
Wedding Wrecker

"You're still a virgin, right?" Isabella's laughter held a bitter edge as she pushed Deus Wycliffe's body away, putting space between them once more. "Virgin? After what you did to me last night, you're asking if I'm still a virgin?" "I meant before we... you know." "Will my answer change anything, Deus? Will it?" Deus fell silent, Isabella's cutting words sinking deep into his heart. "It's your fault, Isabella. You initiated this deception. If you hadn't lied, none of this would have happened. When you claimed to be pregnant with my child, it was like insinuating that you and I..." Deus paused, searching for a more tactful term. "Well, engaged in what we did last night." He finished his sentence, realizing the impact of his words. --- "Maybe this will refresh your memory." Deus Wycliffe's grip tightened on Isabella's neck as he drew her closer. "I won't allow anyone else to lay a hand on you but me."

ariaevelyn · 都市
7 Chs

Chapter 6 - Nearly Busted

The door to her boss's office was gently tapped, and Hana, the boss's personal assistant, welcomed her in with a warm smile.

"The boss is inside, feel free to go in." She said, motioning towards the slightly ajar door.

As Isabella stepped into the room, she found herself under the gaze of a man as seasoned as her father. His office, adorned with mahogany furniture and framed certificates, exuded an air of authority that was both familiar and imposing.

"Please, take a seat, Isabella." He said, his tone calm but firm, as he gestured towards the plush chair opposite his desk.

"Thank you, sir." She replied, her heart beginning to race slightly as she settled into the seat.

"What can I do for you?" she asked, trying to maintain an air of professionalism despite the growing unease in her stomach.

With a serious expression, her boss handed her a newspaper, his eyes never leaving her face. Ariana accepted it with a casual air, but inwardly, her heart began to race.

She knew that this wasn't just any newspaper—it was today's edition of the city's most widely-read tabloid.

After scanning the front page for a moment, she feigned nonchalance, though her pulse quickened with each passing second.

"What's the matter, boss? Did we miss a major news story?" she inquired, her voice steady despite the turmoil within.

Her boss leaned forward, his gaze piercing.

"Take a closer look. Why is your picture there?" he questioned, his tone indicating that this was more than just a casual inquiry.

Isabella's facade cracked slightly, but she quickly recovered, her mind racing to formulate a plausible explanation.

"Oh, that's not me, sir," she replied, her voice steady.

"It must be a case of mistaken identity. I wouldn't have any association with someone like the son of a billionaire." She added, hoping her explanation sounded convincing.

Her boss's gaze remained unwavering as he studied her carefully.

"I find that hard to believe. Several people have already questioned me about it. Are you sure it's not you?" He pressed, his tone betraying a hint of skepticism.

"Absolutely, sir," Isabella affirmed, maintaining her composure even as her mind raced with anxiety.

"I'm not pregnant, and I haven't been feeling unwell. It must be someone else entirely. Even the reporter who wrote the article doesn't know who this woman is." She explained, her words coming out in a rush as she tried to reassure both her boss and herself.

Her boss nodded thoughtfully, his expression inscrutable.

"Very well. If it's not you, then I'm relieved. But remember, we have protocols in place for situations like this," He reminded her, his voice firm yet reassuring.

Isabella let out a silent breath of relief, grateful that the misunderstanding had been cleared up, at least for now. As she exited her boss's office, she couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered within her.

Little did she know, this was only the beginning of a series of events that would test her resilience and determination in ways she never could have imagined.

After addressing her boss's concerns, Isabella strolled purposefully over to her assistant's workstation, her mind still reeling from the unexpected turn of events. As she approached, she noticed the usual buzz of activity in the office had taken on a subdued tone, with whispers and curious glances exchanged among her colleagues.

"Did you happen to see today's newspaper?" Isabella queried Lily, her voice a mixture of casual inquiry and underlying tension.

Lily glanced up from her computer screen, her brow furrowing slightly in confusion.

"Um, are you the woman they're talking about?" She asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Isabella let out a frustrated sigh, shaking her head in disbelief.

"Absolutely not," she replied emphatically, her tone tinged with irritation.

"You know as well as I do that I'm not pregnant. And as for being acquainted with the billionaire's son, well, that's just wishful thinking. Our resemblance is purely coincidental. The woman they're referring to is someone else entirely." She explained, her words carrying a hint of defiance.

"But the resemblance is uncanny, Miss Isabella! It's hard to ignore." Sally chimed in, momentarily pausing her typing to join the conversation.

