
Warlock of Beasts: My Chimera System

In the works....

equuip · ファンタジー
11 Chs


"Waaahhhhh! Mommy!" She cried out, and I felt my mother's eyes claw at the back of my head.

"It's fine. It just seems like your boy has a bit of social anxiety, so don't be too hard on him. I'm sure he'll grow into a healthy and strong man with a bit of encouragement," Aria's mother said with a warm smile, but my mother just rolled her eyes.

The woman sitting across the table from my mother was Rain, a pretty popular adventurer who stopped participating in raids after giving birth to Aria.

She's a stay-at-home mother now, just like my own mom, and both of their husbands are adventures who participate in dangerous raids to earn money.

I know that my father is an adventurer, but I don't know about my mother… She seems skilled and powerful, but I've never heard her talk about participating in raids… anyway, Rain is a gorgeous woman, just like my mother.

Her flawless porcelain skin with long black hair was a match made in heaven… it's just a shame that she had to be a human.

"*sigh*... I don't know what I'm going to do with this kid. He hates leaving the house and hates interacting with other people besides myself and his father…." My mother muttered, and I could sense the disappointment in her voice, but I couldn't hold it back.

I'm really trying to change, okay!

"Oh, I have an idea then. How about he comes to the daycare Aria goes to. He might slowly change there,"

"Girl, you think I haven't tried a daycare yet? My little boy keeps scaring all the kids, and even the daycare teachers don't want to approach him…."

"Wow. He really got your frightening aura," Rain chuckled.

Aura? So my mom was an adventurer? I mean, that would be the only logical reason she is so strong and skilled…

But just as I perked my ears up to listen to their conversation, I was distracted by a few panels that almost made me shit myself.

[Three years have passed with no progress]

[A tutorial will be given]

"Boy, what are you doing?" My mother asked while helping me up and sitting me on her lap, but I didn't even notice her touching me as I was too captured by the panels slowly forming in front of me.


[Tutorial has begun]


Suddenly, I felt a blow to my chest, and I was sent flying into the air… very, very slowly. In fact, I was slow that I wasn't even falling down.

I just sat in the air weightlessly, my body now an ethereal blue and my real body still sitting on my mother's lap.


[First Step: Cut Your Arm]


All of a sudden, a blue being similar to my state right now phased right out of my body and jumped up onto the table, grabbing the cheese knife and then slicing my forearms open.

Ethereal blue blood dripped all over the fruit and cheese plate, but when my mom took a slice and ate it with a cracker, she displayed no reaction.

[Second Step: Incantation]

"What the fuck…." I muttered before watching the ethereal me chant in the ancient demonic language.

It was a type of way to incantate large spells without having to say a long-ass sentence that is used to help you actually imagine the spell.


[Third Step: Awaken Your Bloodline]


All of a sudden, the ethereal blood that spilled from my arm defied gravity and jumped back up onto my forearms.

It wrapped around my forearms multiple times before slowly phasing into my skin, creating a large red dot in the center of my palm.

It was the only thing on that ethereal body that wasn't blue… and then everything disappeared, including my senses.

For a while, I floated in a dark void that probably would've made any normal person go insane, but obviously, I wasn't your regular old person.

I remember fighting that colossal of darkness… it was so damn annoying to fight as it would constantly trap you in a state between life and death.

After a few years, it released you from your pitch-black prison.

You were forced to regather the shattered pieces of your broken mind before it killed you in the most torturous way possible.

Tearing each nerve in your body, a strand from strand…, and I'd say this was the breaking point that would either end you or help make you stronger.

Of course, your boy here survived and used it to help me get stronger, but the torture I underwent is still something I'd rather not think about to this day.

"These fucking bad memories… All are coming back just like that," I muttered before a distant light erased the void around me.

I was sucked into the center of the light and reawoke on my own personal bed.

It was soft and comforting, though the blanket was a bit itchy.

Slowly, I got out of my bed and made my way to the kitchen, where I found my mother dashing toward me and hugging me instantly before pulling my light body in for a breathtaking hug… literally.

"Mom, you're going to kill me," I muttered.

"Ah, sorry, baby, you just worried me so much," My mother said before pulling away and showering my face with kisses.

Help me… I'm going to die.

My mother was already used to my advanced language and strangely didn't question it, which only made me more suspicious of her identity.

It was almost as if she expected me to turn out like this.

"What happened?" I asked.

"You just fainted in my arms… Baby, if you don't feel well, please tell me,"

"Okay…" I muttered, and my mother hugged me one more time before announcing some dreaded news.

"Also, I know this might not work out, but please try your best. I signed you up for another daycare, and it's with Aria, so be on your best behavior…."


"Did you just click your tongue at me?!"


I was scolded for the next half an hour on proper manners… something I've already heard tons of times before.


equuipcreators' thoughts