
What it means to be a sinner

A dark fantasy begins with an exhilarating adventure to another world, where every character seems destined to be a hero. Unfortunately, everything changes gradually. The connection between Earth and this fantastical realm, including the horrors they face one after another, starts to blur. The characters begin to question the deeper purpose behind their sudden transportation. Are they meant to be heroes of some sort? Or are they mere ants, insignificant and easily crushed in a hostile world that sees them as nothing more than entertainment? This uncertainty adds a chilling layer of intrigue to their predicament.

Jeanniebels · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
39 Chs

Chapter 19: Unease

The battle outside the dome continued throughout the day, causing tension for those inside. However, they were relieved that their presence remained undetected. The absence of any signs of discovery provided a temporary break from the ongoing turmoil.

But their relief didn't last long. The next day, as dawn approached, their plans to explore the hidden entrance were abruptly halted. The battle outside had suddenly stopped, leaving an eerie silence. This raised concerns and made the group uncertain about what lay beyond the hidden entrance.

Now faced with a decision, they had to choose between venturing into the unknown or prioritizing their safety inside the dome. They weighed the risks and dangers against their curiosity and desire for discovery.

As the artificial sun cast its warm, golden glow upon the surroundings, the group found themselves hesitating, their next move shrouded in uncertainty. It was in this moment of hesitation that a sudden darkness descended upon them, enveloping them in its chilling embrace. They felt a collective shiver run down their spines, as if an unseen force had frozen them in place.

"What's happening?" someone asked, but no one bothered to answer or even identify who had spoken. The question hung in the air, unanswered, as none of them possessed the knowledge or insight to provide an explanation. Their eyes remained transfixed on a single location, their attention captured by something at the distance.

With bated breath, they looked up, their eyes widening in awe and wonder. What they beheld was a sight that took their breath away, a sight that would forever be etched in their memories. Above them, suspended in the air, was a creature of unparalleled beauty and grandeur.

Its wings, expansive and majestic, stretched out like a canvas of dreams, capturing the light and casting a mesmerizing shadow upon the group below. Each feather, adorned with intricate patterns and hues, seemed to hold the secrets of the universe. The creature's body, sleek and graceful, emanated an ethereal glow, as if it were a celestial being descended from the heavens themselves.

As the group stood there, their hearts pounding in their chests, they couldn't help but be captivated by the sheer magnificence of the creature before them. It seemed to possess a power that transcended mortal understanding, an aura that commanded both reverence and fear. Its presence was both awe-inspiring and humbling, leaving the group in a state of silent reverence.

Time seemed to stand still as they gazed upon this breathtaking sight, their minds filled with a mixture of wonder, fear, and an insatiable curiosity.

The Simurgh descended gracefully, capturing everyone's attention. Its beauty was mesmerizing, but it also filled them with fear. Legends spoke of its wise and all-knowing eyes. Being in the presence of such a mythical being made them feel both fascinated and apprehensive.

High above the ceiling, a majestic Simurgh appeared, its presence both awe-inspiring and intimidating. This mythical creature, often depicted in Persian and Middle Eastern mythologies, commanded attention with its massive form. It possessed the combined features of a dog and a human, exuding an air of strength and wisdom. Its body was adorned with colorful and shimmering feathers that reflected the light, and its expansive wings created a powerful gust of wind within the dome.

As the Simurgh gracefully descended from the ceiling, it appeared to have seamlessly transitioned from the realm of the artificial sun. Its movements exuded elegance and grace, captivating the attention of everyone present. The colorful and shimmering feathers adorning its strong and graceful body caught the sunlight, creating a mesmerizing display of light and beauty.

While the sight of the Simurgh was undeniably awe-inspiring, a sense of terror began to grip the hearts of the Rayana and the rest who witnessed its presence. The creature's aura permeated the entire dome, spreading a mixture of fascination and fear. Legends spoke of the Simurgh's wise and all-knowing eyes, which radiated ancient wisdom and knowledge. The realization that they were in the presence of such a mythical being filled them with a deep sense of trepidation.

Everyone immediately returned inside, hiding their presence from the Simurgh and ensuring not to make a sound, uncertain of its effectiveness. Grave expressions adorned their faces as they silently armed themselves, remembering Rayana's initial assumption that the beast fighting outside would seek refuge within the dome.

While everyone is lost in thought, Rayana is feeling more helpless than most of them. "I've only thought the fight would cause damage to the dome, making one of the beasts discover this place and take refuge afterwards. Who would have thought it actually knows how to enter here," she thought. "At this point, we may have been lurking in its lair." Rayana's face turned darker, just like the rest of them, who also had the same assumptions.

As the Simurgh descended in the middle of the dome, they noticed that it had shrunk in size, although it still remained massive compared to them. However, they felt fortunate that they had decided to change their location, as being in the center would have surely led to their discovery the moment the creature descended.

Everyone's minds were filled with curses, their thoughts clouded with uncertainty about the future that awaited them. Every movement they made was tinged with a sense of vigilance, as they desperately tried to discern whether they had been discovered. Seconds turned into minutes, and soon an hour had passed, yet the surroundings remained eerily tranquil.

With hints of understanding in their eyes as they look at one another, they soon start to move with teamwork and precision, as if they had been planning this from the beginning.

Lucy, Rayana, and Noah stood together, armed and ready for any potential threat. Amidst the tension, their hands never ceased their diligent work, extracting valuable medicine from the plants they had gathered earlier. They had also been proactive in preparing medicines for unexpected circumstances in the past few days. Their expertise in herbal remedies proved invaluable, providing a sense of comfort and security in the face of the unknown.

In addition to their medicinal preparations, they took great care to stockpile plants and insects known for their poisonous properties. This was a precautionary measure, a contingency plan in case they encountered hostile enemies. The current situation served as proof that their initial preparation had been useful, and they were grateful for the opportunity to utilize these resources if the simurg proved to be hostile and communication was not possible to determine its intelligence.

Jake, Ethan, and Oliver were diligently gathering resources within their reach to aid Lucy and the rest of the group. Their efforts were twofold: not only were they gathering supplies, but they were also working to secure the area, ensuring that they remained undiscovered by potential threats.

Meanwhile, Will, Jack, and Sam took on the responsibility of protecting the hideout. They understood that a battle was inevitable, and thus, they continuously planned and strategized for the moment when it would unfold. Their vigilance and preparedness were key to ensuring the safety of the group.

Luke and Max, on the other hand, took on the task of slowly surveying the area. Their objective was to explore other possible locations while remaining undetected. Additionally, they sought to gather valuable information about the mystical creature they were facing. Their cautious approach allowed them to navigate the surroundings with care and gather vital intelligence.

Each member of the group played a crucial role in their collective efforts. Their coordination, resource gathering, protection, and reconnaissance work were all vital components of their overall strategy. Together, they remained focused and determined, ready to face the challenges that lay ahead in this mysterious world.

Little did they know, the simurg's eyes shimmered with profound wisdom as it stood firmly at the center of the dome, its gaze fixated upon the pillar. Its intentions remained a mystery, leaving everyone uncertain of its next course of action.