
Void System for Husband

Thrown into the void he found himself in despair, from despair came acceptance, from acceptance came love. Now i'm married and i need to get stronger to stay with my wife. Traveling through the anime world to kill enemies and get stronger. . One or two chapters a week. . English is not my first language. Please be patient with my grammatical errors. . I claim no ownership or credit regarding the existence of pre-existing characters, contents, or the cover.

Dedao · アニメ·コミックス
26 Chs

Day 1 (4/5)

---- Pov Shizuka ----

I watch Loseram leave and shift my gaze to Kyoko, Kana and Saeko. I'm not surprised that they find all this strange, when I was called by Agata I was like that too.

"Um~ so, do we go with option one or option two?" I ask them out of curiosity. I don't mind going with option one, but in option two we can help more people.... I can also see Loseram fighting, by Agata's words "He gets hot.", I feel a warmth in my heart just imagining it.

"Shizuka-sensei, you could talk a little about Loseram-san." the first one who speaks is Saeko.

I stop for a moment to gather my thoughts "huh~ he is a calm, loving person and doesn't care about other people? Ah, no, don't misunderstand. He doesn't care as long as it doesn't involve someone close to him." I try to explain about Loseram's personality. I can see that some of her concern has diminished, Kana and Kyoko are calmer since they have heard a lot about him from me.

"I want to go with option two, it's my obligation as a teacher to help my students." the first to choose was Kana. She always took responsibility for her duties as a teacher.

"We'll go with option two then, but I'll want a full explanation when we get to your house." Kyoko speaks next.

"I'll follow you." Saeko give a simple reply.

"Alright, let's go." I say with a happy smile, so I'll be able to see how hot baby gets while fighting.


---- Pov Loseram ----

I am watching the carnage outside as I smoke a cigarette.

"From the commotion outside and the screams not so audible anymore, I believe there are few alive now." I throw the rest of the cigarette at the head of a zombie below.

{Is something bothering you?} Agata asks me with a bit of concern in her voice.

I raise an eyebrow listening to her worried tone "not at all, I'm perfectly fine," I answer her.

{All right, so why are you watching all this with a straight face? Do you feel bad because you see so many humans die?} Agata asks curiously.

"Honestly? I don't feel anything. I'm like this because I have to wait here, I'd rather be killing something or working on something," I explain to my curious wife.

I hear the sound of the door opening and the four women leaving 'honey, we'll talk later.' I send my thoughts to Agata.

{Ok~} She answers me in a coquettish voice.

'huh! Wait until I'm strong enough.' I send my thoughts to her and turn my attention back to the girls.

"So, option one or option two?" I ask them.

"We'll go with option two. I'll show you the way." Shizuka answers me with a happy smile on her face.

I give a smile and start to follow Shizuka. The hallways are empty due to my previous cleaning, the only evidence is the blood with some limbs on the floor. I can hear Kyoko and Kana swallowing their saliva due to fear, Shizuka doesn't even have a reaction from the bloody hallway and Saeko doesn't care much about it, I can even see a little smile on her lips.... 'Strange woman.' I think as I continue to follow Shizuka.

{Says the Person who feels nothing for another person's death~} Agata says with a voice full of amusement.

'No, I'm perfectly normal, yes, a normal person.' I shrug and keep walking.

After a few more seconds I start to hear the sound of a fight breaking the silence around me. I try to find out where it is coming from and my hearing indicates the building next door.

"There is fighting in that building. Must be some survivors." I point to the building which is on the other side of the walkway we passed a few seconds ago. Kyoko, Kana, and Saeko look at me strangely, Shizuka nods and turns back so we can go through the walkway.


Halfway down the catwalk we are greeted by a female scream.

"Let's pick up the pace," I say as I increase my speed.

At the end of the catwalk I can see some zombies walking towards the scream. Not to waste any time I make a quick flick of my free hand, a gust of wind throws them through the windows and leaves the corridor clear for the women to run.

Kyoko, Kana and Saeko look surprised after seeing me use magic to throw the Zombies out the window. They quickly snap out of their thoughts and follow me running. We pass through two more corridors while I do the same trick of throwing the zombies through the window.

We get a view of who is fighting. One is a chubby boy killing Zombies while wielding a nail gun, a little behind him is a short pink haired schoolgirl, she is sitting on the floor in shock from how close she was to death.

I waste no time and run to kill some zombies that are still alive. It's not a fight, I had less than 6 Zombies still standing, I discard them in less than 10 seconds after entering the fight.

I wipe some of the blood that falls on my face and turn around to see how everyone is doing. Kyoko and Kana are a little out of breath from the run we had, Saeko has already gone towards the two teenagers, I see two more people coming down the stairs and Shizuka is... 'Agata my love, why on earth does Shizuka look ready to jump on me...? she is panting, with a red face and a dreamy look on her face.... She's quite sexy but I didn't know her like that. 'You're clearly to blame!' I ask Agata, there's no way a person can change that much in a short time.

{Nothing harmful~.} Agata answers me with a cheerful voice.

I let out a sigh and turn to Shizuka. She has stopped breathing with difficulty but I can still see her slightly red face as she walks towards me.

"Honey~" Shizuka says as she hugs me and gives me a kiss.

"Let's continue when we get home, let's continue the plan~" I say as we hug each other. She nods her head and stays hugging me.

*Cof Cof*

I hear a fake cheer and turn around. The group is watching my interaction with Shizuka with a red face.

"We could continue, I believe it is not time for intimacy now." Kana speaks with a red face.

I watch the rest of the group and see that everyone is looking away. I shrug and nod my head.

"Let's go to the teachers room." I say as I come across Shizuka.

