
Warlock of Beasts: My Chimera System

In the works....

equuip · Fantasy
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11 Chs


Huh... Human?

I shut my eyes tightly in order to reset my vision, and when I looked at my status in front of me, I saw the same thing again.

Is this how you get back at me despite fighting so hard… making me a fucking weak human… Those things that I had to share the continent with…

Despite them always being slaves, I still couldn't stand the sight, presence, or even feeling that I got when I was around them.

They made me so damn uncomfortable that I just wanted to punch them in the face until they died…

I then looked at my mother and almost cringed at the sight of her after finding out that I was now a human.

My eyes then shifted over to my father, who picked me up with his calloused yet gentle hands… and I felt like throwing up.

Flailing my limbs all over the place, I finally managed to get him to put me down back onto the bed, but I rolled away from the disgusting thing lying right next to me.

Get me out! Why do I have to be with these things! Get me out of here!

I cursed myself to exhaustion, and even after my mother picked me up and held me in her… warm embrace… so very warm embrace, I couldn't resist falling asleep.

When I woke up again, I still couldn't shake the disgusting feeling which ran up and down my body as I drank from the nipple of the baby bottle.

My mother, who held me, felt disgusting, like touching warm sewage, and her previously graceful voice was like nails on a chalkboard.

But… my mind slowly changed after that incident that happened this afternoon.

Both of my parents had left the house, leaving me to myself to relax in the warm bed, which the germs of my human parents had tainted.

Though I still felt disgusted by laying on the same bedsheets as humans, at least I didn't have to be next to an actual human.

If only I didn't have the body of a human… fuck-


Suddenly, the door to my room slammed open, and I felt a few presences surround me, but they were nowhere to be seen… meaning they were hiding in the shadows.

Fuck… shadow magic users…

I tried to hide underneath the white pillows, but these shadow users soon slipped out of their safe hiding place and appeared next to the bed.

All four of the figures had black robes on and held a single jagged black dagger with both hands, and as they rose the daggers above their head, I felt four pairs of eyes lock onto me.

A shiver was sent down my spine, and as I frightenedly scrolled through my status, I found absolutely nothing to save me.

The daggers quickly approached my face and the aura of death that they emitted… gave me a nostalgic feeling.

I'm… going to die again… I didn't even get to do anything yet…


Just as I squeezed my eyes shut, already accepting my swift death, the sound of two fists and muscles colliding echoed through the room.

The sound of bones crunching then quickly followed.

Slowly, I opened my eyes after everything went silent, and the movement of somebody picking me up with their warm hands made me feel weightless.

"Baby… I'm so sorry we're late…." My mother whispered as tears flowed from her eyes, and when I caught a glimpse of my dead, I saw his ashamed face.

He looked down, ashamed at how he could let his child go through such a traumatic experience…

"Babe… Check if there are any others. Death is still lingering in the air, so I have to burn most of it… Just make sure we're safe," My mother said as she rocked me back and forth, trying to calm me down, which was practically hyperventilating from all the adrenaline.

To be honest, it might've just been the adrenaline at that time, but I felt most of the hate that had been built up towards my parents slowly seeped out of my body.

It was like a princess feeling admiration toward the hero that had saved her from the captivity of the evil demon king…

"It's okay… you can cry. It's fine,"

For the first time in five-thousand years… tears flowed from my eyes.

And they weren't just regular old tears. No, they were ugly tears that balled out of my eyes as I dug my face into my mother's collar bone.

I never thought I was capable of crying again, especially after most of my emotions had died out in my past life.

This was truly… a new beginning.

About three years have passed, and most of my disgust towards my parents had faded away since these same attacks happened multiple times, even forcing us out of our house.

We were forced to move into the slums, where I guess those black-cloaked figures lost track of us, but I still had a feeling that they didn't give up the search.

But, besides that, I've had a pretty happy life… though my disgust towards humans still persists.

I've accepted the fact that I'm a human, but my demonic instincts still kick in when my parents bring over some of their friends.

The chills that run across my skin when I see humans other than my parents are the worst feeling in the world.

I want to try and change, but inside, I've come to hate humans so much that it's been branded into my soul, heart, or somewhere else… I CAN'T TELL!

"Ko, play," A girl toddler said as she hobbled over to me on her unstable two feet.

She was the human I was most familiar with other than my parents because she is the daughter of my mom's best friend… and they always find a time to meet. Every. Single. Weekend.

I unintentionally scared the toddler, Aria, off-again as my glare seeped into her face.

"Waaahhhhh! Mommy!" She cried out, and I felt my mother's eyes claw at the back of my head.


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