
What if Zoro joined Baroque Works?

What if crocodile’s plans for Baroque works were different. And what if rather than sending mr.7 to Zoro they sent mr.1? Would Zoro join them? if this made you interested then read to know more. (The cover is not mine if the original artist want me to take it down contact me)

RayDKing · アニメ·コミックス
50 Chs

Zoro vs Mr.1

Hello Everyone, the author is here.

This Chapter is Edited. If you see any grammar or spelling mistakes, please comment below.

That's all. I hope you enjoy the story :)


Zoro then leaped toward Mr.1 and started to slash at him, one after the other.

But this time, Mr.1 didn't just stand there and let the attacks fall on him; he transformed his entire arm and started to block them while simultaneously sending some counterattack of his own.

So like that, they exchange blows with each other, with Zoro slashing and Mr.1 blocking it and quickly transforming his body parts to counterattack.

'now I get it... he's a human blade, so any part of his body can become the edge of a blade.!!'. Zoro thought in the middle of attacking Mr.1.

Mr.1 quickly blocked it, transformed one of his legs, and kicked-slashed at Zoro.

He dodged sideways and raised his sword to slash at the B. W agent's neck.

Which did not even phase him. He spun around and used his other leg to kick-slash Zoro, who dodged it again and attacked Mr. 1's neck and chest.

"Spar Claw!" Mr.1 said while ignoring the incoming attacks and focusing more on transforming his fingers in both hands into little blades and slashing at the attacking swordsman.

Zoro reacted quickly and intercepted them, which promptly changed the dynamic of the Battle.

From Zoro attacking and Mr.1 blocking into Mr.1 attacking while Zoro blocking them.

Until Mr.1 kicked Zoro so hard that it sent him flying backward; Zoro did a backflip in the air before landing on his feet; He raised his head only to see Mr.1 slash-kicking directly toward him.

'Shit!' Zoro quickly used the sword in his mouth to block the incoming blow. He didn't have time to use his other blades; he stopped the attack, but because of the strength of the attack, he was pushed back a lot, putting a distance between them.

"That's one hell of a body you've got there…." Zoro said.

"Your body's as hard as a sword, and as long as I can't cut through iron, I won't be able to cut you either…." Zoro continued, speaking, with his eyes looking at B. W agent.

"That is correct. That's why no swordsmen could possibly defeat me," Mr. 1 said after hearing what Zoro had to say.

"Sure, Sure" Zoro sheathed his sword and crossed his arms; he then said with a severe expression on his face, "this is quite the predicament… since I can't cut through iron, I won't be able to beat you, which would make your words true".

"So what will you do…." Mr. 1 said.

"Oh, how I pity you…." Zoro said while unsheathing his swords.

"?!" Making Mr. 1 bewildered by what he heard.

"Once I'm through with you… I'll be a man who can even cut through iron." Zoro finished his speech with a smirk and a burning fire in his eyes as he crossed his swords.

When Mr.1 saw the determination and excitement in his eyes, it surprised him, so he asked with a confused look, "Why?"

"What?" Zoro said while taking his battle stance.

"Why do you reject the offer when it would have helped you achieve your goal?" Mr. 1 replied.

"Who are you to decide what would help me achieve my goal? and how do you even know about it."Zoro said with a stern look on his face.

"I have my ways," mr.1 said.

"Huh, right. I forgot that I was talking to Mr. important over here?" Zoro said with a smug look.

"Now tell me, why did you refuse to join." Mr. 1 said, after all, he came all the way here to decide if he deserved to join them or to send him to the underworld…

"…hmm just because I didn't feel like it. Anyway, let's fight," Zoro smirked as he leaped and slashed at Mr.1.

"Just because… you didn't feel like it???" Mr.1 said with an angry look.

He then blocked Zoro's attack, quickly transformed his fingers, and stabbed at Zoro, who stopped it, then promptly slashed toward Mr. 1's neck, thigh, and chest with his swords.

Mr.1 ignored those attacks; he used his already transformed fingers-blades to stab toward the swordsmen's heart.

Zoro saw the incoming attack and changed the direction of two of his swords to intercept Mr.1's attacks while letting his last sword continue toward Mr. 1's neck, successfully landing and pushing The B. W agent back a little.

"ONI!-" Giving Zoro the opportunity to use one of his favorite attacks, he put one of his knees on the ground, and at the same time, he crossed his arms and pointed his swords toward the sky. As he shouted, he disappeared.

"!! Soru!(Shave)" Surprising Mr.1, whose eyes widened as he accidentally acted on reflex and used one of his new abilities to avoid the attack.

"GIRI!(Demon Slash)" Zoro finished yelling, simultaneously reappearing behind the place that mr.1 used to stand on, missing his target.

'What happened? How did he move so fast? And where did he go..' Zoro thought while looking around for the B. W Agent.

"I'm here" Zoro raised his head when he heard a voice from above him. What he found was Mr.1 standing on the roof of a building.

"What was that?" Zoro said while looking coldly at Mr.1 and thinking, 'with that speed, he would have been able to avoid all my attacks? He has been playing with me all along!!'

"I apologize Roronao Zoro. I accidentally used a move I shouldn't have in this fight, don't worry, I-" Mr.1 got interpreted by Zoro again.

"Cut the crap and fight me seriously!" Zoro said calmly, with an intense look in his eyes.

"...." Enraging the already angry Mr.1 with his attitude and making him look at Zoro coldly.

" Watch your tone, brat! Rankyaku (Tempest Kick), " Mr.1 said simultaneously, transforming his leg and slash-kicking directly at Zoro from the roof, which compressed the air around his leg and sent a giant blade of air speeding toward the Shocked swordsman.

'Shit!' Zoro hasn't had the time to dodge/react. The only thing he could do was too quickly raise his swords to block the incoming attack.

