
Wedding Wrecker

"You're still a virgin, right?" Isabella's laughter held a bitter edge as she pushed Deus Wycliffe's body away, putting space between them once more. "Virgin? After what you did to me last night, you're asking if I'm still a virgin?" "I meant before we... you know." "Will my answer change anything, Deus? Will it?" Deus fell silent, Isabella's cutting words sinking deep into his heart. "It's your fault, Isabella. You initiated this deception. If you hadn't lied, none of this would have happened. When you claimed to be pregnant with my child, it was like insinuating that you and I..." Deus paused, searching for a more tactful term. "Well, engaged in what we did last night." He finished his sentence, realizing the impact of his words. --- "Maybe this will refresh your memory." Deus Wycliffe's grip tightened on Isabella's neck as he drew her closer. "I won't allow anyone else to lay a hand on you but me."

ariaevelyn · Urban
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7 Chs

Chapter 7 - Chaos

"Isabella, is everything okay?" Esmeralda's voice came through the phone, laced with concern.

Isabella took a deep breath, trying to compose herself before responding. "No, everything's not okay. Have you seen the newspaper today?"

"No, I haven't. Why? What's going on?" Esmeralda's tone grew more anxious.

"I'm on the front page, Esmeralda. There's an article about me claiming I'm pregnant with Deus Wycliffe's child at his wedding!" Isabella blurted out, frustration and disbelief evident in her voice.

Esmeralda's gasp reverberated through the phone line.

"What? That's absurd! How could they even... Wait, are you serious?" She was utterly clueless about any journalists at her wedding!

Furthermore, both the Ravenscroft and Wycliffe families held privacy in high regard, so the idea of reporters sneaking into the event seemed implausible.

Esmeralda fell silent, her mind racing with possibilities. Isabella's frustration deepened as she heard Esmeralda's disbelief.

"I wish I was joking, but I'm not. It's all over the news," she replied, her voice tinged with exasperation.

Esmeralda sighed heavily. "This is a disaster. We need to do damage control, immediately."

Isabella nodded, even though Esmeralda couldn't see her. "I know, but where do we even start? I don't even know how this happened in the first place."

Esmeralda paused, considering their options. "First, we need to find out who leaked this information to the press. Then, we can figure out how to address it publicly and set the record straight."

"Okay, thank you, Esmeralda. I really appreciate it," Isabella said gratefully, feeling a glimmer of hope amidst the chaos.

"Of course, Bella. We'll get through this," Esmeralda reassured her before they ended the call, leaving Isabella with a sense of relief knowing she had a friend by her side.

Isabella sat back in her chair, her mind swirling with thoughts and emotions. She couldn't believe how quickly her life had been turned upside down by a simple newspaper article.

With a heavy heart, she began to brainstorm ways to address the situation and salvage her reputation.


Deus Wycliffe is deeply engrossed in managing the affairs of the company. His days are filled with meetings, strategic planning sessions, and overseeing various departments to ensure the smooth operation of the business.

As the CEO, he shoulders immense responsibilities and is often found working long hours to address any challenges that arise. Despite the demands of his role, Deus remains dedicated to steering the company towards success and growth, driven by his vision and determination.

Deus's expression remained impassive as he scanned the sensational headline, his features betraying no hint of emotion. Despite the provocative words glaring back at him from the tabloid, he maintained his cool composure, his icy demeanor unwavering in the face of scandalous allegations. 

Just as Deus was deep in thought, pondering the implications of the scandalous headline, there came a light knock on his office door.

With a practiced motion, he composed himself further before calling out, "Come in."

The door swung open, revealing Izek, his longtime friend and confidant, leaning casually against the doorframe with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Well, well, well, looks like someone's making headlines today," Izek quipped, his tone teasing yet lighthearted.

Deus raised an eyebrow, a faint smirk tugging at the corners of his lips.

"Seems like it," he replied coolly, his voice betraying none of the turmoil swirling beneath the surface.

Izek chuckled, nodding in agreement. "True enough. But knowing you, there's probably more to it than meets the eye."

Deus's expression remained unreadable as he glanced back at the headline.

"Perhaps," he mused cryptically. "But for now, let's enjoy the show."

Izek raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "You seem unusually calm about all this, Deus. Aren't you worried about the fallout?"

Deus's lips curled into a smirk. "Worrying won't change anything. Besides, I thrive in chaos."

Izek let out a low whistle. "Well, you certainly have a flair for the dramatic. I'll give you that."

Deus chuckled softly, the sound devoid of mirth. "It's all just part of the game, Izek. And I always play to win."

Izek stepped further into the room, a knowing smile playing on his lips.

"So, what's the story behind this?" he asked, gesturing towards the tabloid in Deus's hand.

Deus leaned back in his chair, his demeanor nonchalant as he replied, "Just another day in the life of a public figure, I suppose. The media always loves a good scandal."

Izek chuckled, nodding in agreement. "True enough. But knowing you, there's probably more to it than meets the eye."

Deus's expression remained unreadable as he glanced back at the headline.

"From what I know, someone is panicking right now." Deus Wycliffe continued to think about Isabella, who was undoubtedly in a state of panic.

As Izek observed Deus's stoic demeanor, he leaned against the doorframe, crossing his arms casually.

"So, what's your move, Deus? Are you going to let this slide, or are you going to set the record straight?"

Deus tilted his head slightly, considering Izek's question.

"For now, I'll observe," he replied calmly. "But rest assured, I won't let false accusations tarnish my reputation."

Izek nodded in understanding. "Got it. Just let me know if you need any backup. You know I've always got your back."

Deus offered a faint smile, appreciating Izek's loyalty. "Thanks, Izek. I'll keep that in mind."

With a final nod, Izek left Deus to his thoughts, knowing that his friend was more than capable of handling whatever came his way.

Deus's phone buzzed with a notification, interrupting their conversation. He glanced down at the screen, a flicker of interest crossing his face before he quickly regained his composure.

"Looks like I have a meeting to attend," Deus said, rising from his seat behind the desk.

"Care to join me, Izek?"

Izek grinned, pushing himself off the doorframe. "Wouldn't miss it for the world, my friend."

Before exiting his office, Deus Wycliffe sent a brief yet decisive message to one of his subordinates:

'Proceed with the plan.'

This is quite a short chap :) Anyway, let me know your thoughts

ariaevelyncreators' thoughts