We quickly arrive at the teachers room since the path was clear. I walk in with Shizuka and she goes to find the bus key, I go with the two boys moving some furniture in front of the door, Saeko went to sit with Kyoko, kana and another girl who came with the spiky haired boy while the pink haired girl went to wash herself at the sink.

After a few minutes we finally finish "Okay, let's sit down for a while." I say with a smile to the two teenagers who helped me move the furniture.

"Yeah, I think that'll do it." the spiky haired boy says.

"Yeah." the chubby one comments with gasping breath.

"I think we should all take a break to catch our breath." Saeko comments.

I sit down next to Shizuka who was already holding the keys and wait for the fatty to return with the pink haired girl.

"I will introduce myself now that everyone is present. My name is Loseram, you don't have to worry about being polite, I have little knowledge about the customs of Japan." I introduce myself to those who didn't know me.

"Nice to meet you Loseram-san, my name is Takashi Komuro." says Takashi.

"Nice to meet you Loseram-san, my name is Rei Miyamoto." I get nudged by Shizuka when she realizes I am holding back a laugh as Miss Minhamoto introduces herself.

"... Is everything okay?" Minhamoto asks me with a confused look.

"Yes... Yes, your last name reminded me of a funny story from my teenage years." I reassure her as I dry my tears from a pinch Shizuka is giving me.

(Author: sorry, I started laughing when I was writing Miyamoto's name. In my native language, Miyamoto has almost the same pronunciation as minhamoto which would mean "my bike" so it reminded me of some old stories from my teenage years).

She scowls and shrugs her shoulders letting someone else introduce himself.

"Hwee- nice to meet you Loseram-san, my name is Kohta Hirano, I am 16 years old and a student-" the chubby boy speaks until he is interrupted by the pink haired girl.

"SHUT UP FATTY! JUST SAY YOUR NAME!!!" she yells at Kohta who cringes in his chair "I am Saya Takagi and I am the genius of this school!" the pink haired girl introduces herself haughtily.

"Okay..." I say to her with a strange look, like, who introduces themselves like that? This girl is sick.

{Wait till you meet some gods. Now those are sick.} I shudder at the thought. Like, powerful beings full of arrogance and asking for respect from all the people? I can see myself killing that kind of person.

"Marikawa-sensei, are those your car keys?" Takashi.

"Huh? No, no, that's the bus keys. We were already coming them here to get the keys." Shizuka replies to Takashi.

"And where are you going? I want to go with you to a safe place and then look for my family. Takashi speaks with a slightly worried face.

"One day we will find them for sure. After all, the police and the Defense Forces are taking action. If they take care of this like they take care of earthquakes, there must be a place that people are being evacuated." Saya says after thinking for a while.

"We can look for their families later. Shizuka and I have a friend who is keeping our home safe." I say to everyone.

"Are you talking about Rika?" Kyoko asks as she enters the conversation.

"If it's Rika... No, if it's Rika then the house is definitely safe." Kana also enters the conversation.

"Huh~ yeah, I asked Rika to stay home today." Shizuka says with a happy smile.

"Well, then we have a safe house." Saya says as she thinks for a moment.

"Hey guys, check this out." Rei catches our attention.

"What's the problem?" Takashi asks her. Rei simply points to the TV on and Saeko turns up the volume.

Everyone is silent as they watch the news bulletin.

"Due to the large numbers of riots across the country, the government has been forced to rethink its emergency policy. However, when asked about the ability of the Defense Force to maintain public order, officials declined to comment. The death count is now over 1,000. The local government is going to make a speech-" the rep reported for a bit as if she were receiving news.

"Oh! That just in! The police have made a statement. They don't know what to do in the current situation they-"


The repo is interrupted with the sound of gunshots as the dead begin to rise.


The image starts to get bad and the camera drops. The last images are of bloody feet that pass before the studio interrupts the shots.

"We're having technical problems. We will broadcast the news from the studio now." says one of the news anchors.

"That's it...? They won't show it..." Takashi starts to complain and I begin to ignore the ongoing discussion.

I switch my attention to Shizuka. She has a peaceful face as she leans on me to rest. Kana and kyoko have a worried face as they look at the news and me. Saeko has a neutral face but I can see her look asking me to explain to everyone.

"Don't talk like that!" Takashi.

"It can't be helped! The fact is that we have a pandemic on our hands and it is present all over the world." Saya explains.

"Yes it is a pandemic, but not exactly a disease. Can it be considered a disease? It can, but this disease has no cure." I enter the conversation bringing the attention of Takashi, Rei, Kohta and Saya.

"Why do you say that?" Saya asks.

I let out a sigh. I hate to keep explaining things, I should have explained it to Kana, Kyoko and Saeko now so I didn't have to keep repeating myself.

"To make a long story short," I say as I hold up a finger.

"First: the world has gone into evolution." I say and raise another finger.

"Second: this is a disease calsed by the world itself. Anyway, a mana disease that humanity has no way of finding a cure for." I say as I raise my third finger and they look at me like I'm crazy.

"Third: no, I am not crazy. Mana exists and I step use it for spells. No, I am not the cause of this disease." I finish as I blast the window with wind as I make a gesture with my hand.

The four of them make a shocked face as they watch as I blow out the window. Takashi and Rei have their eyes bulging with astonishment. Saya has a startled face and Kohta has a face of surprise and... Respect? Holy crap, I can feel the questions coming at 1000km/h... I will never explain this to anyone again.

Here I am, Dedao!

One more chapter for you. I'm having a lot of fun with the writing, having to think about the characters' reactions and how to make them always present in the story. I can say that now I understand why some writers don't pay attention to harem stories.

As always.

Brush your teeth. Your worst enemy is yourself.

Does that make sense? To me it does!

Dedaocreators' thoughts