
Wanjie Fishing System

One piece fan-fiction Traversing in one piece with wanjie fishing system

MD_Nurnabi_Islam · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

Chapter 26

The buzzing sound sounded again and again, as if tempting Zhang Jun to go.

Out of the inn, Zhang Jun found that the whole island was very quiet, and there was a feeling that he was alone in the whole world.

Zhang Jun ran in the direction of the buzzing sound.

Soon, he entered the knife shaped island where the knife handle was located.


The buzzing sound sounded again. This time Zhang Jun felt that the buzzing sound came from his feet.

The place where he is standing now is just where the knife handle is connected with the knife body. There is a huge circular platform here.

According to his understanding in recent days, this platform has existed long ago, and many famous swordsmen have practiced here.

Reasonably speaking, this platform seems so abrupt that many people should doubt it, but in fact, no one doubts it.

Because the stone is hard and unparalleled, even those swordsmen have never split it, so no one doubts it, let alone no one can destroy it.

However, Zhang Jun was very sure that the buzzing came from his feet.

And now he can be sure that the buzzing sound came from the evil knife thunder blood!

Zhang Jun kept pacing on the platform, thinking about how to get the knife.

Suddenly, he had an idea. This was the first time that the system issued a task to let him get something. I think this knife must be useful to him!

Plus there\'s a word thunder in its name!

So Zhang junpan sat in the middle of the stone platform and began to run the ability of lightning fruit.

Soon, Zhang Jun\'s whole body was covered with lightning!

At this time, the buzzing sound sounded again, and the frequency was faster and faster.

But I still feel that I haven\'t reached that level!

"Thunder protection!"

Zhang Jun drank low, and the scattered lightning suddenly gathered in Zhang Jun\'s body.

The intensity of lightning also increased sharply!


A buzzing sound that only Zhang Jun could hear resounded through the sky!

Zhang Jun suddenly opened his eyes and saw a knife floating in front of him.

The whole body of this knife is crystal blue. There are red streamers in the blue. The blade emits cold light. It looks like the most perfect art!

"Thunder blood!"

With a low cry, Zhang Jun fell in love with the knife at a glance!

He could not help holding his hand on the handle of Lei Xue\'s knife.

Plop! Bang Dang!

The sound of the knife falling to the ground sounded at the same time as the sound of Zhang Jun falling.

Zhang Jun held Lei Xue tightly in one hand, lost consciousness and fell to the ground.

At this time, Lei Xue was also Shenhua introverted and turned into a silver knife. It seemed that it was not as beautiful as before, but it was more dense than before! Even the surrounding air became cold.

"Here? Didn\'t I hold Lei Xue just now?"

At this time, Zhang Jun\'s consciousness entered another world.

This is a red sea, the sky is very low, and the air is filled with light red fog.

Zhang Jun stood above the ocean and looked around suspiciously.

"The smell is too pungent!"

Zhang Jun has been holding his nose because the smell of blood here is too strong.

"I see! This is a fantasy!"

Suddenly, a word flashed through Zhang Jun\'s mind.

After reading a lot of fantasy novels in his previous life, he naturally knew what the fantasy was, but it was his first experience, so he didn\'t react at the first time.


When Zhang Jun knew that this was a fairyland, he immediately bit himself hard, but found that the pain could not get him out of the fairyland.

"This should be a fairyland made by thunder blood! Can we really get it only if we can break this fairyland?"

Zhang Jun didn\'t care about the smell of blood at this time. He frowned, touched his chin and whispered.

He was worried because his sixth sense told him that if he could not break the illusion, he would stay here forever until his body died!

"This pit father\'s system!"

Zhang Jun involuntarily scolded.

Unfortunately, the system did not respond.

At this time, Zhang Jun felt that his body was sinking slowly.

He was startled and ran in one direction.

The sixth sense told him that this was a dreamland urging him forward!

However, the feeling of sinking still existed. He quickly changed several directions and finally found that he would not sink in one direction.

"How fun!"

Ten thousand grass and mud horses galloped by in Zhang Jun\'s heart.

Madness goes in one direction.

I don\'t know how long I ran, but the scene around me still hasn\'t changed.

At this time, Zhang Jun was a little exhausted. If he hadn\'t stopped, he would have stopped to have a rest.

Gritting his teeth, Zhang Jun walked forward step by step.

At this time, he felt dry mouth and his mind was not clear. It seemed that he would fall to the ground in the next second.

Just when he was about to lose his support, he suddenly felt that he was stepping on the land.

At this moment, he suddenly felt that the previous tired feelings were gone.

"I go, feelings are illusions!"

Zhang Jun was speechless.

When he recovered, he began to look at the land under his feet.

This is an island. There is no vegetation, only red soil.

There is a high mountain in the middle of the island, which looks very abrupt.

"It seems that there is something secret about this mountain!"

Zhang Jun flew quickly towards the mountain.

I don\'t know how long later, Zhang Jun finally came to the foot of the mountain panting.

At this time, he opened his mouth and couldn\'t say a word.

Because the mountain in front of him is not a real mountain at all!

This is a corpse mountain piled up by corpses one after another!

These bodies are male and female, old and young, and even many non-human lives. Their faces are strange and creepy.

After all, Zhang Jun came from a civilized society. Although he has killed people now, how have he ever seen such a scene?

After a long time, Zhang Jun returned to his mind with a pale face.

Turning around the corpse mountain, Zhang Jun saw two blood stained stone tablets.

"With one knife, ten thousand bones wither!"

"A million corpses on the top!"

Two words, engraved on it.

"Is this a million?"

Looking at the corpse mountain, Zhang Jun smiled bitterly.

Zhang Jun now knew how to break the illusion.

Simply put, he only needs to climb the 100 meter high mountain.

"I will eventually climb to the top of the mountain. All things should not be disturbed. All obstacles should be cut off!"

Suddenly, Zhang Jun\'s lofty voice said, and the voice echoed all over the dreamland.

Then Zhang Jun resolutely began to climb.

This matter is really not as simple as expected. Every step of climbing, Zhang Jun will fall into a dreamland.

In these visions, he will face all kinds of enemies.

Even a several-year-old child, innocent, handed Zhang Jun a piece of candy, and then stabbed him in the stomach when he didn\'t pay attention!

Zhang Jun could only solve his life with a knife in surprise.

As he climbed higher and higher, Zhang Jun\'s temperament became more and more frightening.

There seemed to be a real murderous spirit around him.

And his eyes are more and more firm!