered the strength to ask, "Where have we found ourselves this time?"

"We've found ourselves in a massive library," Jack replied, his voice filled with a mix of exhaustion and curiosity. The towering shelves stretched as far as the eye could see, filled with countless books and ancient manuscripts. The air was thick with the scent of aged paper and the hushed whispers of knowledge.

Max, equally fatigued, chimed in, "If we keep encountering these colossal structures, it'll feel like we're dealing with giants." His remark earned a warning glance from Will, who had overheard. Following Will's gaze, Max noticed the cold stares of Amelia, Jake, Noah, and Rayana. Realizing his slip-up, Max quickly averted his eyes and offered them an apologetic expression, understanding the need to avoid 'raising red flags' and causing any further trouble.

Meanwhile, Will shifted his focus to Oliver, well aware of his friend's profound admiration for such a setting. As expected, Oliver's eyes were fixed on the towering structure before them, filled to the brim with books. The height of the tower seemed to stretch endlessly into the sky, its grandeur captivating their senses. Water flowed in multiple directions from the similar door they used as entrance to get in, forming indoor waterfalls that added a touch of enchantment to the atmosphere. The sound of trickling water echoed softly throughout the library, creating a soothing backdrop to their exploration.

They couldn't help but marvel at the entrances where water cascaded, creating a mesmerizing display of nature's beauty. The waterfalls seemed to merge seamlessly with the architecture, as if the library itself had been designed to accommodate the flowing streams. The air was thick with humidity, a result of the water's presence, but it didn't deter their enthusiasm.

Despite the challenging conditions and the moisture in the air, the books remained remarkably preserved. There was no sign of mold or damage caused by the humidity, a testament to the meticulous care taken to maintain the collection. Each book stood proudly on its shelf, waiting to be discovered and explored. The pages were untouched, their words preserved for generations to come.

Oliver's eyes widened with excitement as he took in the sight before him. His love for books and knowledge was evident in the way his fingers itched to reach out and explore the vast collection. The towering shelves seemed to beckon him, promising endless hours of discovery and enlightenment.

The team stood in awe, their senses overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of the library and the harmonious blend of water and literature. It was a place where the wonders of nature and the wonders of human knowledge converged, creating a sanctuary for the curious and the seekers of truth.

"Seems like we're in the clear, at least for now," Luke exclaimed, his voice filled with a mix of relief and caution. "If that creature could have followed us here, it would have already."

The group acknowledged the absence of any sounds indicating the beast's attempt to breach the library. However, they remained cautious, aware that there could be other entrances they were unaware of.

Understanding the importance of tending to their injuries and prioritizing their well-being, they gathered together without exchanging any further questions. Recognizing the need to recover, they set aside their curiosity for the time being and focused on resting and recuperating. Each member of the group attended to their wounds, taking the necessary steps to ensure their physical health was taken care of. They understood that in order to continue their journey and face whatever challenges lay ahead, they needed to be in the best possible condition.

With a sense of determination, they created a temporary safe space within the library, finding areas where they could rest and find solace. They allowed themselves a moment of respite, taking deep breaths and allowing their bodies to heal. The silence of the library enveloped them, providing a calm and peaceful atmosphere that aided in their recovery.

After some time, they were finally able to breathe a sigh of relief as their strength slowly returned, knowing that they wouldn't be as helpless as they were in the corridor. Aside from Sam's serious wounds, the rest of them should fully recover within a few hours.

Noah, who had regained his vitality faster, also regained his carefree and innocent demeanor. He began playfully bossing Jake around, creating a light-hearted atmosphere that everyone could enjoy.

"Brother Jake, don't you feel hungry?" Noah asked, earning a skeptical look from Jake.

"Not really," Jake replied, his mind still troubled by their sense of helplessness despite being part of the assault team. Jack and Sam had shouldered most of the burden, while they provided support and seized every opportunity to attack. Despite their efforts, Luke and Max had proven to be more helpful since joining the team. Moreover, everyone had been looking out for them, ensuring they didn't find themselves in dangerous situations.

Noah on the other hand continued to whine how his legs is so tired while being ignored. They all seem to feel that their something wrong with his series of complaints and decided not to talk instead.

"Brother Jake, why don't you try fishing over there and see if you can catch us some fish to eat?" Noah suggested, hoping to lighten the mood. Everyone's guess came true and was relieved that they weren't the target this time.

"Stop calling me 'brother Jake,' we're the same age. And I'm tired too, it's not like you became a cripple. Go fishing by yourself," Jake retorted, earning a laugh from someone.

After spending so many days together, they had all become familiar with each other's personalities. Jake was known to be mischievous and always up to something, but compared to Noah, who usually acted obediently, when Noah decided to cause mischief, they could only grit their teeth and endure it, except for Rayana, who had no problem ignoring him.

Will stood up, saying, "Let me check first if it's safe. We wouldn't want to provoke any dangerous creatures again." The mood became somber as everyone understood the importance of being cautious, but it also elicited a chuckle from someone.

However, in the next moment, confusion filled the air as the smell of freshly cooked food wafted through. Everyone exchanged puzzled looks, wondering who could have brought food that caused such a delightful aroma. Even Amelia, who had managed to take a nap due to physical and mental exhaustion, suddenly woke up. Meanwhile, Lucy and Ethan remained unconscious.

Will looked at Amelia, who had just woken up, with a sense of unease. He couldn't shake off the suspicion that something was not right. He nervously asked, "Amelia, did you hear Jake and Noah's conversation just now?"

Amelia, still confused, replied, "No, did something happen?" The room fell silent as everyone's suspicions aligned with Will's. They tried to stay vigilant, but the intense exhaustion made it difficult for them to perceive any danger in this seemingly peaceful library, apart from the simurg outside.

"Why? What's going on?" Amelia asked, her nerves on edge, ready to face any impending danger.

Will briefly explained the situation to Amelia, and she finally understood. She realized that she had fallen asleep, and Lucy was still unconscious. They had never heard Rayana laugh before, and it was unlikely that she would find Jake and Noah's jokes amusing. "Then who the hell laughed?" everyone cursed silently in their minds. The chuckle they had heard earlier belonged to a woman, and aside from Rayana, Amelia, and Lucy, there were no other women present with them.