"Ahh…" Zoro gasped in pain. The attack sent him flying through a building and back into the streets, then crashing into a wall, which knocked out his breath.

"Sparkling Dasiy!"But Mr.1 suddenly appeared before him, with his palm spread out in front of the Greenhead.

He didn't give the greenhead time to react; Zoro could only raise his swords to block what was coming. When the attack hit Zoro, he directed it toward the building behind him to help him withstand the pressure, which split the building into five pieces.

'Damn it!!' Zoro thought while struggling to block this attack.

"Fly Away.." Mr.1 said as he increased his strength a little.

Making the swordsmen fly straight into the crumbling building, crashing into it with a resounding 'Boom' that sent clouds of smoke and debris everywhere.

"..." Mr.1 just stood there, waiting for the smoke to disperse and see if the Greenhead had died.



Back at the Battle between the Bravehearts and Baroque Works agents, the situation changed when Bryan joined the Battle, with him in the lead. The Bravehearts rapidly changed their dire situation and slaughtered the B.W agents.

But the B. W agents under LittleFinger quickly changed their strategy and used their firearms to their advantage. They separated Bryan from his men by focusing all their cannonballs on him.

Afterward, they pushed many of the Bravehearts into a nearby building to hide from the gunfire. They then threw bombs at the facility and made it explode, successfully killing 5 members of the Bravehearts with this new strategy.

"Sir!! 3 of our men are trapped in a building. What do we do, Vice-Captain?" one of the Bravehearts said to a man fighting with 3 billion agents and 6 million agents alone. The man is 7 feet tall, with red hair/beard and brown eyes. And he was wearing iron gloves on his fists.

"Send one of our men to report this to Damien. He will know what to do." The Vice-Captain shouted while sending one of the billion flying away.

"But, sir Nathan! if we don't move quickly, they will explode the building and kill them!"The Bravehearts said at the same time, stabbing one of the million agents who was about to shoot his Vice-Captain.

"Go!!" Nathan shouted while punching his fist through one of the Million agents and killing him.

'We don't know if they are using those 3 as bait to make more of our men go and try to rescue them, only to make the bombs explode and kill them all. I will leave this problem for him to deal with.' Nathan thought while blocking a sword attack, which pushed him toward another B. W agent who slashed at Nathan's neck.

Nathan quickly raised his arms to block it, but a spear blocked the attack.

"Abigail!" Nathan raised his head to look at the one who helped him. The Vice-Captian smiled when he saw the dark-skinned woman,

She was 6 feet tall, with long black braided hair and black eyes that had a sharp look within them.

She was wearing lightweight warrior armor with black pants and shoes, grabbing her spear and looking at the two men who attacked her Vice-Captain.

The two men turned out to be the ones who came with the tanned man to the bar before the Battle.

"The name is SharpTongue remember this name. It's the name of the person who will send you to the underworld," SharpTongue said.

"Sharp… what? Can you repeat it once again?" Nathan said with a sneer on his face as he took his boxing pose.

"What a weird name," Abigail said as she raised her spear and took her battle stance.

"You… You!" SharpTongue said as his eyes grew colder. He then leaped toward Nathan and engaged in a fight with him.

"…" SharpEyes didn't say anything. He ran toward Abigail and then slashed, which was blocked by the spearswomen. They then started to fight.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the battlefield,

"Jajajajaja," Bryan was laughing in rage. It has been too long time seen he has been played like this. Every time he tried to go near his crew, the B. W agents would immediately shoot cannonballs at him, making him angrier and angrier.

And so he took his anger on any agents near him, smashing or chopping them into pieces while trying to come closer to the building housing the cannon.



"he! he is... a Monster!!"


"Shot him! Shot him!" They tried to shoot him, but unfortunately for them. Either he blocked their attacks with weapons or used one of the agents near him as a meat wall. Or he simply disappeared and reappeared behind the shooters and smashed them into pieces.

"No, please forgive me!" Some of them ask for forgiveness with fear in their eyes.


"Please don't kill me," and while some of them begged him to stop.

On a tower top near the Battlefield between Bryan and the B. W agents. Many men and women were standing there, armed with cannons aimed at Bryan.

"if this continues, Miss... all of them will die, and he will arrive here... what do we do, Miss. LittleFinger," One of the cannon shooters said with sweat on his forehead.

"Kill him in the name of Mr.1!!!"


"Kill!/Kill!" And some of them fought to their last breath.


"Nothing... our order was to kill all of them, and that is what I intend to do... if all of the men down there died trying to exhaust this man, immediately send 10 no 15 billion agents to finish the job," Miss. LittleFinger said while looking down at all the B. W agents down there.



After some time, Bryan finished killing the B. W agents. It didn't look like a fight but a massacre.

"Jajajajaj!" Bryan was still laughing while sitting on a pile of corpses, with Blood and Body parts covering him.

The entire neighborhood was covered in blood and human flesh, with almost all the buildings around him being ruined and covered in bullet holes.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

"Jajajaj! that was fun... Jajaja! Now let go back" Bryan calmed down a little bit after killing all of them. He then stood and started to walk, heading toward where he had heard a bullet being shot.

But before he took 3 steps, he got surrounded by 15 men with imitating looks on their faces.

"So you are the next batch they send to stop me??" Bryan said while smirking and with a sharp look on his face.

Hello everyone, i just want to ask you, that are you guys enjoying the story :)

Like I have while writing it, if so, then just wait because more interesting stuff are in the way. :)

and also before I forget, if guys are confessed about anything or saw a grammar mistake, just write a comment about it and I will try my best to help.

Ps: And thank you Porthos10 for your contributed and comments, you have been a great help :)

OK peace out.

RayDKingcreators' thoughts