Isabella shot Sally a knowing look, a small smirk playing at the corners of her lips.

"Surprised? I'm even more astounded, Sally. They say there are seven doppelgangers for each person in the world. Discovering all seven supposedly signals the end of the world. And here we are, encountering only the second one." She remarked with a sardonic chuckle, hoping to inject a bit of levity into the tense atmosphere.

"Hmm, I never thought something like this would happen..." Sally's voice trailed off as she returned her focus to her computer screen, and Isabella turned back to Lily to discuss the tasks she had for her before retreating to the relative privacy of her office.

As she passed by her colleagues' desks, she noticed their curious glances, their whispers trailing after her like shadows in the dimly lit hallway. It was clear that news of the newspaper article had spread like wildfire throughout the office, casting a pall of speculation over her every move.

Ignoring the prying eyes and hushed conversations, Isabella made her way back to her own cubicle, her mind racing with a million questions and uncertainties. How could her picture have ended up in the newspaper? 

Settling into her chair, Isabella pulled up the article on her computer screen, her heart pounding in her chest as she read the salacious details of the scandal. Each word felt like a dagger piercing her heart, the weight of the accusations threatening to crush her spirit.

Taking a deep breath, Isabella squared her shoulders and turned her attention to her work. No matter what challenges lay ahead, she was determined to face them head-on with courage and resilience. After all, she was Isabella Sinclair—the daughter of a proud lineage, and nothing could break her spirit.

Immersed in her tasks, Isabella's cellphone kept ringing persistently.


Isabella glanced at the caller ID, recognizing her mother's number. 

Isabella scratched her head in frustration. She was certain her parents had seen today's headlines. Reluctantly, she knew she had to address their inquiries to prevent them from worrying unnecessarily.

With a heavy heart, she prepared herself to confront their questions head-on, knowing that honesty was the only way to alleviate their fears and reassure them of her well-being.


"Bella, I've been meaning to ask, is that woman in the newspaper really you? I was quite surprised when I saw it!" Madam Ruby Sinclair asked with firmness yet still with gentleness for her daughter.

"No, Mom...it's not me...I've only just arrived here last week. You noticed the woman's belly in the paper, right? It's quite prominent..."

As Isabella explained, she could sense her mother's concern growing. She continued, "Besides, Mom, the woman in the picture has a much fuller figure than mine. It's definitely not me."

Her mother studied the picture intently, her brow furrowing in confusion as she observed that it depicted only the woman's shoulders, offering no glimpse of her stomach. How could Isabella be so sure that the woman was heavily pregnant?

"This picture only goes down to her shoulders, Bella. You can't see her stomach," Isabella's mother responded skeptically, her tone tinged with doubt.

Sensing her mother's skepticism, Isabella felt a lump form in her throat, her nerves jangling with anxiety. "Oh, Mom, many of my friends told me!"

"Mom, I'm not pregnant, I don't even know that guy. You know I hardly have time for romance." Isabella's voice trailed off, a hint of frustration creeping into her tone as she reiterated her innocence.

Her mother listened intently, her worry evident in the furrow of her brow. Isabella felt a pang of guilt knowing she was causing her parents distress.

Isabella's mother remained unconvinced, her gaze fixed on the newspaper photo. "I'm not sure what to believe, Bella. This is quite unsettling," she admitted, her voice laced with concern.

Isabella's heart sank at her mother's words. She knew she had to reassure her somehow, but how could she convince her when even the evidence seemed to suggest otherwise?

Taking a deep breath, she mustered all the conviction she could.

"Mom, I promise you, it's not me. I wouldn't keep something like that from you," she insisted, her tone earnest.

Madam Ruby's expression softening slightly. "I want to believe you, Bella. But this is all very confusing." She confessed, her worry evident in her eyes.

"I understand why you're concerned, Mom, but please trust me. I would never do anything to tarnish our family's reputation. I'll be back home in two weeks, and we can discuss it further then, okay?"

"Alright, dear," her mother replied, her voice softening with relief.

"Just take care of yourself, and don't let this distract you from your work. We'll talk more when you're back. And remember, we're always here for you."

Isabella nodded, feeling a sense of reassurance wash over her. "Thank you, Mom. I love you."

"I love you too, dear. Take care."

With a sigh of relief, Isabella ended the call, grateful for her mother's understanding and support. 

"Oh my goodness, what a day..." Isabella whispered to herself, her frustration bubbling beneath the surface. She didn't want her emotions to spill over and disrupt the office atmosphere.

With a quick dial, she reached Esmeralda, who picked up almost immediately.
