
Wanjie Fishing System

One piece fan-fiction Traversing in one piece with wanjie fishing system

MD_Nurnabi_Islam · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

Chapter 24

One day, on the Longteng Wanli, misoga looked at Zhang Jun, who was flashing with electricity on the deck, and said in surprise.

"What\'s crackling? Why can\'t you say any good words!"

Hill, who was cooking in the kitchen, heard misoga\'s words and came out to stare at him.

"Stop bickering between you two! I\'m called thunder protector!"

Zhang Jun smiled and removed the lightning from his body.

This ability naturally appears after the lightning fruit is developed to the second level.

In fact, Zhang Jun said that thunder body protection is not perfect, because this ability is not only full of lightning in the body to protect itself.

Its greater role is to strengthen!

Zhang Jun has checked that his combat effectiveness will increase by 20% in this state!

In other words, if he uses thunder protection, his combat effectiveness will reach 870!

But there is a time limit, about ten minutes.

However, the effect of this surge in strength in combat is very amazing. Not to mention ten minutes, even one second can determine life and death!

And, more importantly, this ability is permanent!

In other words, no matter how high Zhang Jun\'s combat effectiveness is in the future, it will increase by 20% in this state!

I just don\'t know if this ability will exist after it can be fully elemental.

"Brother Jun, brother Jun, it\'s an island. There\'s an island over there!"

Suddenly, Hill\'s happy voice interrupted Zhang Jun\'s thinking.

Looking down hill\'s hand, there is indeed an island on the left front of the Longteng Wanli.

The island looks like a big knife across the sea from a distance. It\'s really strange.

"OK! We haven\'t set foot on the land for a long time. Let\'s have dinner first, and then go to the island!"

Zhang Jun nodded and said.

An hour later, the Longteng Wanli stopped at the dock of the island.


As soon as they got off the boat, they were surrounded by a group of people holding knives.

"Who are you? Are you looking for death?"

Zhang Jun looked cold and stood in front of hill and misoga.

The combat effectiveness of these people is quite high. They have reached three or four hundred!

"Boy! You\'re the Thunderer Zhang Jun! I\'ll take your reward!"

Suddenly, one of these people, a short man with a fierce face, rushed towards Zhang Jun with a knife.

Lei Zhe is naturally Zhang Jun\'s title in the reward order. I don\'t know if it\'s xiumarch\'s credit. This title sounds good.

"Hum, you can\'t measure your strength!"

Zhang Jun snorted coldly, and an electric light struck the man with a lightning speed.

With a bang, he flew backward and landed on the ground in the distance, his blackened body twitching constantly.

"Cough, excuse me, goodbye!"

"The weather is really nice today!"

These people knew that they were not Zhang Jun\'s opponents at all, and immediately dispersed.

"Brother Jun, they are so interesting!"

Hill Jiao said with a smile.

"Hill, are you..."

Zhang Jun said with a wry smile.

"Brother Jun is smart. Hill just taught them a lesson. Who told them not to open their eyes? Brother Jun, don\'t you blame hill?"

Hill smiled, pulled Zhang Jun\'s sleeve and looked up at Zhang Jun.

"Of course not!"

Zhang Jun shook his head. These people are to blame.

"Hill, what did you do?"

Misoga asked curiously.

"Hee hee, I\'m afraid they can\'t get up for a few days!"

Hill jumped to keep up with Zhang Jun.

Misoga looked sympathetically at the direction of those people leaving. Who told you to offend the little witch?

"Boss, do you have any good knives here? I\'m going to buy one."

Zhang Jun and his party came to a weapons store, although it was obvious that someone was peeping in the dark.

But since they didn\'t come out to make trouble, Zhang Jun pretended not to see it.

"Young brother, you\'ve come to the right place! There\'s nothing in our shop, just a lot of knives! Can you see if there\'s anything in your eyes?"

The shopkeeper was a middle-aged man with a moustache and a round figure. When he heard Zhang Jun\'s words, he immediately flattered.

"I\'ve seen all the weapons in your shop. I still have a number in mind. Let\'s stop beating around the Bush and take out the real good things!"

Zhang Jun shook his head. Although he may not have enough eyes, he felt that he could roughly identify the quality of the goods.

These things on the surface are really not very good!

"Expert! Little brother, wait a minute. I\'ll come soon!"

The fat shopkeeper looked at Zhang Jun in surprise and walked into the inner room under the gaze of the three.

A moment later, the fat shopkeeper came out with two long boxes.

"Brother, these are the best two knives in my shop! The one on the left is called blowing snow, and the one on the right is called flashing wind!"

The fat shopkeeper said solemnly.

"Well, it\'s really a good knife!"

Zhang Jun\'s fingers crossed the two knives gently, and the blade trembled slightly with the sliding of his fingers.

Although Dao is a good Dao, Zhang Jun always feels a little dissatisfied. It seems that he should have a greater harvest on this island.

"Ding, task trigger: gain evil sword thunder blood! Task reward: high quality bait * 1, ordinary bait * 10"

Just then, the sound of the system suddenly sounded.

"Evil knife thunder blood?!"

Zhang Jun\'s eyes flashed and muttered. His intuition told him that this knife was what he wanted!

When Zhang Jun read these words, the fat shopkeeper\'s face suddenly changed.

"Brother, I suddenly remembered something. These two knives can\'t be sold to you!"

The fat shopkeeper suddenly said without expression, which made Zhang Jun feel a little confused.

But Zhang Jun doesn\'t care about these two knives at this time. He has a better choice!

Nodded to the fat shopkeeper, and Zhang Jun came out.

"Brother Jun, what\'s the matter? Why did the shopkeeper suddenly stop selling?"

Hill said suspiciously.

"I guess it\'s because of the words the boss whispered! I found that the fat shopkeeper\'s face changed instantly when the boss said what evil knife thunder blood! By the way, boss, where did you hear this knife?"

Misoga said thoughtfully, holding his chin aside.

"Hmm? I didn\'t notice that. I just saw it in a book before. It seems to be on this island! Is there anything strange about this knife?"

Zhang Jun said with some surprise that although the word "evil" could be seen, Zhang Jun didn\'t expect to make a native shopkeeper change his face and even stop trading!