
What if Zoro joined Baroque Works?

What if crocodile’s plans for Baroque works were different. And what if rather than sending mr.7 to Zoro they sent mr.1? Would Zoro join them? if this made you interested then read to know more. (The cover is not mine if the original artist want me to take it down contact me)

RayDKing · Anime & Comics
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50 Chs

Bad Manners

Hello Everyone, the author is here.

This Chapter is Edited. If you see any grammar or spelling mistakes, please comment below.

That's all. I hope you enjoy the story :)


'If one bullet doesn't work? Then what if you hit him in the same spot three times? Ten times? 20? 100? It might work…' Damien thought.


Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

"Die, hahaha!"

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

"Made of metal? We will see!"

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

"Die! Die! Die!"

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

"Everybody, get out of the way and cover yourself!!"


When SharpEyes and SharpTongue saw everyone taking out their firearms, they quickly ran out of the bar.

And so everybody with firearms took them out and joined Damien in shooting at mr.1; they used guns, rifles, snipers, and somebody even threw a bomb at mr.1.

Which detonated and ruined the bar's windows and walls near Mr. 1 and sent a cloud of dust and derbies flying everywhere.

"….." After the explosion, everyone looked silently toward where Mr.1 was standing, waiting for the cloud of smoke and dust to disperse and see the damage they had dealt.

"Is he dead?"One of the bounty hunters asked. In this attack, everybody almost finished all their ammunition shooting at the B. W agent, leaving them with only one last round for protection.

"I don't know."

"He is not dead!" Zoro said while looking at the smoke in front of him as he grabbed his swords even tighter and thought, 'Something is not right…. Why did he not move? The two men with him ran away when they saw everyone taking out their guns. But he just stood there…. With that calm expression of his….'

"Be on guard, men. He might still be alive waiting for a chance to catch us off guard," Bryan said, with Damien nodding his head. They also had the same thoughts as Zoro; they were also standing in the front and saw Mr. 1's expression.

"Hahaha, he is dead alright! Hahahha, who can survive this? Haha, you guys need to stop-" Another bounty hunter said while laughing at them, but his laugh was cut short when he saw a silhouette in the smoke becoming evident by the second.

"I can," A voice came out of the silhouette. After saying that, the silhouette moved its hand to disperse the smoke around it, to help them see him clearly.



"How are you still alive!"

"Bryan! Look at his clothes!" Damien shouted in shock.

"How could this be possible!" Even Zoro was shocked by what he saw, with his eyes widening.

They couldn't believe what they saw. Mr.1 walked out of the smoke with no injury. Not even a scratch on him; he was dusting his clothes while all the things around him were destroyed. The table, chair, everything, even the wall behind him, was decimated due to the explosion, demolishing the entire front of the bar.

After dusting his clothes, Mr.1 looked at his watch and saw that only 10 seconds were left.

"You ate the Dice Dice fruit, right? And that means that your entire body is made of iron, making you invulnerable to any attack, and furthermore, you can also make blades come out of any part of your body, right…." Damian said, sweat falling down on his forehead.

9 seconds left…

"That is correct. Guns and blades cannot harm me," Mr. 1 replied while glancing at the brown-haired man who shot him while transforming his finger and forearms into blades.

8 seconds…

"…" Almost everyone became stunned and frightened because how can you defeat a person who can not be injured by swords, guns, and even bombs…

7 sec…

Fighting him is an act of suicide. If you are not strong enough, you can only watch him helplessly as he kills you.


The bounty hunters started to lament staying here and correspondingly regretted trying to kill this unkillable monster….

While the bounty hunters were regretting their actions, Zoro drew his sword and crossed eyes with Bryan, who was also taking out his weapons.


The bounty hunters looked at each other with fear in their eyes.

While Zoro and Bryan had determined looks in their eyes. They smirked at each other and then nodded.

There is only one thing they can do now if they don't want to die, and that is too...


"SPILT! AND RUN!" One of the bounty hunters shouted while running toward the window, with the other heading toward a different window.

"NATHAN! DAMIEN! ABIGAIL! BRAVEHEARTS!" Bryan roared while looking back at his men


Mr.1 glanced at the roaring man. He then looked back at the running bounty hunter and said, " you're too late.."

"WHAT IS YOUR COMMEND! GENERAL!" The Bravehearts yelled loudly, with sharp looks in their eyes as they clutched their weapons tightly.


The bounty hunters leaped out of the windows and landed on the streets with a roll; they then stood up and looked around.

The streets were empty and silent… Nobody was around? That was odd since, just 15 minutes ago, the town folk crowded the place to celebrate the Ghost pirates' defeat.


The bounty hunters didn't care about the empty street and were more focused on running away from the bar, which was, unfortunately, the only safe place for them. But by abandoning the Bravehearts and Roronao Zoro, they have lost their only chance to live…


Beep… Beep… Beep… Clack!

