
What it means to be a sinner

A dark fantasy begins with an exhilarating adventure to another world, where every character seems destined to be a hero. Unfortunately, everything changes gradually. The connection between Earth and this fantastical realm, including the horrors they face one after another, starts to blur. The characters begin to question the deeper purpose behind their sudden transportation. Are they meant to be heroes of some sort? Or are they mere ants, insignificant and easily crushed in a hostile world that sees them as nothing more than entertainment? This uncertainty adds a chilling layer of intrigue to their predicament.

Jeanniebels · ファンタジー
39 Chs

Chapter 18: A new place

Given the intensity of the tremors, it seemed that the two monsters were much closer this time. The possibility of being discovered hadn't been ruled out, so they had been preparing for emergencies.

"Let's regroup first," Amelia suggested, and immediately took off towards their base, with Rayana following closely behind. Upon their arrival, they found Ethan, Noah, Luke, and the others who had been on task duty already back and fully equipped.

"We haven't been breached yet, but everyone needs to stay alert," Jack commanded, taking charge of the situation. "Luke, Ethan, Noah, how is the entrance you found? Is it a viable exit? Can we use it if things take a turn for the worse?" Jack asked, exploring all possible survival strategies. They had already marked and created a makeshift hiding spot within the dome, but it wasn't entirely safe. It was akin to being trapped with no way out, waiting for their inevitable end.

"Yes, we found a hidden passage. It seems the natives used other means to enter and exit this place, but they left hidden passages for certain situations. We found one of them, but we're still unsure where it leads," Luke confirmed, reporting the results of their successful investigation.

"Gather your things; we'll relocate near the passage and set up a temporary base there," Jack instructed. Everyone agreed and began to prepare. They started to transform the safest, most well-hidden spot they had found into their second base. Although they were still a considerable distance from the passage, they decided not to get too close to it in case it posed a potential danger.

Despite the danger lurking outside, the twelve people were captivated by the sight they had chosen as their new base. Their previous makeshift dwelling was constructed from the surrounding trees, vines, and scattered curtains within the dome's walls. The tents that served as cabins provided privacy for the three women and protection from insects while they slept. They also helped maintain organization and a sense of modern living, prioritizing comfort over a primitive lifestyle.

Although the option of sleeping in tents was available, some of the men in the group preferred to sleep outside to remain vigilant and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere of the ruins and surrounding nature. The gems embedded in the ceiling added to the majestic ambiance, resembling stars in the darkness.

Rainfall was not a concern as the dome's ceiling did not replicate a real sky or have artificial clouds to collect water. However, during the night, a mist would appear, seemingly nourishing the ecosystem within the dome. By morning, the ground where plants thrived would be moist with dew. Initially, they were puzzled by the mist and concerned about its potential danger. However, they soon noticed that it was harmless. They also observed that the mist did not appear in the central part of the dome where they had first arrived. Through further exploration, they discovered that the mist only appeared in areas with plants, as if its purpose was to ensure the survival of any living things inside the dome, preventing them from perishing.

"Why do I feel like this statue could come to life if we do something reckless to trigger it?" Max suddenly spoke, letting everyone know his suspicions about the majestic statue before them. The statue depicted a man holding a large sphere, with one arm supporting the bottom and the other at the top. The man's face had a gentle but mysterious glint as he gazed at the sphere, which extended from his chest to his abdomen.

In addition to the man and the large sphere, the statue possesses other notable features. The man is depicted standing on a sturdy pedestal, giving the statue a sense of stability and grandeur. His posture exudes confidence and strength, with his body slightly leaning forward as if in motion. The man's attire is intricately detailed, showcasing fine craftsmanship. From the folds of his robe to the texture of his hair, every aspect of the statue is meticulously sculpted, capturing the essence of the man and the sphere he holds.

"Please refrain from voicing your jokes like that. Don't you know the concept of avoiding red flags?" Jake mused, his voice a mix of amusement and nervousness. His face wore a look of bewilderment as he gazed at the statue, beads of sweat rolling down his forehead. Having encountered numerous stories and legends, Jake understood the potential consequences of entertaining such random thoughts and the possibility of triggering unforeseen events.

Lucy, amused by the banter between the two, decided to join in on their musings. "Luckily for you guys, it's holding a sphere rather than a weapon, so it shouldn't be a warrior with the sole purpose of killing," she chimed in. With a playful tone, she added a touch of reassurance, trying to alleviate any lingering concerns about the statue's intentions.

Will, while holding his chin and inspecting the intricate details of the statue, added, "We're talking about people with abilities, though. Even if it's not a warrior, it doesn't mean there aren't other hidden powers or secrets associated with it." His tone carried a hint of caution, emphasizing the importance of remaining vigilant despite the seemingly harmless nature of the statue.

Feeling the growing unease among the group, some individuals voiced their desire to maintain a more lighthearted perspective. "Can we all just think of it as a regular statue for now?" they suggested, hoping to steer the conversation away from the potentially unsettling possibilities. Their intention was to focus on appreciating the statue's beauty and craftsmanship without delving into speculative or worrisome thoughts.

Jack, surveying the room filled with lush plants, concluded, "This place is hidden by the plants. They seem to be protecting the statue, creating a beautiful view of a room made of nature." He appreciated the way the plants enveloped the area, creating a serene and natural setting that enhanced the overall ambiance of the space. Everyone found the combination of the hidden location and the surrounding greenery to be a captivating sight.

Luke chimed in, providing reassurance to the group. "There shouldn't be any danger in the surrounding area. I haven't seen any signs of dangerous insects or creatures nearby," he stated, aiming to instill a sense of safety among everyone. His observation of the absence of potential threats further eased any concerns about potential hazards in the vicinity.

Adding to their surprise, they noticed a small fountain attached to the wall, featuring a waterspout in the shape of a roaring lion's head. However, they also noticed that the partition of the fountain's foundation was damaged, causing water to leak behind the plants and the wall, leading to an unknown destination. This discovery piqued their curiosity, as they wondered where the water was flowing. However, despite their curiosity, they were happy to have found a secure water source within the hidden room. The presence of the fountain provided them with a sense of relief and comfort, knowing that they had access to clean water in this secluded space.

Soon, everyone began transforming the place into a safe haven, ensuring that it would provide comfort and security for everyone. However, Rayana remained in front of the statue, looking at it with a sense of suspicion that only she was aware of. Her gaze hinted at a deeper understanding or unease about the true nature of the statue, keeping her thoughts and suspicions to herself.