
Wanjie Fishing System

One piece fan-fiction Traversing in one piece with wanjie fishing system

MD_Nurnabi_Islam · アニメ·コミックス
36 Chs

Chapter 25

As it was getting dark, the three came to an inn to stay.

Zhang Jun and misoga have one room, and hill has one room.

After this day\'s stroll, Zhang Jun and the three learned that the island was called Shendao island.

Legend, thousands of years ago.

There is no such island in this sea area, only a strange sea beast named blood thunder beast is rampant.

The sea beast swallowed up all the passing ships. For a moment, people were terrified, and no one dared to sail in this sea area.

Finally, after waves of warriors hunting blood thunder beasts were destroyed by the regiment.

A god man came down from the sky and chopped down the blood thunder beast with a knife to kill it in the place where Shendao island is now located.

Then the god man left. Thousands of years later, the body of the blood thunder beast turned into an island.

Miraculously, the island turned into a knife overnight!

Many people say that the god man cut the island into this shape.

This island is also named Shendao island!

"Boss, this legend is too fake!"

Misoga said to Zhang Jun, who was in a daze.

"Well, you can\'t believe the legend, but you can\'t believe it either. Go to bed and inquire about the evil knife, thunder and blood tomorrow!"

Zhang Jun said with a frown.

He checked the mission of evil sword, thunder and blood. Obviously, this island should not be so sacred.

According to the system introduction, evil knife thunder blood is the reason why the island presents the shape of knife!

Early the next morning, Zhang Jun and the three began to inquire separately.

Zhang Jun went to the depths of the town. Along the way, he found that many people looked at him strangely.

Although he was aware of it, he was still as light as others. It was just that all local people quickly left Zhang Jun when they heard these four words. It seemed that these four words were poisonous!

At noon, the three met in a restaurant.

After exchanging their experiences, they found that they were all the same.

"It\'s hard for us to gain if this goes on! However, I will get this knife!"

Zhang Jun frowned, and then a confident smile hung around his mouth. He was more interested in the mysterious evil knife thunder blood!

After lunch, Zhang Jun took them to the previous weapons store and found the fat shopkeeper.

"Welcome light... How is it you again?"

Seeing someone coming, the fat shopkeeper quickly welcomed him happily, but when he saw Zhang Jun again, he immediately changed his face and wanted to chase customers.

"Boss, I want to ask you something this time. Of course, it\'s not for nothing. I\'m willing to pay to your satisfaction!"

Zhang Jun walked up to the fat shopkeeper with a smile and said.

With a squeak, misoga, who was walking behind, closed the store door.

I have to say that the business of this store is really not good. Up to now, there is still no guest.

"Hum, brother, I\'m afraid you\'re trying to buy and sell!"

The fat shopkeeper\'s face changed slightly, his body slowly retreated a few steps, and his face was ugly.

"Boss, why do you have to say so ugly?"

"In order to find out the news, we almost asked the people in the whole town, but we still didn\'t get anything. Didn\'t we come to you because we thought you were the kindest boss and might help us?"

Hearing the fat shopkeeper\'s words, Hilton went to him with a small mouth, pulled his sleeve and said pitifully.

"Well, little sister, it\'s not that my uncle doesn\'t help you. It involves the core secret of our Shendao island!"

The fat shopkeeper looked at Hill as beautiful as a flower and said softly.

"The boss is really smart. He already knows what we want to ask. Then dare to ask the boss, what hidden danger will this news cause to Shendao island?"

Zhang Jun stepped forward and stared at the fat shopkeeper.

"This, this, in fact, there is no hidden danger, just, just..."

Under Zhang Jun\'s pressure, the fat boss said in some embarrassment.

"In that case, how about I give the boss 300000 Bailey and the boss tell me the news?"

Hearing the fat shopkeeper\'s words, Zhang Jun was immediately happy and had a play!

"Gulu, three, three hundred thousand?"

The fat shopkeeper\'s eyes brightened, swallowed saliva and stammered.

This is a lot of money. For his shop with little business, 300000 is almost the total income of several years!

"It seems that the boss agreed. In that case, the boss might as well tell us the information of evil knife and thunder blood first, and then I\'ll bring the money to you?"

Zhang Jun smiled and motioned the fat shopkeeper to sit down and talk.

The fat shopkeeper hesitated, nodded and sat down.

For a long time, Zhang Jun came out of the weapons store with great joy.

At this time, it was a little dark, so the three returned to the inn, and then Zhang Jun took out a wooden box with 300000 Bailey in it.

Misoga then sent the box to the weapons store.

Zhang Jun sat down in his chair and thought about what the fat shopkeeper said.

According to him, Shendao island is not actually called Shendao island.

Its real name is evil knife island!

The story of the god man spread outside is actually a story made up by the local people of evil knife island.

The real story is not at all.

It is said that there is indeed a sea beast named blood thunder beast raging here.

But there was already an island here.

Later, a very powerful swordsman died with the blood thunder beast on this island!

Later, an evil knife caster came to the island.

He incorporated their bodies into a evil knife he forged.

On the day when the evil sword was formed, the sky thunder rolled and countless lightning struck.

The evil knife maker was reduced to ashes in the thunder and lightning, and the knife disappeared.

After the lightning dissipated, the whole island turned into a giant knife.

Only the surviving aborigines of the island knew about it.

Although it was a evil knife, they all knew that it must be very powerful!

But they didn\'t find the knife all their life.

When the last one of those aborigines was about to die, he named this knife evil knife thunder blood!

At the same time, he fabricated the story of God and man, so that future generations can only tell this false story, and then charged future generations to find the knife and fulfill their wishes!

But after all these years, the knife still disappeared.

The story and instructions have been handed down from generation to generation, but no one is looking for the knife anymore!

"So those people just don\'t want to disobey Zu Xun. But they haven\'t found any clues after looking for them for so many years. Is it too difficult for me to find them?"

Zhang Jun was speechless and felt that he had spent a lot of money to buy a useless information.

The matter has been haunting him, so he hasn\'t fallen asleep in the middle of the night.

At this time, everything was quiet. Zhang Jun lay down and finally felt a little sleepy.


Suddenly, a buzzing sound came into Zhang Jun\'s ear, and he suddenly woke up.

He opened his eyes and looked around. He found that misoga was still sleeping very sweet. He didn\'t seem to hear the big buzzing that almost sent him away!


Just then, another buzzing came, and this time Zhang Jun listened more truly.

After another look at misoga without any response, Zhang Jun quietly got up and went outside.