Inside the bar, Mr.1 looked at Bravehearts. He didn't try to stop the bounty hunters who ran away. Until the watch's alarm rang. He pressed the button to prevent it from ringing and simultaneously stating, "Time's up. Kill them"

"YES SIR!/YES SIR!" Shouts came from the roofs around the bar, reverberating throughout the entire neighborhood. The agents then leaped down and surrounded the bar and bounty hunters who tried to run away.

Miss. LittleFinger and the Billion agents arrived 4 minutes ago. After that, they immediately started to evacuate the streets; some people tried to resist, but with some force, they quickly left while cursing.

It also helped when people ran out of the bar screaming murder, and the gunshot and the explosion also helped.

"KILL!" Bryan Shouted while taking his battle stance. He then disappeared from where he was standing, appearing in front of Mr.1 while swinging his hammer toward Mr. 1's chest.

Sending him flying out of the bar and crashing into the streets, making a small crater from the force of the attack that sent dust and debris everywhere.

"KILL!/KILL!!" The Braveheart and the B. W agents shouted while running toward each other with their weapons ready and intense looks in their eyes; they then clashed with each other.

And while in the crater.

Mr. 1 was trying to get out of the crater. He had no injuries on him. He then raised his head, only to see a blade approaching the same spot Bryan had hit earlier.

"Oni-" (author note: when I read it while proofreading the chapter, I thought he was going to say oni-chan, lol)

He quickly tried to raise his hands to block the attack, but alas, he was a little late…

"Giri! (Demon Slash)" Zoro shouted while finishing his attack, but it didn't hurt Mr.1, only sending him flying toward the sky.

"If Blades and guns don't work... then what about a hammer? FALLEN KINGDOM!" Bryan said while swinging his hammer down with all his strength toward Mr.1, who raised his hand to block this attack.

The hammer hit Mr. 1's hands, increasing his falling speed, which made an astonishing explosion when he hit the ground, sending smoke, dust, and debris all over the streets.

"BOSS!/ MR.1!" SharpEyes and SharpTongue cried out with panic in their voice. They couldn't believe that their leader was getting tossed around by nobody's

"I'm fine.. huh?" Mr. 1 said while jumping out of the second crater, he was surprised when he felt a little pain.

"Dammit, even that didn't hurt him that much," Bryan cursed while standing next to Zoro with a severe look on his face.

"It looks like he, let your men shoot him on propose…." Zoro said while looking at the fight between the B. W agent and the BraveHearts because they used all their ammunition to shoot mr.1,

They don't have any left to use in this fight and are forced to retreat step by step, and not only that, the B. W agents have more men against the 18 members of the Bravehearts.

"Yes," Mr. 1 said while transforming his legs into blades.

"If you don't go and help them quickly, all the Braveheart's members will dead… and besides, I have something to settle with him, isn't that right, Mr. 1" Zoro continued his speech while looking at Mr. 1 and taking his battle pose, Bryan just silently listen to him while observing the battle.

"So you knew it was us?" Mr.1 said.

"Not really. I forgot about you all until one of your members shouted your name," Zoro said with a smirk, which angered Mr.1 a little.

"Do you know them?" Bryan said while having his eyes on the battle.

"Yeah, haven't you heard about them? They are Baroque Works," Zoro said.

"... WHAT!" Bryan was shocked when he heard what Zoro said.

"They tried to recruit me before, and I refused, anyway it's a long story. Isn't that right, Mr.1" Zoro said.

Mr.1 just looked at him and ignored what he said.

"So leave him to me and go help and your crew. Since their only goal was to kill me, they might let you guys go," Zoro said while taking out his third sword and placing it in his mouth.

"Okay, I will go and do a quick work of them and come back here to help you. Until then, don't you die, Roronao Zoro!" Bryan said that while squishing the nearest B. W agent with his hammer and getting blood all over himself, he ran into the battlefield's center.

"Sure, sure? Didn't you hear what I said!" Zoro smirked in the beginning until he processed what Bryan said. He then looked back and yelled, only to find that Bryan was already far away.

"Shit!" Zoro heard a blade cutting through the air near him. He quickly turned around and saw Mr.1 slash-kicking toward him with his transformed legs.

He then quickly raised his sword to block the incoming attack.

"Didn't anybody teach you not to take your eyes off the enemy? Roronao Zoro," Mr.1 said while looking at the swordsman who blocked his attack.

"What about you? Did nobody teach you that it is bad manners to attack a man while he is talking?" Zoro replied with a smirk on his face. He then pushed Mr.1 back.

Hello everyone, RaiDKing here. I just wanted to tell you, starting tomorrow i will upload three/four chapters a week. Until I improved my writing speed (right now it is 800 words per day).

Ps: and by the way, thank you for reading my story :) and like and comment if you would like to help it grow more popular.

okay peace out.

RayDKingcreators' thoughts