
What it means to be a sinner

A dark fantasy begins with an exhilarating adventure to another world, where every character seems destined to be a hero. Unfortunately, everything changes gradually. The connection between Earth and this fantastical realm, including the horrors they face one after another, starts to blur. The characters begin to question the deeper purpose behind their sudden transportation. Are they meant to be heroes of some sort? Or are they mere ants, insignificant and easily crushed in a hostile world that sees them as nothing more than entertainment? This uncertainty adds a chilling layer of intrigue to their predicament.

Jeanniebels · Fantasy
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39 Chs

Chapter 17: Thoughts

Amelia was so engrossed in the murals that she didn't notice Rayana moving to clear some plants on the side. When she finally realized what Rayana was doing, Amelia rushed over to her side, alarmed.

"Be careful, Rayana, those plants could be poisonous," Amelia warned. Over the past few days, they had been learning about the local flora, identifying which plants were edible and which were poisonous. Fortunately, due to the artificial sun, the area had transformed into a miniature forest, devoid of large, threatening animals. This environment had become their primary source of sustenance. However, they had also encountered several insects that were far more dangerous than the ones they were familiar with back on Earth. A single careless mistake could lead to illness or even worse outcomes. Thankfully, some of the plants bore fruits with miraculous healing properties that had been a lifesaver on more than one occasion.

The training they had been undergoing for the past few days would have been impossible under normal circumstances. Will and the others were seasoned fighters. Max, Luke, Jack, and Sam's abilities were understandable, but Will and Oliver's skills came as a shock to the teenagers who had initially perceived them as ordinary civilians. Despite the rigorous training regimen, everyone managed to keep up, much to their own surprise. They all had innate talents, and the nutritious food they had been consuming over the past few days seemed to have a positive effect on their physical capabilities. Even Will and the others showed significant improvement, further boosting the group's morale and determination.

"I've already checked it out. It's safe," Rayana reassured Amelia, alleviating her concerns. With the bushes cleared away, the hidden murals were revealed, depicting various individuals acquiring abilities, regardless of their age or background.

"It's really possible. Rayana, we could genuinely disguise ourselves as natives who failed to gain abilities," Amelia exclaimed, a hint of excitement in her voice. "Not quite," Rayana interjected, causing Amelia to look at her in confusion. Rayana, on the other hand, was beginning to question Amelia's intelligence. 'Is it just me, or is she acting more childlike today?' Rayana wondered.

What both Rayana and Amelia didn't realize was that Rayana had earned Amelia's trust and respect as a senior. Academically, Rayana was ahead of them, and her maturity surpassed that of the others. As a result, Amelia and the rest of the group unconsciously regarded Rayana as an adult figure they could trust and confide in, even with their secrets and childlike behaviors.

Rayana, on the other hand, was taken aback by their naivety. She had noticed it before, but Amelia's behavior today had truly confirmed it.

Will, Oliver, and the others were professionals in their respective fields, which gave them the ability to conceal any malicious intentions. This made it challenging for Rayana, despite her high intelligence, to discern their thoughts most of the time. So far, she had been able to get a sense of their thoughts when they were slightly careless or intentionally revealing. However, if they chose to hide their intentions well, Rayana would be at a loss, at least for now.

On the other hand, Amelia and the other four members of the student council were still young and lacked the life experiences that Will and his companions had. To Rayana, Amelia, Lucy, Ethan, Jake, and Noah were like open books. Even Noah's occasional mistrust of Rayana's actions didn't go unnoticed.

Regardless of whether they harbored positive or negative feelings towards her, Rayana didn't dwell on it. Instead, she was acutely aware of their naivety in certain aspects, just like in this moment where Amelia seemed oblivious to the potential misuse of the information depicted in the murals.

Being young and impulsive, just like their previous plan to monopolize the artifact, Rayana had expected them to express a desire to have abilities like the people depicted in the murals and fight to save the world or something similar. She had mentally prepared herself for the possibility of hearing cliché statements again, such as wanting powers to protect themselves, battle the monsters outside, save more people, and gain fame, power, and so on. Rayana honestly believed that she would develop a toothache if she were to hear those words. However, she couldn't help but notice that they seemed to have matured a lot.

'I had thought they would be more greedy, but surprisingly they seem to lack it. Or perhaps this aspect is not something they would be greedy about?' Rayana pondered. She wondered if other people who saw these murals would typically desire to gain power like the individuals depicted. 'Was I mistaken in my understanding of human thoughts?' Rayana started to doubt her own lack of information. 'That shouldn't be the case,' she reassured herself. While the majority of people she had encountered in her entire life fell into a certain pattern of behavior, there were always exceptions, like the old couple she had liked. Even her own family, despite not being wealthy, had the potential to change their situation. Her father's fish import business, though seemingly simple, held significant opportunities that they had not seized, despite being aware of them. Thinking of her family, Rayana's face lit up with a small smile, radiating warmth, surprising Amelia, who let out a gasp that Rayana failed to notice as she was lost in her own thoughts. She cherished her family deeply, which was why she had been dissatisfied with their circumstances for a while.

Rayana's mind raced with thoughts and possibilities as she delved deeper into their current situation. The recollection of Amelia and the others before their transportation sparked a realization within her. "The artifact, which had remained unresponsive for several days, suddenly reacted. And shortly after, twelve of us were transported," Rayana pondered, her mind piecing together the puzzle. As she thought of her fellow companions, she couldn't help but notice their capabilities and the absence of any ill intentions. It was as if they met a requirement that is still beyond their understanding.

With a sense of certainty, Rayana affirmed, "There must be specific requirements that we met." Her gaze shifted back to the intricate murals that adorned the walls, searching for any clues or symbols that could shed light on their circumstances. Each murals seemed to hold a hidden message, waiting to be deciphered. "If these individuals truly originated from Earth and were transported to this mysterious realm, then it stands to reason that we too were transported," Rayana mused, her eyes scanning the murals intently.

The realization hit her like a bolt of lightning. The abilities they possessed, once dismissed as mere fantasies on Earth, now held tangible truth in this unfamiliar realm. Rayana's mind raced with implications and questions. How did these abilities come to be? What was their purpose? And most importantly, how did they fit into the grand tapestry of this new world?

Lost in her thoughts, Rayana's focus was abruptly shattered by the trembling ground beneath her feet. The familiar sensation of tremors, reminiscent of their initial transportation, sent a shiver down her spine. "Not again," she whispered, a mix of apprehension it was clear that the danger outside was far from over, and Rayana braced herself for any unexpected situation.